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the Hand Watering coco thread



im looking rigth now on the sinsemillast page and it does not seem like they have canna coco at all?!? but they do have very expensive compressed blocks :( 2.50 for something thats going for 1.20 here ?! :D

id rather recomend kaya growshop. also online.

thanks for the quick replies.
bonecarver, that's spooky about your friend, because you could be telling my story this summer. First time growing in Spain. The water messed up my outdoor grow severely. My particular water is locally renowned as great because it comes from the hills- I live pretty high up. BUT when I checked the PH and it was 8.7, I figured there might be a problem. Never checked tap water before, see? Hardest water in Europe the locals tell me proudly! Anyways, I've ordered a reverse osmosis 5-stage filter, which better fix it, because it was expensive. And thanks for the advice, I'll not bother trying my clever watering technique.
repuk, Nope never heard of sinsemilla street sorry but I live close enough to your end to check out a Cadiz growshop for coco, should the price difference be that great, so thanks.
Hey guys, the product I'm looking for is coco CHIPS, or croutons. A fellow on another forum has got me keen to try them. He says they're a great adjunct to the regular coco coir medium, but hydroton works ok too.
I can't see me ever using the bricks, with all their bad press. The price on them is stoopid here, as well.
(Are you allowed to mention other forums by name here?)
Thanks again, Cardinal


yeah man :D some of the water from the hills in spain is actually MINERAL water, and has a very high ph and ec.

i checked a natural well not too far from where i live, and its even saltier than the tapwater in my region.

coco is better left as is.

there is no added benefit of adding hydroton to the coco as far as i have experienced.

some compressed blocks are not that bad at all. they might not be recycled, but alove for one growth cycle without bigger problems. some blocks have very rough size of coco. some chunks of a few cm is not unusual. you can mix several coco brands with no problem at all if u want to experiement. check ec of the cheapest coco before mixing in, so u can soak it in distilled water for example if necesary.

there is many coco manufacturers in spain, just google it and see if you can get in touch with any of them. maybe they have different grades of coco to supply.


hey bone mate, im back :)
nice info here as usually :yes:
I'm testing "plagron" coco at the moment.. 10E for 50L.. nicely flushed with distiled water and "voila" .. looks perfect! :)
Hugs mate




yo realsupreme! long time no see :D

plagron coco is good i have used that before :D its a pity they dont buy it anymore in the grown shop :(
water testing

water testing

BoneCarver, Hi.
Do you or your partner know anywhere to get water testing done down here? Even in the UK, I guess. I can't seem to find anybody on the net.


if u do want to test your water for the purpose of human consumption, you can do it in the farmacies normally. they send a sample to a laboratory and get it analyzed. its pretty expensive, and on top most of the info is irrelevant for growing cannabis.

best option is to have an EC meter and just check the ec levels.



Well-known member
Hi all :joint: This is my first contact with the coco coir medium. At the beginning there were some problems. This thread solved a few of them. Thanks bonecarver_OG - good job!
Lovely coco - now thats so easily.
I'm using fertilizers Canna A + B. Guanokalong been discontinued - it is really too strong. How do u actually wrote the 1.5-2.5 ml per liter of water is sufficient. Waiting to 4 weeks and I give them pk13/14.
Here are my children :D Sorry for my english hehe




Active member
Hey everyone! I am in a 2:1 ratio of Fox Farm Ocean Forest and Coco.

My PH was 6.2 when I watered, and everything is looking great.

I've watered ONCE within the past like 6 days, with approx 20% runoff.

Should I let her dry out more like a soil grow (as I read above, do NOT treat like a soil grow) or should I water again and see how she reacts.

I can pull soil/coco out of the bottom of the bag where I have holes, and I can squeeze water out of the wet medium. This tells me i DONT need water..but is it taking so long to dry out lol.

First picture is of my garden when I transplanted, 8 days ago. The roots were kinda weak as they had been dried up.. Since being transplanted they've been nothing but abused with supercropping. I am trying to beef them up and create bushes without topping/fimming because its top-cola dominant.

Does this seem like too slow of growth for 8 days?


