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The Impeachment Of Trump

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Tax contributions constitute contribution. Serving in the armed forces too.

Phycologists would be best qualified to determine if a person is competent and well adjusted. Everyone who wants to vote, carry a concealed weapon or drive a car should be assessed. The cost would be recouped by the reduction in costs incurred from car crashes, gun crime and incompetent politicians.

modern western phychology is all about social control.

it is like a religion.

anybody that steps outside the Tavistock religious belief system is persecuted.

history repeats itself


Well-known member
a pause in the river, time for a little reflection
what is Mueller's endgame? obviously this is just a guess
by justice department policy Trump can't be indicted while he's president
however, he could(i think) produce an open indictment to be served upon Trump's leaving the presidency
and the evidence for that indictment could be made public
in other words, he puts it out there
congress/public can proceed as they see fit


one plausible scenario is that Mueller wants Trump to feel safe so he leaves office without pardoning himself some how. but who knows in the end.


Well-known member
one plausible scenario is that Mueller wants Trump to feel safe so he leaves office without pardoning himself some how. but who knows in the end.

as you imply, lots of possibilities
and the test of limits of presidential pardoning may come soon
one or more of the kids may find themselves on the business end of a federal indictment
and a pardon can't stop a trial
and can't stop them from being imprisoned during the trial, that's in the judge's discretion
he might be able to pardon after conviction, but that's unexplored constitutional territory
so many possibilities

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
one plausible scenario is that Mueller wants Trump to feel safe so he leaves office without pardoning himself some how. but who knows in the end.

Or it is a set up by the Putin buddies inside the Democrat party. You know like Clinton, Obama, Mueller, Comie, Page, and other. This is more likely because the Democrat party is swinging over to communism.


Active member
Because it was not the Dems who got it passed it was the voters who passed it.

And as usual you are to ignorant to grasp what I posted. I posted 8 years of election results that showed the republicans won more state house seats than the Dems. That shows that the Republicans control a higher voting block than The Dems.

And you completely ignored the fact that I related the last election to the fact that Rec was on the ballot which will draw more Dems in than normal.

And like you posted there was a long record of the Republicans holding many seats for a long long time.

And I think it is a good thing that you wont come to my shit hole. The fewer like you the longer it will actually be a nice place to live. I fear that is getting shorter and shorter though with all the idiots from Detroit and Chicago coming into town. We now have a bunch of entitled snobs here who are just plain rude.

Just as I stated : You are totally incapable and/or unwilling to answer the hard questions/reality that are asked of you. Nothing I can possibly reply to with would denigrate you any more than the bizarre bitter ignorance you display clearly, when you post.
Your posting about your "shit hole area" ( your words) and the
" we now have a bunch of entitled snobs here who are just plain rude." define clearly who & what you are - and the problem is you, not them. Maybe they are just disgusted with decrepit trailers rotting away with garbage vehicles rotting away - you do know what I am referring to.

Here are another couple hard questions that you will not have the courage to answer :

Yes, the voters approved legalizing marijuana - both GOP & DEM voters voted together to do what was right, in spite of the GOP screaming the World would end, etc if marijuana became legalized,

But during the lame duck session, GOP vermin Arlan Meekhof & Ricky Jones tried to take away the citizens right, under the newly passed LAW, to grow your own plants. They failed as usual.
Even "Conservative" news sites & organizations in Michigan heavily criticized the State GOP for trying to subvert the will of the voters.
My questions are : HOW can you still support the State GOP when they committed the most un-Democratic treacherous actions we have EVER witnessed in our lifetimes ? How can you possibly still support the State GOP when they tried to subvert the will of the citizens and take away YOUR right to grow and not be treated as a criminal, in doing so ?
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Haha, but seriously- remember the other day on another thread, when you said this story had been de-bunked? And I asked you for proof? Well, still waiting, stud.:laughing:

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Students in ‘MAGA’ hats mock Native American after rally


i noticed this turned out to be a total misrepresentation of what took place, totally out of context. that Indian guy was the one who walked up to the student and got in his personal space with the drum and chanting. it wasn't the students who started the whole thing, in fact they were being subjected to a torrent of the vilest abuse by some so called black Israelites. the whole video is out now, not just the edited 4 minutes. again Buzzfeed is spreading bullshit.


Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Just as I stated : You are totally incapable and/or unwilling to answer the hard questions/reality that are asked of you. Nothing I can possibly reply to with would denigrate you any more than the bizarre bitter ignorance you display clearly, when you post.
Your posting about your "shit hole area" ( your words) and the
" we now have a bunch of entitled snobs here who are just plain rude." define clearly who & what you are - and the problem is you, not them. Maybe they are just disgusted with decrepit trailers rotting away with garbage vehicles rotting away - you do know what I am referring to.

Here are another couple hard questions that you will not have the courage to answer :

Yes, the voters approved legalizing marijuana - both GOP & DEM voters voted together to do what was right, in spite of the GOP screaming the World would end, etc if marijuana became legalized,

But during the lame duck session, GOP vermin Arlan Meekhof & Ricky Jones tried to take away the citizens right, under the newly passed LAW, to grow your own plants. They failed as usual.
Even "Conservative" news sites & organizations in Michigan heavily criticized the State GOP for trying to subvert the will of the voters.
My questions are : HOW can you still support the State GOP when they committed the most un-Democratic treacherous actions we have EVER witnessed in our lifetimes ? How can you possibly still support the State GOP when they tried to subvert the will of the citizens and take away YOUR right to grow and not be treated as a criminal, in doing so ?

