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The growing large plants, outdoors, thread...

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dam, looks like Toms been putting in the work too. can't wait to see what else he's got up his sleeve.

thanks for posting these up humboldtlocal.
I thought this thread was about growing large plants?


Sick!:thank you:
These are the healthiest large plants I have ever seen growing


Straintester I second that emotion! I'd much rather read about and look at LARGE PLANTS OUTDOORS.

HL & Tom you guys got F'N sick grows man!!

Props and respect to the most I Jah Rastafari


Sitting here looking at the pictures of Your & TH's gardens, trying to think of something witty to say, all I can think of is....wow!

you guys are very insperational

So I wanted to run this by the ICMag Community to get a definitive answer. Is Di-calcium Phosphate Organic? I went to the hydro store and asked for oyster shell and that is what they gave me. I also wasn't really paying attention either cause I would have asked if I saw that. But none the less I have it and if it isn't organic goodness I don't want it and will take it back.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
So I wanted to run this by the ICMag Community to get a definitive answer. Is Di-calcium Phosphate Organic? I went to the hydro store and asked for oyster shell and that is what they gave me. I also wasn't really paying attention either cause I would have asked if I saw that. But none the less I have it and if it isn't organic goodness I don't want it and will take it back.

Hey Bro, get Your ground oyster shells at the farmer feed store. Its 6 bucks for 50 lbs


Odor perception

Odor perception

So I have a question for all the large plant gurus out there, and anyone else willing to chime in about their experience with sizable patches, now that flowering is in full swing:

How far away can you detect the unmistakable odor of your ladies in flower?

I know that a lot of variables go into the equation (wind, humidity, etc.) but I'm hoping to get a feel for what to expect if I go for it on my 60 acres in sonoma county next season. Although that sounds like more than enough space, it's along a well-traveled country road, and I have to consider the reality of a less-than-perfect neighbor's house about 200 meters from the most opportune spot on the property.

Ideally, I'd like to operate completely unbeknownst to the people surrounding me, particularly because I know the high school kids and tweakers in the area are seasoned rippers, and because I won't be able to be on-site more than a couple days a week.

So what do you think? Will a ~600 foot radius around 24 2-300 gallon smarties be enough for complete and utter invisibility mode? Or will I have problems when my shitty neighbor gets whiffs of my meds from time to time when the conditions are right for the scent to travel?

The scale of what you guys are doing is so far beyond anything I've done that I really don't know what to expect, and I can't make a reasonable estimate based on my own experience. Reading through this thread, and those of the more seasoned contributors has been an incredibly eye-opening experience, and I'm itching to put the knowledge gleaned here to good use.

Thanks for putting together what is IMO the coolest thread on any grow site on the net.

Trinity Gold

You could easily smell my 12 x 45 light dep in full flower from 500 feet away if the wind hit right...Any sizable patch (mine worked out to be 100 x 180) will REEK with quality genetics..


Thanks for the reply TG - it's nice to hear from someone who obviously has the first hand experience.

But, damn, even the light dep? Reality just has to rain on my parade, yet again. Back to the drawing board, in one way or another...


still can't get over what a beautiful part of the world you live in humboldt. i'd give anything to be able to live and grow there. your plants are looking killa too mate. keep up the stella work.


after rain i always shake off the plants, maybe ill get a huge fan down, but should i be worried about rain and try to cover my plants with some plastic get up, or just let it be and hope for the best?

last season i didnt have any bud rot from rain but i had some sat dom stuff and there was only one rain i can think of that season. forecast predicts two day thunder storm next week.. im looking at a mid oct harvest, maybe early oct with the OG or GC.

just wondering what the consensus is with rain and moist environments during flower
Baet it would be to your advantage to cover up from the rain cause mold can and will happen with the right conditions, which include moisture. If you can't cover and it's not raining to much then shaking them will do good for ya definitely. Good luck man. Also watch out for Powdery Mildew cause it loves it when it rains also, Iam sure you have cleaned the inside of your plants for good air flow. If not it is too late you would waste alot of energy.

Humboldt your plants are amazing, you definitely set the bar. We are all in this revolution together. Thank you for representing and practicing responsible cultivation.


Active member
after rain i always shake off the plants, maybe ill get a huge fan down, but should i be worried about rain and try to cover my plants with some plastic get up, or just let it be and hope for the best?

last season i didnt have any bud rot from rain but i had some sat dom stuff and there was only one rain i can think of that season. forecast predicts two day thunder storm next week.. im looking at a mid oct harvest, maybe early oct with the OG or GC.

just wondering what the consensus is with rain and moist environments during flower

I used a leaf blower to dry my plants after the mid october rains last year... i also put up some emergency cheap-o covering on during the biggest wind and rain episode of last year.

I am considering a gabled steel pipe structure from Creative Shelters over my entire home garden... its about 80'x40'... so it's probably just a fantasy. lol. The Blue Dream is extremely mold resistant... I have not heard the same about the pineapple cough which has stretched outward (even still) and is in need of a third layer of trellising, for which I have no material.


Active member
Waiting game now....I've never had this much plant on hand at one time.....the weight estimates are a fun routine to run through.....racking my brain on how the logistics of harvesting will work; I am realizing I will have more than I had anticipated if everything comes to fruition...even accounting for a 20-30% loss to various factors.

Time isn't moving quick enough...

On another note, I am so grateful for my plants this year....as I have been getting royally fucked by root aphids indoor for the past year now...might just be finally getting a handle on it....my outdoor ladies have given me peace, a place to think, escape, and are actually something that I will be able to finish....(hopefully)
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