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The growing large plants, outdoors, thread...

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$$ ALONE $$
If the plant limit is 25 than its 25.
If it was 200 or even 1000 large plants that can be grown on a single property without LEO getting into the mix and taking down every plant because you had 26 plants, then great. Thats what we all want. Freedom and Liberty to make a living out of life.
Its just safer, if your exposed, to stay within the plant count limits or you are taking a huge risk of loosing everything.
Look at my screen name mowood. Im with you. I feel the same way. But this is reality.
Cops dont want you to succeed. They want to make a shitty paycheck destroying Gods creation and destroying any way for Gods best creation, to make an honest living gardening MMJ. They are EVIL to the core and are destroying the very fabric that weaves together this great country.
The pot cops are true enemies of the state.
If your gonna be legal, and exposed to random compliance checks, than be in compliance!
Or go underground and guerilla grow the rest. Dont allow leo to chop 1 more unharvested plant ever again. Its not right!


$$ ALONE $$
I have a bunch of left over promix that I'd like to recycle, by using it outdoor. What would be a good recipe to mix in with it?
I would mix it with FFOF soil.
20 glns used Promix : 10 glns new FFOF

I did that this year with my outdoor plants. I dug and filled the 45 gln ground holes with all used FFOF soil and Chunky Perlite. Filled the 45gln growbags with:
25glns used FFOF : 15 glns new FFOF : 5 glns Chunky Perlite
The growbags have the bottoms cut out so the roots can get into the ground soil.
The plants have never been healthier or happier.
Hope this helps


25 plants is ok if your land is already paid for and you machine trim, otherwise there goes the majority of your money. Now if you're like some people and tell everyone you're only doing 25 but in reality have multiple patches of 25 that's another story.

See the problem is the 25 thing has only been the last couple years since the Feds told the county they can no longer sell permits for 99 plants. It used to be every garden was 99 then they threw out the old bait and switch now people are stuck here in their extorsion game. However, I know there were at least 3- 99 plant 700 lb gardens on my hill last year and they only busted one of them the other two have been doing it year in and out and never been messed with so, personally, I think there is some super shady shit going on in mendo county. I'm sure it's just a rumor but I've heard there is a 10000 plant garden a couple ridges over that is how do you say ' protected'.


hey guys do you think i should expand this 400 into a 600? the PSA x Uncirculated is huge at least 10 ft tall and still early in the season


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Active member
I would be exstatic to grow 25 large plants. Thats plenty of meds and $$ for the year.
Anything over that and its kinda being greedy.

Yea, I mean totally. Look at all those greedy tomato farmers growing thousands of plants. Looks at the grain fields!!!! Greedy bastards!!!

Get a hold of yourself, God gave man seed, and no government can take that away. No matter how many plants you have.....:facepalm:


Active member
my homie in Mendo is not greedy, he's actually damn near broke since his property payments are so high, he rescues local stray animals, and he has a major reconstructive surgery to pay for. he had a few extra plants in the back patch because he was doing some seed testing and breeding….he has always grown only 25 even when there were 99 plant permits and he definitely doesn't have cash buried in hillside like some of those big growers.

its just a shitty situation for him and i feel real bad that he got double fucked by the sheriff this year…and its not just him who's out because a few people were really relying on his meds so they have to buy elsewhere.

but yeah knowing that the 25 plant rule is being strictly enforced like that i would have definitely not gone over the limit. which is why I'm staying in local compliance with my spot…fucking bitchass sheriffs couldn't just let him chop the extra plants and keep the 25, mother fuckers i think its probably racial related as well...


Active member
Come on prop, race? Guy went over his limits, he is lucky he is not in jail or fined. Maybe I am naive, but seems like the cops acted according to the law. Sucks the law is what it is, but he messed up trying to have a "breeding" area. This is why I always stick to plant limits as well. To claim the cops followed the law because your buddy is colored (ethinic, whatever the correct term here is) seems far fetched. However, racism does exist, so I wouldn't rule it out either. Hope your friend finds peace. I would trade an elbow for a pet come November if your boy is still in need. My farm keeps growing, 2 dogs, 2 cats, 5 chickens, 6 deer. Looking into an alpaca, pigs and goats.


