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the good ole' dayz.......


To Have More ... Desire Less
So with EVERYthing....changing and all the advances in MMJ......
there seems to be this effort by so many to go legal and get set up to be big time caregiver.....providers, and state licensing.......
EVERYbody wants to go to CO, or MI, and StartUP......there super duper professional grow operations and get paid,..............

all that schitt........scares the hell out of me......

what ever happened too the good ole' days of staying lowkey....and underground......in the shadows and quite.......

for the longest part of my life ....WE just did'nt talk about our plants in the open......let alone trading herbs, and clones and such......

IT was always a much more hush...hush......in certain circles point of view.......

BUT know a days these kids just flaunt...IT and act like everything is so cool,and modern........MMJ the wave of the future......

last time I checked it was and is still illegal in MOST places......

strange dayz ............indeed........

I miss the dayz of back-room talks and trading.......
I'll probably always stay underground.........never wanted to be on a radar...or have a new license to do what I have alwayz done........

can U digg-IT...........


Active member
I hear what you're saying.

I'm going to MI next summer, and getting everything in order with the state, but I will still operate like I'm in a non med state, where everything's illegal.


Active member
can U digg-IT...........

"Yes I can"

Chicago? Cool! I woke up today with that song in my head today. Whoa, what's goin' on here. Friggin' weirdness.

Seriously, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that all this openness shit scares. I totally just don't understand all that sharing/openness shit. Seems popular these days for everybody to just want to become a society of sheeple, thereby making it oh so much easier to control all us heretics, I guess. And that's all a good thing? NO! Not at all! What's with it all? I just don't get it.

.....lalala.... "A proud man, still can, tell stories his own way. Listen children. All of my life...lalala"..... GREAT SONG


Active member
I miss sitting on the floor in my friends room, five or six of us splitting 0.5gr of hasch -and we all got utterly wasted!
Talk about placebo effect.


By all means go tell a govt dept you would like to use or grow dope,, buy, swap weed with strangers, surely nothing bads ever going to come of all that shit !!

Youthfull exuberance is still no match for Age and treachery .
I'll stay in the shadows and duck'n'weave like always thanks.


You hit the nail on the head there YB.
I think one of the reasons is society's attitude towards weed in general. Back in the day if you smoked you were cool to some, but loathed by most as a degenerate.
Now days you have the internet as well as movies, music and tv shows that just flaunt it in front of everyone's face. So I think society has changed in their thinking somewhat concerning the issue.
But the younger generation should make themselves more aware of the consequences. I've seen so many times where they're smoking a blunt in the park and there will be a cop car sitting 50 yards away. I just shake my head and keep on getting on. All it takes is that wind to shift one time.....


Active member
At least all the youngins failing to keep things on the down-low make it easier for people like yourself to stay under the radar. Low hanging fruit keeps higher and more secure fruit a LOT safer in my opinion :)

sallyforthDeleted member 75382

Here in the U.K is pretty similar these days.

This thread got me thinking of the mid to late 70's growing bagseed Columbian Gold and Jamaican seeds from the weed you bought under flourescent tubes, and then keeping it totally quiet among the inner circle, when you could trust everybody.

Now no-one knows I grow, and these days I try not to look the stereotype stoner, although I think and sometimes act like it.

Must admit the internet scares me nowadays......gettin old is fun though.


Active member
I hated being paranoid and not being able to openly smoke and grow. But the more I think about it, the more I miss those days. I remember growing in 04 without a script or a carbon filter and the chief of narcotics lived across the street. It was sooo scary. One day a high speed chase ended in front of my house and I had a total of 30 plants. All the dogs were barking at my house and I could hear the cops talking about smelling shit. I lived in a POS duplex on a main street and the walls were paper thin. Needless to say I chopped everything down that night. Awww those were the days.

Nowadays everyone knows I grow, I have no problems. I have friends in law enforcement and they all know my business and none of them care. I smoke at my grandparents, my family knows and accepts it. Seriously, who the fuck wants any of that? Damn, I wish I was still paranoid and feared going to jail. Shit, this sucks. Why can't there be all that risk here in California anymore? Ok, maybe I dont miss those days.


Active member
I remember growing in 04 without a script or a carbon filter and the chief of narcotics lived across the street. It was sooo scary. One day a high speed chase ended in front of my house and I had a total of 30 plants. All the dogs were barking at my house and I could hear the cops talking about smelling shit. I lived in a POS duplex on a main street and the walls were paper thin. Needless to say I chopped everything down that night. Awww those were the days.

You are very luck to be where you are today after that stunt ;) Thank your lucky stars.


Active member
I live in a area with mmj, BUT third world just the same and I have no intention of putting my name on a list of "USERS" with an mmj card (if i can even get one). The gov has been getting worse since I was a teenager listening to VH and Boston. Yea.....those were the days, Maybe even some moody blues (they were a band).

"I must have stepped over a line that only you could see"


To Have More ... Desire Less
all these are real pointZ of view.......with realistic impact.....
I must say.........I'n honor of our long loved......hobby?.......
hopefully there will............ALWAYZ be those that stay on the underground........I still believe it was meant to be that way for a reason.......it'z what makes sum thing'Z.........so unique and rare......


I have to keep it totally on the down low but I wish I didn't have to!
What is really making me concerned is my parents are coming to see us this month, or next, they are not staying with us as we don't have the room, but our stuff is not as stealthy as it should be & my parents are real nosy! The thing is I don't really want them to know but on the other hand the cannabis helps me the most & chopping down is not an option!
My parents say I wish there was something they could give you to help you out of pain! But then again I told them at one point that the Doctor told me I should go on disability & my mom says can you afford to be on disability I said no & she says well you'll just have to keep on working then!:rant: