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The IC Organic Growers Community Thread.

Tangerine Dream (front left) Medicine Man (back right)

Tangerine Dream

Medicine Man

GSC (forum cut)

GSC (forum cut)
Business, are those purple from temps or genes? Love the look of your setup.

Temps I'm guessing, never grown these strains so can't say it's definitely not genetic though. At night the temps are in the low 60s. Thanks for the nice words, finally have the setup mostly finished. I'm building one more light with CXB3590s to replace the Platinum LED P300 in the bigger tent and that should be it for the foreseeable future.
Hey Essential, what's your watt/sq ft and plant number/sq ft? That setup looks very well sized for growing decently sized plants without overcrowding. I've been trying to sort out a design very similar.
The beds are 8x60x2' ..the gavita covers a 3.5x 5' foot print. I have them centered and spaced every 4' for a total of 15 per bed. My hopes are that the 1.5' on each side will be filled in by sunlight. Although this winter is proving heavy rain and cloud cover and I havent had the the tarp off much so far. I figured by placing the lights as if in an indoor situation that no matter the weather Id do well.
Its not let me down yet.
Thus the reason I call the thread: The Great Indoors, Outside.



Active member
The beds are 8x60x2' ..the gavita covers a 3.5x 5' foot print. I have them centered and spaced every 4' for a total of 15 per bed. My hopes are that the 1.5' on each side will be filled in by sunlight. Although this winter is proving heavy rain and cloud cover and I havent had the the tarp off much so far. I figured by placing the lights as if in an indoor situation that no matter the weather Id do well.
Its not let me down yet.
Thus the reason I call the thread: The Great Indoors, Outside.


That Ghouse looks great!

Are you growing cover crops for nutrition? Looks to be something green between the green :D


Active member
Buku S1 x GG#4

Buku S1 x GG#4

Last run of 2015 and my big project for this year, going to be running lots of these bukuxglue (gluku?) These were done in 3 gallons hehehe...

Happy holidays everyone and much love to OG soil community.




ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
great shots heady! something i really like about the 1st pix & the 1 w/ the purple flowers/stems. that must be some rosin in there too ~looks delicious!


Active member
Beautiful photos, solid information and positive attitude everywhere you visit, heady blunts! Happy New Year and thank you for being a force for good in the continuing evolution of cannabis culture.
Buku stands for Bubba kush :), and yeah you can really see the kush in that one.

Thanks now I can see the Bubba in the magenta stems and leaf behavior. I was confused because Burmese tends to be more yellow-green in expression. This is one of the few hybrids I've noticed where Bubba Kush is taking more of a background role. Interesting that glue and OG have similar dominate traits in present-day hybrids.


I kinda have a dilemma, I just received 12 rooted ladies in one gal containers. They are mostly 3' tall and healthy if you can believe that! Problem is I really want to do a soil build and get these transplanted to 7 gal smart pots(generic equiv) I have just enough cash to go get a good mix Peat Moss, perlite, compost, lime, coco coir, ffof, chicken manure(composted). As well as a good compliment of rock dust mix mycos, neem cake, azomite.

Couple questions: 1 can I forgo the cook time on the soil if when I transplant I add a nice layer of ffof potting soil to the planting hole?

2, I have available to me at my barn a huge pile of composted manure that is full of red worms and castings that are well over 2 years old. Can I just go down there and grab some of that for my vermipost in the mix? Will I wind up with bugs in my room? I just fought a battle with Root Aphids and Fungus Gnats and not wanting to do that again. This would be an indoor mix. Or should I just buy some worm castings from the grow store.
This manure pile is old horse manure that has composted. I would love to have live worms in my pots if I can keep them alive.
Thanks for any replies, I have to at least up pot those plants tomorrow.