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The growing large plants, outdoors, thread...

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Well this rain sucks, its the first real test of my support job thus far. Couple of small ones in 5gals fell over but no real damage.


Well-known member
Here's a Few More Trees Under Construction

Here's a Few More Trees Under Construction

Over short season (winter) I did some pollen chucking.

All have a common father, a strain that is named Rodney. Supposedly because the strain doesn't get any respect.

The moms were all adjusted to our photoperiod. The straight Rodney is fighting with itself. It wants to flower. It has yet to adjust to our short days (13 hrs 25 min).

All of the crosses are going long. They are planted in ground, in my gulch. The soil is deep and rich so these should get quite a bit bigger.

These are the smallest plants I have except for a Headband plant.

Pic 1) is Rodney x Rodney
Pic 2) is Diesel x Rodney
Pic 3) is Hash Bud x Rodney
Pic 4) is Kush x Rodney
Pic 5) is two Jack Herer planted in a V


  • hole 1 Rodney x rodney 6-28.jpg
    hole 1 Rodney x rodney 6-28.jpg
    42.2 KB · Views: 13
  • Hole 2 diesel x rodney 6-28.jpg
    Hole 2 diesel x rodney 6-28.jpg
    43.2 KB · Views: 17
  • Hole 3 Hash bud X rodney 6-28.jpg
    Hole 3 Hash bud X rodney 6-28.jpg
    42.9 KB · Views: 17
  • hole 4 Kush X rodney 6-28.jpg
    hole 4 Kush X rodney 6-28.jpg
    37.5 KB · Views: 18
  • Hole 7 Jack Herer 6-28.jpg
    Hole 7 Jack Herer 6-28.jpg
    41.5 KB · Views: 16

Trinity Gold

Had some more branches rip today...Grafting glue and green tape has been
my best friend this year


GC 6/24/11

BD 6/24/11

^ Just starting to pull branches out the side of the cage to encourage bushy growth, why she looks wide at the hips.

Late this season with my starts, wish I could of vegged longer/had larger starts before putting em outside. They've been out since the 1st of June. But they're catching up, and I'm happy.

Also have some GDPs and LA Con x UK Cheese in the garden. Might snap some photos later in the week..


prop215- that is 6"x6" concrete reinforcement caging, comes in 200' rolls, is 7' tall. i cut some old stuff shorter for an initial cage so i could start pulling branches out and trying to widen the bush.
i've found out this season my new location/garden is definitely not optimal as far as direct light goes, last season was better. i will put another cage(same stuff) around the circumference of my 6' beds for sure. trellis to me, i might be wrong, has always been the 6"x6" white plastic netting, which i will use later, usually during and after stretch, to catch and hold all those large branches that'll develop kolas. i'll tie the trellis off to my cage with either zip ties or baling wire.

t rips- yes, the guy you speak of saw my comment, and contacted me. i'll be getting those seeds soon. very excited. hah
how many seeds did you pop? did you see a lot of variation between phenos? your plant looks hearty, and great for outdoors.
Sunset Garden 2011

Sunset Garden 2011


After an extremely busy two months all of our gardens are dialed in! Here are some pictures of the newly established, "Sunset Garden!"

Besides a plethora of Blue Dream, we are running Flo, Glo, Alien Kush, OG Kind, Cheese, Shire, and (Blue Dream x Flo x Cheese) amidst this site.

I'll post some pictures of the "2011 BIG FARM!" in the near future! Until next time... Happy Farming & many blessings!!!

CanniDo Cowboy

Hey fellas...Sorry I'm late but I got here as soon as I could...LOL Thought I would throw the Sleepy Hollow in for viewing...Not sure if the Hollow will kick out large plants but I reckon it's all relative...LOL CC




Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Hey Cowboy,

Yeah thats this afternoon. Its hotter then shit out there right now.

Had a slow start this year. Im way behind. Here is some of the shorter ones as well.
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Trinity Gold

Early July update from the Tree Farm..

Early July update from the Tree Farm..


Things are just ripping out at the Tree Farm garden...Comparing to last years garden the plants are a full month ahead....Old Betsys are on track to being 6' x 6' by July 4...The Cherry Wrecks are a much tighter plant and no slouch either. I hope to have much more than 8 of them in the garden next year...

The biggest contribution to this years size was timing. The proper pre game really made the difference. From having "frost blankets" to not using smart pots and cutting away grow bags and having healthy 10 gallon root balls ready to rip and 24/0 lighting..the boughs are just reaching for the sun and saying Thank You! for its wonderful rays...

Only 23 more days till I turn my lights off and go from 24 hour days to the 13ish hour days we get towards the end of the month and then we will see how my experiment worked or if I just wasted some money on electricity...

Old Betsy 7/2



Cherry Wreck 7/2

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