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The growing large plants, outdoors, thread...

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ICMag Donor
So what's everybody's favorite bagged soil these days?

I'd go with ffof or roots. I think roots is a bit more of a sprinter and fox farm is better long distance runner.

Not a fan of the coco mixes like Royal Gold.

Black gold is not what it used to be,weak.

Done some side by sides over the last few years. If your determined to start from bagged soil I'd go ffof or roots.

Check out Vital Earth,heard lots of good things and seen some nice results.

Vermicrop is crap.

Lot's of new stuff these days,avoid the coco mixes.

Good to see you around.


Active member
Without understanding your goals as a base, I cannot formulate an opinion.

then why post a reply? har. my goals should be obvious. or are we in the "growing shitty little deficient plants" thread?

Ganja Reb: Good to be back in the sun, bro. I've had great success in FFOF and Roots Greenfields... Years back I did a bunch of testing with various brands of bagged soil and these two came out ahead of the rest. I've got 4 or 5 yards of a custom mix left over from the year before last, I'll probably run that against the bagged stuff (obviously, with amendments)... I appreciate the input.


Nomad: Are you on solid clay, alluvial loam, sand? Do you want a peat heavy bagged soil? Organic? It takes a little bit of input to give an answer. Personally I find it silly to be buying any bagged soil for outdoor use when amendments are so much cheaper, but I understand not everyone wants to go through the work.

Tom Hill

Active member
So what's everybody's favorite bagged soil these days?

I have poddy-mouth happy frog in the past but I bow to it's cec, and at another half cubic foot and it really is a no brainer. The stuff gives a lot less splinters than it did a decade ago, and it has way more growing power/energy than pretty much anything else on the bagged market today, imo.


New member
So I suspect to update the #2 posting on this thread for a 300gal pot would read 19 bags of Happy frog instead of 25 bags of Black Gold??


I have poddy-mouth happy frog in the past but I bow to it's cec, and at another half cubic foot and it really is a no brainer. The stuff gives a lot less splinters than it did a decade ago, and it has way more growing power/energy than pretty much anything else on the bagged market today, imo.

I am curious what the cec of HF is? I tend to worry anytime I read dolomite in a bagged mix cause it is easy to end up with too much Mg....but if it works, it works.


I'm still all about 50/50 Happy Frog/Ocean Forest for my bagged soil base. Can't be beat. The additives are where we "tweak" things. I fall somewhere between my own mix, Tom's original formula, and Fill's "generator of soil" mix.


Active member
Has anyone had or seen much success with ECSD as a full season plant? Sort of concerned about it finishing on time.

Thanks again,

had 5 in 200gallons each last year.

also my buddy and some neighbors had it going too, and also other folks

did really well fo me, although it gets pulled the latest, oct 25th or so.

Top shelf stuff imo, but ill never grow her again outside, imo no point ingoing past 0ct 10th unless its for the head, that being said ecsd in a dep is awesome hehe


New member


Hi everyone!

Seems to me, we have our legends back in the thread! :)
Being a huge fan of this thread, i decided to try your cali gorwing skills this year.

Although i grew the herb a few years ago, im a bit confused mixing my soil this year. In the past i just bought a few bags of soils, peat, slap it with a lot cow manure, and a few perlite, nothing fancy - first time i also used indoor ferts lol.

This year i did some maths, and figured out i havent got a clue about the amount of ferts i should use. Of course i checked most of the soil mixes, but since im on a different continent, i couldnt be more helpless with my different sources!

When i counted my 1st nutrient source (pelletized chicken manure, NPK 5-3-8+ 7% CaO), according to the manufacturer, i should put 10 pound to 250 gallon mixed soul, resulting 2.2 ounces! of N total. That is just ridicolous IMHO.

My second fert would be earth worm castings, 3-2-2, from that i planned 15% of the 65 gallon pot, which would be 2.4 pound of N in total. Thats seems more appropriate to me.

What is your experience with NPK-s, speaking about organic ferts? How much sould i go for in summary?

Thanks for your advice guys, and i would like to greet all of you, who contributed to this thread, developing the industrial standards to all organic cannabis grower :)


Speaking of bagged soil I just went to grab some FFOF and saw a new product called recipe 420...



