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The growing large plants, outdoors, thread...

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Hey Cep he has been building that soil 3 years, from scratch. He digs them out, takes all that straw and tills that and his amendments back in the winter. Tons of amendments. He does 5 sprayers per plant and leaves that straw on the entire time, I bet it's 4 inches thick. He cuts his own straw and uses it for compost. It's an incredible farm, mad respect. I don't think he has much of a foliar regimen, he just got a backpack sprayer a month ago lol

That guy's got those beautiful monster plants and he doesn't have any sort of foliar IPM program? Or maybe he uses a shit ton of beneficial predators? Do you know if he starts his seeds in February outdoors or in? Nice plants!!


Hey all, I saw something I've never seen today in the garden: a single branch on a single plant with male flowers developing. That branch is (was) all male flowers, and I can't find a single male flower on any other branch.

Anyone ever seen this?
Ive heard of that happening indoor on a stable tried and true clone. Its just freak occurance and proof just how badly this plant is wants to propagate itself. Hope you got ot early enough.

As for water...the wine industry is a political powerhouse. Theycontrol the regulators and in some cases self regulate...which is a total joke. Just gonna have to grin and bare it until the cannabis industry can mature and start throwing money around to the right people. It helps not have streams with fish near by. Things are going to be a lot different in 5 years and i dont see big plants having much of a share of the market except for food grade concentrates. Greenhouse flowers will dominate the market. 5 pulls a year.


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Hey guys quick question on what a few think, I've heard as far as harvesting goes u can takem the day after a watering, and I've heard let them dry out 3 days, any experienced takers? I've let mine dry out before not bad, times kind of an issue for me here in norcal so just curious, buds look done maybe 25% amber, should I wait a few more days or chop away in the am??

Tom Hill

Active member
Hey guys quick question on what a few think, I've heard as far as harvesting goes u can takem the day after a watering, and I've heard let them dry out 3 days, any experienced takers? I've let mine dry out before not bad, times kind of an issue for me here in norcal so just curious, buds look done maybe 25% amber, should I wait a few more days or chop away in the am??

I take it you speak of a black box (light dep)? Otherwise if you have an early september plant in nor/cal we need to hear more :)

On a light dep,, be advised that if you are pulling tarp traditional style glandular trichomes will turn prematurely especially along the southern side of the hoopty where we are always checking shit out :) hang in there if u can as much as possible, i know it has been increasingly difficult to do that lately in the triangle at least - they're workin'..

if u are dry trimming then u can let them dry out some,, but if trimming fresh they get a bit gummy and difficult if not full of water..


Ive heard of that happening indoor on a stable tried and true clone. Its just freak occurance and proof just how badly this plant is wants to propagate itself. Hope you got ot early enough.

Thanks for sharing your experience...branch was on the south side low down, on a seed plant (a Monkey Haze cross with Blue Dream). I got it before it could do anything at all...just have to make sure we don't have nanners mixed in anywhere else.


Active member
i had that happen on some random testers i threw outside....some turned male and spit early and pollinated a female clone early right as she started flowering, all of a sudden one branch of the clone (gorilla glue 4) turned full out male!! regardless i chopped it all off....


passing the gas
i had that happen on some random testers i threw outside....some turned male and spit early and pollinated a female clone early right as she started flowering, all of a sudden one branch of the clone (gorilla glue 4) turned full out male!! regardless i chopped it all off....

i had a whole lower branch on GG#4 go male last winter and gave me about 150 S1's, or whatever you want to call them.


nice to see the mods reopened this in time for the fall beauties.

I put my OGKB bagseed male outside to see if it might help him knock up his sterile sister Stink Panties.
he started dropping pollen August 15th and was finished Sept 1st.




she sat under him the whole time and i rubbed her all into him many times but no go.
the other plants near him all show good seed development.


No-Till monsters

No-Till monsters

I reused my 800gal pots and soil from last year. Didn't really even touch them, just had to pull out the stump and rootball from last season. Tom Hill likes to call such large containers "training wheels" :biggrin: But whatever, i like takin it easy.

This is Ancient OG in an 800gal pot at this time last year (2014):

This is a new (2015) Ancient OG in that same pot, same soil. No tilling or mixing in between seasons. No amendments, foliars, fertilizers.


Well-known member

Even shcrews plants popped a male flower.

Who's using ca 25 and at what ratios?

I am about to start using it again I stopped because the weather cooled off and I was worried it would slow bud development. . The heats coming back so the calcium is as well...

I have been doing 1 - 2 tablespoons per a gallon 1 or twice a week when its above 75f


I've been doing 4 grams per gallon in the late afternoon. They seem to love it..heard that it causes rapid burning of nutes so The day after is a photomag/protein N/sea shield/sea stim/sea crop/micro 5000/silica foliar.
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