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The joy of smoking cigarettes!


Active member
Today in my state,
an additional $1.00 per pack tax was added.
All day long the local news has been interviewing smokers at gas stations about the price increase.

Some were mad and claimed that they would quit. others kept it real and admitted that they would complain, but end up paying it in the end.

I know how smoking weed affects a human, but cigs I don't.

Could cigarette smokers please in vivid detail describe the tobacco high. What does getting high on nicotine feel like? Why are people willing to pay outlandish prices for their fix?

based on the cig addicts around me, It scared me away from trying it, but I am so curious.

Thanks for all comments in advance.



they are getting ready to do that where i live but since i know people who work at cig stores i still get them cheap.


Here's the funny part... after you're hooked, there is no "high" !!

The first time I tried chewing tobacco I got a head rush, body felt light... I would say a nicotine buzz is SIMILAR to weed, but not on the same level as weed. It's like "Weed Super Light." The mental aspect of cannabis isn't there and the full bodied knock your ass down Indica type isn't there either. Like I said, it's just barely kind of like weed. Calming, relaxing... but not much more. Cigarettes are the same way... tried those when I was a little squirt but for an ironic twist, I thought smoke tasted nasty at the time and never picked it up as a habit haha And now I am a connoisseur of cannabis smoke, go figure

A funny story about a buddy of mine, he started to use chewing tobacco "for the buzz" he said and I laughed and said "You better stop now 'cause one day that buzz is going to be gone and you're still going to want to do it anyway... that's what's called addiction." He didn't listen... and he does it to this day... and I was able to quit hahaha Sucks for him... and I warned him!!
Don't start smoking,

Smoking ciggs only provide a source of stress relief. I used to be a pack a day, now i smoke maybe a pack every two weeks.

The way i smoke squares now, i don't really have a problem with, (i don't smoke 2 squares a day religiously, when i drink i tend to have upwards to 4-5 that night)

i can only describe it as a form of stress relief, helps me meditate, think about shit and calm my mind.


Don't start smoking,

Smoking ciggs only provide a source of stress relief. I used to be a pack a day, now i smoke maybe a pack every two weeks.

The way i smoke squares now, i don't really have a problem with, (i don't smoke 2 squares a day religiously, when i drink i tend to have upwards to 4-5 that night)

i can only describe it as a form of stress relief, helps me meditate, think about shit and calm my mind.
It's stress relief. But i think lack of nicotine causes that "stress"

I smoke a pack a day. Just a habbit, makes me feel good, and I dont feel like quitting.


Active member
Don't start smoking,

Smoking ciggs only provide a source of stress relief. I used to be a pack a day, now i smoke maybe a pack every two weeks.

The way i smoke squares now, i don't really have a problem with, (i don't smoke 2 squares a day religiously, when i drink i tend to have upwards to 4-5 that night)

i can only describe it as a form of stress relief, helps me meditate, think about shit and calm my mind.

Thanks for your honesty, But I use weed as a medatative aid also. How does tobacco differ from a cannabis high?



:D (Reed) :smoker:

Ever since I was on cripples monday,
I've got my eyeballs on my knees.
I rapped for hours with mad mary williams,
She said she never understood a word from me
Because, I know that she cares about me,
I heard her call my name.

And I know that she's long, dead and gone,
Still it ain't the same.
When I wake up in the morning, mama,
I heard her call my name.
I know she's dead and long, gone.
I heard her call my name.
And then I felt my mind split open.

I know that she's long, dead and gone,
Still it ain't the same.
When I wake up in the morning, mama,
I heard her call my name.
I know she's dead and long, gone.
Still, I heard her call my name.
And then my mind split open.


Thanks for your honesty, But I use weed as a medatative aid also. How does tobacco differ from a cannabis high?


I would say a nicotine buzz is SIMILAR to weed, but not on the same level as weed. It's like "Weed Super Light." The mental aspect that cannabis has just isn't there and the full bodied knock your ass down Indica feeling isn't there either. Like I said, it's just barely kind of like weed. Calming, relaxing... but not much more.

Lightness of body, feels like weight lifted off your shoulder. But this is only present until you are hooked on the nicotine and then your body has adjusted to it and it "runs normal" with nicotine... there is no "high" associated with it anymore. But for a first time smoker it might be pleasant, but it's a tricky bitch that nicotine.


ciggy high is like a head rush, it only happens when ya first start like highschool bathrooms where ya huff a butt down quick and can barely walk, now i dont get that but its just a stick that makes me cough now, i want to quit but wife smokes and is hard, i quit 4 months last year, i felt best i have in 20 fucking years


weed fiend
I hope your curiosity is an exercise of exclusion rather than wanting to see for yourself. Nobody smokes their first cig and enjoys it. IMHO I can't tell you when curiosity and reckless experimentation turns into addiction. At first you're just lighting up with fellow smokers, not really an urge. After the onset of habit, it takes up valuable time, resources and your health.


i have been smoking cigs for a long time and have stopped a few times ,but for some stupid reason i always start again


cant stop wont stop
Having never smoked a cigarette, I can't say what makes them 'worth it'. I've just never had someone describe them positively, so maybe someone can convince me to start.

I wonder if these high prices will lead anyone to grow their own tobacco? I would find that funny for some reason...

nah see cuz then we would'nt have all those tasty cancerous chemicals to fill our lungs, thats whats money about cigs!!

far as the "high" its actually pretty unpleasant to a nonsmoker, unless you're a 14 year old kid gettin your kicks being light headed.
i can go all fuckin day with out smoking nowadays but if i start drinking, you better believe im buying a pack.. ahhh soo good.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
ive never puffed a cig. My brother in law smoked 2 packs a day, and when we puff a joint he immediately lights a cig right after the joint he says it makes his cig taste better. idk.. all i know is when i get near someone who just finished a cig he/she does smell awful.. but to each their own yea? peace..


Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Cigarettes are horrible I cant stand them. I tell all my friends everyday how nasty they are and how much they should quit..


pure dynamite
What joy? :D

I have smoked for many years.. and did not felt better after smoking, in fact I was smoking because ... hmm ... don't know why I have been smoking for years.. :muahaha: :wallbash: :wallbash: :laughing:

Now I prefer to light a joint if I feel the need to smoke something.. or a blunt. Sometimes I feel the need for a fine cognac and a cigar (more as a social thing).. but not often lately.

Hope you guys will succed in quiting this bad habbit.. :wave:


med breeder I only hope the Indian reservations are immune from the tax.I think they are.I'll find out today.Still the cheapest dukes in the country down here