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the Hand Watering coco thread


High Class Grass
Canna users:
Does any of you follow the directions for the pk13/14? It says to up the a/b to 38ml pr 10L and blast the plants with 15ml per 10L on top? Isnt it normal practice to lower base nutes when using pk13/14?

Stay Safe


Canna users:
Does any of you follow the directions for the pk13/14? It says to up the a/b to 38ml pr 10L and blast the plants with 15ml per 10L on top? Isnt it normal practice to lower base nutes when using pk13/14?

Stay Safe

It isn't normal practice with Canna. Although I don't use the CannaBoost or CannaZyme products, I basically follow Canna's guidelines (produced using their website Nutrient Calculator) and it all works well for me dude.
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High Class Grass
It isn't normal practice with Canna. Although I don't use the CannaBoost or CannaZyme products, I basically follow Canna's guidelines (produced using their website Nutrient Calculator) and it all works well for me dude.

I dont use the zyme and boost either, but @ 34ml/10L a+b and 10ml/10L PK gave me a whopping 2.9 ec...and Canna states that the a+b should be upped to 38ml/10L...although their own calculator says that it should give an ec of 2.2. Im following their "normal" settings..not light feeding.

Stay Safe


Thanks for taking the time guys!!
I've had a good general read through and will be going loco for coco this summa. kind regards


New member
Coco all the way :)

Coco all the way :)

My new hand watering coco setup is well on its way. 2x feminised GH seeds Kaya kush, 1 feminized northern lights from sensi seeds and the fourth one is going to be bubblegum or pure power plant depending on which one makes roots first(clones). I'll keep you posted!



hello guys my problem is that the new young leaves grow completely yellow and some old leaves start to get rusty from the center of the leaves.
Now I was feeding 1\2 LT every day per plant in 11 LT pot with a 10% run off EC 1100 ph 5.8 but after see this problem I start to push more nute EC 1400 ( I have hard water EC 600 but I mix with RO water = EC 400)
Grow room temperature is around 20°-27°
I use plangron coco bag and canna coco nute line....
I check the run off was EC 1100 and ph 6.3 ( push in was EC 1400 PH 5.8)
Now I bought bionova Mg 8% and diluate 0.5ml in 1 LT and spray it on the leaves that seem a bit greener but it s still yellow and the rusty still go on....
Do you think I am over or under feeding?
I really need some help ( I read a lot of post in other forum but I m still confused)


hello guys my problem is that the new young leaves grow completely yellow and some old leaves start to get rusty from the center of the leaves.
Now I was feeding 1\2 LT every day per plant in 11 LT pot with a 10% run off EC 1100 ph 5.8 but after see this problem I start to push more nute EC 1400 ( I have hard water EC 600 but I mix with RO water = EC 400)
Grow room temperature is around 20°-27°
I use plangron coco bag and canna coco nute line....
I check the run off was EC 1100 and ph 6.3 ( push in was EC 1400 PH 5.8)
Now I bought bionova Mg 8% and diluate 0.5ml in 1 LT and spray it on the leaves that seem a bit greener but it s still yellow and the rusty still go on....
Do you think I am over or under feeding?
I really need some help ( I read a lot of post in other forum but I m still confused)

Sounds to me like you need cal/mag. The coco seems to be shy calcium. Feed cal/mag right up to the 2nd week of flower...then stop. Enough cal & mag will be in the media by then to carry you through flower.


tnx for reply I will try it...
how to dose it?
I need to feed with or without nute ?
give it every day?
tomorrow I will go in some pharmacy to buy it.
Atm them seem like stop grow and stop drink feed o_O so for now I think is better dont give feed every day and wait the coco been a little bit dry on the surface....
Another question is if I let my water sit in the tank for 2-3 days and after I mix it with nute and RO water can this cause an insufficient oxygen in the root zone?
cya tomorrow and G G to all


tnx for reply I will try it...
how to dose it?
I need to feed with or without nute ?
give it every day?
tomorrow I will go in some pharmacy to buy it.
Atm them seem like stop grow and stop drink feed o_O so for now I think is better dont give feed every day and wait the coco been a little bit dry on the surface....
Another question is if I let my water sit in the tank for 2-3 days and after I mix it with nute and RO water can this cause an insufficient oxygen in the root zone?
cya tomorrow and G G to all

depending on your tap water( if that's what you're using) start small. 2 or 3ml per G with the regular nutes. Always add cal/mag first before anything else. You can foliar feed some cal/mag right now to speed up the fix.