What do the pro's think, is it better, worse, comparable?


Active member
Vermifire is killing it in my deps. Beyond impressed.

Hi everybody!

LOVE THE VERMIFIRE!! first time using it for my veg starts..and its killing the FFOF and FFHF....way more pourous and the roots are insane. needs to be watered more frequently but the growth rates and roots are on point....very good for my starts and for indoor grows.....maybe il fill a full season with it.

Veg N Out

does anybody use drip lines or irrigation? I hand watered both greenhouses last year and it was a lot of work, as I was carrying 5 gal buckets of RO water from the house...I dont want to carry water again, so I was thinkging about buying a 500 gallons rez and just throwing a sump pump or something in it...I would hard pipe the lines with PVC I suppose....??? I was thinking I could just put a t valve in the line so I could hit one greenhouse at a time. Any body have something similar or care to share your method of automating the watering.

Were getting spring fever here in the mitten and Im getting excited....been brewing teas and pouring them into the 65 gals from last year, figure I'll use the soil again this year to start the 150's and add new amendments....

Also I have some mothers I cut in january, do you think theyre too old to put outside and veg all summer? I know some people prefer young plants, So im going to set them in the greenhouse for two weeks and see which ones are going the headrest, then make my decision from there..... Good vibes to everybody and happy spring!!!

I think plants from January will be too old for sure, you may successfully grow them, but how successfully? Usually old plants are more succeptable to problems and if you can grow the same 7lb plant taking clones april 1 why spend the money time and effort?

I like the inline drip emitter tube from JAIN, you should use black poly pipe..how many gph you want to move determines pipe size..

For example my main line is 2in and I have about 50psi, thats about 8000gph, I break it down to 1.5 to the gardens, these flow 4800 gph and service 5 to 24 plants depending on where on my farm the water is going.


Active member
I was looking at running the vermifire this year after some buddies recommended it and said it did really well for them this past year. Anyone else got experience with it, good or bad? I'm always open to suggestions...


Active member
Thanks for the simple answers to simple question, fellas.

Nomad: Are you on solid clay, alluvial loam, sand? Do you want a peat heavy bagged soil? Organic? It takes a little bit of input to give an answer. Personally I find it silly to be buying any bagged soil for outdoor use when amendments are so much cheaper, but I understand not everyone wants to go through the work.

So... you don't have a favorite brand of bagged soil? What I find silly is that in 12x the word count, you have added less to the discussion than anybody else. Sometimes, if you don't have something to add, its ok to just stay out of it.

Even the premise that all bagged soil is inferior to custom mixes is up for debate. Every year local, reputable suppliers have gotten into the game. To think that some genius like yourself hasn't put it in a bag for my convenience is silly.

Show me your science. Show me better plants side by side. My bagged soil plants have been consistently bigger and heavier yielding than my neighbors' in their fancy custom mixes. To assume that I am not using the time saved by mixing soil to hustle and run circles around other growers in other ways is silly.

fisher: have u added anything to the VFire in the deps?

YProp: Are u running VFire sidebyside with THe FFOR/HF? Is the porosity due to higher perlite ratio? I have always mixed FFOF/Greenfields and perlite at 6:1 (bags with norcal #4 perlite)... you think this would be more or less porous than the VFire.

Well... I have a pallete of VFire being loaded as we speak. We'll see how it stacks up. I will be running 9 each of 4 soil mixes in 200-300 gallon containers. Probably:

1. FFOF +Perlite +BioLive/BioFish blend (down to earth organics at a rate of 1lb/10 gallons of pot size)

2. Greenfields + same

3. A few yards of a custom mix were left behind by the previous gardeners. It came from Sonoma Compost and has the mallard mix as its base plus a whole bunch of stuff. I will have the precise recipe when the guy shows back up on the radar in a couple of weeks. It smells and feels great and I have worked with Sonoma Composts offerings before with great success.

4. VFire??? plus Perlite? Plus Ammendments?


Active member
Another quick question,

When is everyone planning on planting this year? June 1st? Earlier? Later?

I want to get them out but don't want any problems with them starting to flower. Was planning on slowly starting to drop the light cycle indoors to help prepare them for outside
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