Senior Member
May or may not have been. But unless you are something other than white don't be so quick to judge. My partner is brown and I guarantee 10 stops to my one and he is a far more law abiding driver


Active member
May or may not have been. But unless you are something other than white don't be so quick to judge. My partner is brown and I guarantee 10 stops to my one and he is a far more law abiding driver

Why, white people can't experience racism? I can tell you one thing, I hear 10x the racist comments coming from the minorities I work with than the white people. That's just what I have seen and heard. However I live in a sheltered part of the country, I am sure things are different in the South, Texas maybe.

Anyways, back to the thread.....


Active member
my homie in Mendo is not greedy, he's actually damn near broke since his property payments are so high, he rescues local stray animals, and he has a major reconstructive surgery to pay for. he had a few extra plants in the back patch because he was doing some seed testing and breeding….he has always grown only 25 even when there were 99 plant permits and he definitely doesn't have cash buried in hillside like some of those big growers.

its just a shitty situation for him and i feel real bad that he got double fucked by the sheriff this year…and its not just him who's out because a few people were really relying on his meds so they have to buy elsewhere.

but yeah knowing that the 25 plant rule is being strictly enforced like that i would have definitely not gone over the limit. which is why I'm staying in local compliance with my spot…fucking bitchass sheriffs couldn't just let him chop the extra plants and keep the 25, mother fuckers i think its probably racial related as well...

That sucks, was it the sheriff that cut them all or some other agency?
The sheriff should just make the garden come into compliance.

I'd be down at the sheriffs office demanding an explanation.

Sucks that it seems like your friend was singled out.

Form my experience the sheriff shows up for some other reason,
serving a warrant, parole check up or other nuisance.

Their is a nuisance clause to the health code that allows 25 plants.
If your grow is a nuisance your looking for trouble. The smell alone can be a nuisance.


New member
I've been reading this thread for a while and have learned a lot. I've got a few nice bushes (5-6 feet wide,) and those girls are looking mighty sexy.

I do have a question though. Since the kind of plants that are in this thread are so big and dense, light can't get to the middle of the plant. Do you guys prune the inside of the plant? I'm worried that the plant is going to spend to much energy on all the growing tips in the center and I'll end up with two pounds of popcorn.

Thanks for the input.
I've been reading this thread for a while and have learned a lot. I've got a few nice bushes (5-6 feet wide,) and those girls are looking mighty sexy.

I do have a question though. Since the kind of plants that are in this thread are so big and dense, light can't get to the middle of the plant. Do you guys prune the inside of the plant? I'm worried that the plant is going to spend to much energy on all the growing tips in the center and I'll end up with two pounds of popcorn.

Thanks for the input.
Some of the best cuts are weeks after you take the main buds. I usually do around 5 cuts per plant, each time only taking what is ripe and letting the rest finish up.


Active member
yea like Mendo local said the 2nd cuts are what helps bump that yield up, plus the nugs are a little smaller sized and aren't as susceptible to mold, so they are able to sit in the rain and cold and actually produce some really nice colors. when i grew at a spot last year we were in a big rush to harvest so had to chop whole plants so yeah alot of the larf ended up being hashed out, but if we had time to let them ripen up the bottoms could have pulled 25% more yield..

also nothing wrong with popcorn in this market since concentrates are so popular…i actually welcome bins full of larf and trim. concentrates are easier to move than flowers right now at least for my circle..


that second cut will usually get some good color to it also with those cooler nights. BUT..i do holler out my insides, gradually, theres no leaf or bullshit growth inside of my cages. in the end I end up with a "bulb" with 24ish to 32ish inches of bud colas. but this is a gradual pruning, every 10 days or so and with a good picture in my noggin of what im wanting at the end of stretch.
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