Um are you a total idiot? This was one person and it had no chance of passing. By your reasoning I should condemn the entire Dem then for what one person says or does.

This is the problem with you and people like you. You take something out of context and say that is how everything works. Similar to you bad mouthing where I live and then jumping all over me when I call it a shit hole to needle you for what you said. Totally out of context.

But hey if you think I am to stupid to answer questions believe what you want. The readers can judge for themselves.

I get tired of explaining things to closed minded people like you who will twist anything not matter how far out of context you make to suit your view.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
i noticed this turned out to be a total misrepresentation of what took place, totally out of context. that Indian guy was the one who walked up to the student and got in his personal space with the drum and chanting. it wasn't the students who started the whole thing, in fact they were being subjected to a torrent of the vilest abuse by some so called black Israelites. the whole video is out now, not just the edited 4 minutes. again Buzzfeed is spreading bullshit.


Not just Buzzfeed but many of the mainstream news media. It is why President Trump calls them fake news. This is a perfect example of how the news leads with a story and destroys someone because they have a different view. Never mind the facts.


I would have knocked that smug look right off that kids face and taken on any off the scumbag adults that brought that group of brainwashed kids to a political rally.
A group of complete white trash americans that do nothing but cause problems for the counrtry.


yeah, only if you have no idea of the history and culture of the people that you are talking about!

Let the Russians tell you what is ok in the USA.

very smart


Well-known member
it doesn't get much better
Pelosi says no state of union at the capitol until the shut down is over
Trump says he coming over Tuesday night - ready or not
lets get ready to RUUUMBLE!


Well-known member
it doesn't get much better
Pelosi says no state of union at the capitol until the shut down is over
Trump says he coming over Tuesday night - ready or not
lets get ready to RUUUMBLE!

Wonder if he will grab her by the pussy? And if that will make things better or worse?

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
I would have knocked that smug look right off that kids face and taken on any off the scumbag adults that brought that group of brainwashed kids to a political rally.
A group of complete white trash americans that do nothing but cause problems for the counrtry.


yeah, only if you have no idea of the history and culture of the people that you are talking about!

Let the Russians tell you what is ok in the USA.

very smart

So you are OK with yelling insults and swear words at some kinds for a hour? You feel like a kid that is smiling is insulting but at least he was civilized enough not to respond to a bunch of immature adults.

I suggest you watch the full video before you say you would beat someone up. Even the Black Israelites said they started it. Then the Indian drummer changed course to come over to taunt the kids.

This is the problem with a segment of the left. They feel that no one is allowed to disagree with them and if they do disagree they have the right to physically attack them. That is exactly what the Nazis and the communist do.


ICMag Donor
It's good to be the king.




So you are OK with yelling insults and swear words at some kinds for a hour? You feel like a kid that is smiling is insulting but at least he was civilized enough not to respond to a bunch of immature adults.

I suggest you watch the full video before you say you would beat someone up. Even the Black Israelites said they started it. Then the Indian drummer changed course to come over to taunt the kids.

This is the problem with a segment of the left. They feel that no one is allowed to disagree with them and if they do disagree they have the right to physically attack them. That is exactly what the Nazis and the communist do.

the kids were bussed in from Kentucky by their cult leaders to create trouble.

Left? lol

I suggest you take your head out of your ass

and stop being so scared of people being willing to fight for what they think is right


Active member
the kids were bussed in from Kentucky by their cult leaders to create trouble.

Left? lol

I suggest you take your head out of your ass

and stop being so scared of people being willing to fight for what they think is right

Yes you are 100% correct. By attending the right to life rally, that is a direct assault against loser leftist idiots ideology. Clearly any opinion that leftists scum don't agree with is a cult. Fighting for the right to life is clearly Facism. They are children, you know they don't even have the right to live.

Yup, only the left has the right to assemble. The left has the only right to speak.

What other rights only apply to the left.

Please enlighten me. What rights do I have?

Is it just me, or are we seriously on the brink of a civil war? Won't be much of a war since only the left has rights. Here come the concentration camps.


Active member
the kids were bussed in from Kentucky by their cult leaders to create trouble.

Left? lol

I suggest you take your head out of your ass

and stop being so scared of people being willing to fight for what they think is right

Willing to fight for a guy Dick riding as a ‘vet’ who ‘fought’ in ‘nam (even tho he was 16 at the end of the war) and never left the states and went AWOL twice? Sounds like a ‘noble cause’. Bet you will tear up when one of those (conservative) ‘cult’ members are sitting SCOTUS.... fuggggg Morton stock is gonna drop like a motherfucker in ‘19...


catholic cult members busssed in to create trouble at a rally for womens rights.

brainwashed kids being used as pawns by an orginization that has caused incredible suffering in the world throughout history.

i couldn't care less about you guys obsession with "right and left"

it just reveals how black and white and simplistic your thinking is
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