Yes...every feeding. You're in coco. you should feed with every watering unless a flush. I like top use an airstone in my rez containers...but it's not essential.


hey guys today I have found epsom salt in pharmacy it s good like calmag?
I start to think that my sick plant are start burning so I will give them half strenght ( EC 1200-1300) and use a mix water at EC 200 and add EC 100 of epsom salt....
Do you think that its a good feeding schedule?


New member
Hi all old pirates... :)
Am not new here but i just forgot my password to my mail and could not recover my old account. So to my question, lets say i water my loves with an EC 1.2 and the next watering with same EC 1.2 and the drainage is lower, lets say 0.9. Dose this mean they are using the nutrient good and i can raise the EC for the next watering? Or is it only recommended to read the plants? or both?


Very helpful info here; I've just started a small coco cloning garden and now I have a handle on the how to for it. Thanks so much BoneC


yo guys after I had add 1 gramm of epsom salt in 5-6 litres water ( ec 0.2 after mix it with ro water) should I mix canna coco nute?
I have this question because first day after I used this mix the plant seems recover from yellowing but start to burn...
Now they are half yellow green-light with more burn sign
So I had flushed with a mix of 4ml canna coco (4ml each) and 4 ml ofcannazymm nute per 6 litres with ph 5.7-5.8
The root seem very tiny and fat in the bottom
The run off is 6.0 and the ec is just 0.05 more than the mix I put in
Now I have give nute with total ec 0.6 with ph 5.8 without epsom salt
Am I doing correct?
the plant are in 3 gal pot and have almost 45 days ( 60 days from clone) now outdoor before was indoor ( started bloom stage 2 weeks ago).


dont use epsom salts unless you have some specific problem.

skip the cannazyme its not needed in plants at that stage. also it doesnt seem like u have nutrient build up or such. cannazyme breaks down organic matter with enzymes. if there is not dead roots and crap in the pot, its not needed.

i never use cannazyme, even if i use recycled coco.

at the moment it sounds like if ur plants might not get enough food. mix a 10 liter bucket with 25ml of A and 25ml of B, and check if they like it better.

btw 4ml per 6 liter is not enough.

peace and good luck :D


tnx mate for the reply
I had use epsom salt since I saw some leaf start yellow especially the new growth was all yellow so I added espom salt and those start to became green from the center of the leaf...
So I was suppose that I was doing right but after start some burn sign firtst from the older leaf and now I have burn sign in all plant and the leaf still yellow again.
Tomorrow I will try it ....hope this will resolve the problem ^^


Hello today I have give the mix that bone suggested me 25ml of canna coco A and 25 ml coco B = EC 1.8 and ph 5.7
Now I show you the picture of the 3 plant looks like atm:







damn! wow! i think i never seen plants that bad. should have posted pics ages ago! it could have saved u some stress!

you should do a coco EC test. you will find guidelines on the cannasite for how to do it. atm there might be several things going on because of low nutrient levels and high magnesium levels.

i will be honest with you and admit plants in that stage will take some time to recuperate. if you dont want to have too much stress, i suggest you plant new seeds now, as back-up.

if you get EC 1.8 with 25mlA+B in 10 liters of water - your TAP water might be part of the trouble. too high EC to start with will make things more dificult. also in normal tapwater there allready is enough magnesium and calcium for weed imho. my tip is to mix your tapwater with distilled water, rainwater or RO water to bring down the salinity of it BEFORE adding nutes.

for next round of plants, skip anything besides coco A+B and some PK in flowering. anything else is just making it more complicated in the start.

for now - IF you want to try to save those plants, you can only try flushing and giving only AB nutes after you have made sure its propperly flushed out.

good luck!


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
bumper up

bumper up

Hello all

According to THIS university fact sheet adding pebbles/gravel to pots to ensure drainage is a growing myth and could even be considered bad practice.

"The idea still persists that drainage from containers can be improved by adding a layer of coarse material, such as gravel, to the bottom of the container. In reality, this makes matters worse because the saturation layer is simply moved up, reducing the unsaturated portion of the container"

I love this post, and the reply that it doesn't apply to COCO

I just switched and I agree, you shouldn't use rocks at the bottom of a pot with soil, and you can use them in pots with coco. indeed!


it might work with pebbles in the bottom of coco pots, but there is no real improvement by it.

i wouold say its not necesary, and waste of space that could be occupied by coco.

the roots can extend in coco far more than they can in hydroton/pebbles. even one inch more of coco can make a big difference when it comes to harvest time.

BUT still i think each should do the experiments necesary to determine what works best for them under their given environment.