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The Great Escape


Reading some of these posts brought back a fond memory...

Back in the day 2 life long friends and I did a small guerrilla grow just outside of town. Friend 1 was the grower. Friend 2 was the lookout and I was the driver. It lasted all summer we did OK but no great amount...I think 10 small plants.

Then came harvest day. F1 and F2 got dropped off early in the day to do the chop. I picked them up successfully at 12:30 pm. We had been in contact with hand held CB radios as this was long before cellphones were even thought of. The trip home was dark and quiet and there was only that one car behind me...

On go the lights..oh shit...what do we do now? F1 took all our personal stash and kept it himself thus protecting us from possession charges. He would claim that the wet 20lb bag in the back of the pickup was his. Friends like that dont grow on trees. So I pull over.

2 officers get out of the car and approach from our rear. Of course F1 and F2 have that wonderful reek permeating their clothes. We were all smoking cigarettes to try and mask the smell. The officers ask the usual questions and see right away that they are not dealing with hardened criminals here. They get us out of the car all of us on the same side. Then one of them asked "...BTW whats in that bag in the back?..."

Whereby F1 grabs the bag and takes off into the fields. I have never seen anyone run that fast since. We were out in the country on a moonless (on purpose) night and F1 disappeared instantly. One officer tried to pursue but it was no good. F1 got clean away.

Then F2 and I are put into the back of the police car and they get our id and check us out. About then I noticed that they had a CB scanner and had been listening to us all night...sigh. F2 and I concocted a story whereby we picked up this hitchhiker and had no idea who he was. It was an Oscar level performance but the cops weren't buying it one bit. They should have kept us separated.:)

Anyway they were going to take us in and book us and catch F1 and all 3 of us were going to jail and our lives were ruined and

Over the radio comes a call for all cars to come to a no-shit murder scene. We get one maybe every 10 years. They had to let us go.

We drove to my house and all of that night the police would cruise past the house shining their lights in the windows. I parked openly so they knew we were there. I had nothing to hide.

F1 came out of hiding 24 hours later tired, filthy and starving. We never heard a word from the police...

I just had to share,

Hank Hemp

Active member
That's the way it was back in the olden tymes. When I got out of the service a bunch of us Nam vets hung together. Some went to prison rather than rat out a brother, with know racial conotations.


Active member
That's a beautiful story! You just were not meant to get busted that night - you musta had some awesome karma going for you!

Fun times. :)


What happened to the weed?
It was recovered and we split it up. It was really shitty stuff.

Sadly though about a year later F1 took off with some of my stuff and we have not seen him since. F2 and I search the net every once in while but never a peep.

He does not understand that I dont care because of what he did. What a pity....

Live and learn,

Karma message....
PK: contact CP or CW. We miss you...


I had a similar experience. Stupider but similar....

16 years old, bag of ditchweed and driving around and it starts to rain. So we decide to park in an dry but empty shopping mall parking structure near the interstate and hotbox in one car.... What do you think two cars parked alone in a closed shopping mall parking lot looks like to you? Please insert favorite CIA/gangster movie title here...

So the cop rolls up on us and we are in one car. I roll down the window, now stone cold sober and the cops chuckles "So boys how's it going?". Anyways, he begins to book us and then his radio squawks out, just for him, about a nearby gunshot report. He reports in, looks at us and says we are the luckiest kids in the world, he empties the pot on the ground and drives off almost as fast as we did.

Best part was one friend went back later that hour and picked up the dropped smoke and showed up with it. I think I was still hyperventilating even after that 1st joint.

Security is #1 has been the rule of law ever since.


Security is #1 has been the rule of law ever since.

Right there with you icred.

I found one of the hardest things to do with my recent stealth cab grow was to keep my mouth shut about it. Its stunning how the smallest misjudgment can topple your whole life...

Thanks for stopping by,


Thanks for the story man...that's awesome that you got away...And got the shitty weed back too!!!

And icred's story...got the weed back too!!!

I've had my share of close calls & a not so lucky or two, but for some reason this is what I'm reminded of:

Long story short...it was 1979 in a super small southern town. A friend of mine, several years older, had three plants growing up next to a barn. He had a pig pen just a few feet away (with a “run in” into the barn) that was conveniently up hill. And every few days he would poke a stick under the board that held their mud hole and the "mud" would run down and feed the plants. Those suckers got Big!!! The best I can remember about ten feet tall and bushy as hell...it was a solid mass of leaves. Well, he was a truck driver and one day when he got back from a two day trip his plants were gone. At first he was freaking, but there was no warrant on his front door and a quick trip to town where everybody hung out revealed that a guy we all knew was bragging on his grow/harvest...we found him, he confessed...and that is where I will end the story...except to say, as far as I know he is still alive today.


Hi greybeard,

I guess if someone is dumb enough to ripoff a grower, they would be dumb enough to brag about it.

I trust that this fool was taught the error of his ways?

Bets Regards,


He was taught a lesson alright!! It did him well…he was a much better person after that. I haven’t been around that area or talked to those folks in years, but I hope that they are both doing well…