Active member
ok I will try that. I still havnt watered and it seems to be kinda crazy to NEVER water, so tonight im gonna go fill up 8 gallons of water and run it through those bitches.


hehe please do :D i bet they gonna get happy :D

in the future try watering every 2 days with about 2 liters or so to get run off. you dont have to worry about the coco stillñ being humid the 2nd day after - if u lift the pot u realize its a lot lighter.

so every 2 days :D about 2 liters or enough for a bit of run off.

this method works fine.



ok I will try that. I still havnt watered and it seems to be kinda crazy to NEVER water, so tonight im gonna go fill up 8 gallons of water and run it through those bitches.

Ive my first coco grow in a green house, 6-7 gallon container/pot from seedling end of june, i topped and lstd her now shes 6ft wide 6ft deep and 5ft high, i did experiments and sought advice/ knowlege on this great site with watering/feeding and found through veg she preferd watering with oxygynated water (bubbled for min 12 hours) with this i noticed massive inprovements watering every day leaving her without watering just 1 day per week, she is now in approx 3-4 week of flower (super skunk)
Im now upto 50ml vitalink coco coir bloom, 7.5ml vitalink buddy, 7.5 ml canna pk 12/14 and 2 table spoons/20ml black tracle(syrup) per 5ltr.
she is takinf all the above realy well and the buds are coming on great( pics to follow)
My question is how far can i go with feeding her, she shows no signs of nute burn etc.

As ive stated earlier in this thread..... GREAT WORK HERE.. thanks


dont give full dose of PK for too long.... and specially in combination with 20ml per gallon of molasses might be almost too much of the good.

i normally avoid feeding continuosly PK nowadays. rather i feed it every two waterings, and never with a full dose.

plants dont use half as much PK as people seem to think, and adding too much PK will affect greatly the yield, if things go wrong.

of all things, PK is one of the most concentrated nutes there is, and when and IF a pot for example gets dry, the ec and ph levels inside go up.

my recomendation is to feed PK every two waterings at half dose, this way you can feed it during several weeks without trouble. its important also to water a lot in excess when PK is used.

what EC are you watering with? sounds to me like your watering mix is on the heavy side, but i dont know many of the products you use. this is why it would be interesting to know the EC.

peace! :D


dont give full dose of PK for too long.... and specially in combination with 20ml per gallon of molasses might be almost too much of the good.

i normally avoid feeding continuosly PK nowadays. rather i feed it every two waterings, and never with a full dose.

plants dont use half as much PK as people seem to think, and adding too much PK will affect greatly the yield, if things go wrong.

of all things, PK is one of the most concentrated nutes there is, and when and IF a pot for example gets dry, the ec and ph levels inside go up.

my recomendation is to feed PK every two waterings at half dose, this way you can feed it during several weeks without trouble. its important also to water a lot in excess when PK is used.

what EC are you watering with? sounds to me like your watering mix is on the heavy side, but i dont know many of the products you use. this is why it would be interesting to know the EC.

peace! :D

Thanks buddy, i havnt got a ec meter, however i am only planning using pk for 1 week only, i have 3 days left using it. I am watching her constantly and she has doubled her bud in just 4 days..

During veg i recall following the recomended doses and growth was ok, then i started upping the dose to the point of double the recomended dose + 20ml of mg and she took off within a few days of this.. I cant explain this and wish i had more eqipment for control and that i had journeled the grow.


well :D

as long as you only give it for a week it might work ok :D

just remeber to cut down nutes a bit once you have finished the PK treatment :D



well :D

as long as you only give it for a week it might work ok :D

just remeber to cut down nutes a bit once you have finished the PK treatment :D


Again thanks for your input bonecarver.
I will get some pics up tomorow and a little more detail with a few questions if you dont mind?
Peace buddy :joint:


A few pics

A few pics

As promised a few pics of her, i think shes approx just over 3 weeks in flower. Any comments welcome


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A few more..

Would you sugest flushing her after using the pk 13/14? and you would drop the nutes after using pk? i thought/imagined that because she is quite big and carrying some foilage she would need more nutes?



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