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The Fox's Den 400CMH with lots of pics

Here is the rundown....

-400w CMH
-Magnum XXXL 6 inch (a little overkill for my area I am working in, but I hate buying stuff twice as expansion is inevitable.
-15 X 2gal pots 3X5
-Still love soil...wish I could go with blood and bone, but its in my closet so I am stuck with fox farms stuff.
-S&P TD-150 mix vent on the bungee chord platform up top (no pics..it is silent, but I am not totally pleased with how it is positioned.)
-6X24 foothill carbon scrubber
-Semi automatic watering system...I just have to plug in a pump.
-T-5 for cloning and keeping mothers mabee even some room for some prevegging.

Very simple drill a hole. It is leak tight and prevents evap from the storage solution. all I do is unscrew the top and use the meter like normal rinse and dry off to prevent contamination.

*The pedestal fan base removal is something I found to work very well in tight spaces.

*Use the box platform method at your own risk. I have not fully weight tested it as of yet. It seems very stable and I have reinforced it with some balsa wood. It was very nice and low key to bring in, as building materials draw suspicion, and it was damn near free.

*A large backpack was also a very useful tool to bring in equipment. I will be using it for soil dumps. Or lady moving if ever needed.

The children are young as of now. I will be running AK-47, Romulan, Blueberry, and Brains choice as well as some freebies. I am hoping to find a winning girl from the AK and Romulan as a keeper for a moms. I got my fingers crossed. (blueberry in left tray...romulan, ak, some freebies in the middle... and brains choice starting off with some freebies in the right tray.

The method of growing style I will be using will be HEAVILY topped for 4 main colas after sexing (the self topping blueberry pheno may be ran differently if I get one). Prob 2 weeks of vegging before flowering after the top. More than likely I will switch to SOG when I start working from clones. It will depend on density. I got rocking low RH, which will make flowering a dream. Vegging I may opt to throw a humidifier in there. I got one laying around but I dont dig the risk of it leaking. Its a shitty one that will just leak without rhyme or reason every once in a while.


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Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
looks good desert fox, I can't wait to see them bloom with that cmh.

I got a cmh bulb a few weeks ago and just realized I ordered the vertical bulb instead of the horizontal one, guess I'll have to grow vertical too.
Yea I will be very excited to see what it can do. The best yield I seen was 7.5 oz off of a 250. seems to be very promising as far as yield goes. I am already witnessing the tight node and extra foliage. My comparison was to 100watts of T-5 so its not a fair comparison. Get some sunglasses though..it is bright and such a lovely color. Nothing screams growing weed like the yellow HPS. I even took the light tight stuff of the window and got dark curtains. I still always close the closet door when working. I feel normal again....With the room always dark I always sleeped later than I should.

I think the stem health is lacking with the CMH. too soon to tell, but has anyone had the same experience?
A little update. They are starting to show. I got 2 female AK, 1 female Rom. 2 of the AK are male. The rest is still undetermined. I need to free up some room.

I had a little issue with some salt build up.....but was corrected, and things are back on track and moving strong. I did pick up some silica. I choose dutch masters cuz it did not have sodium silicate in it...just derived from potassium silicate. I am taking the dosing very slow. The stem health is improving...with a little heavyier N feeding. Once everything is sexed. I will be hitting them hard to beef them up. I ain't too concerned as far as heavy growth right now. I kinda want to keep them in the small cups longer till everything is sexed that way everything can be on the same page.

A little practice on the boys to see how they will react to the heavy topping.

Oh and I picked up a new product. They are called easy gliders. Works very nice and able to support up to 44lbs.


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a little update. 43 day and picture of day one. I did a little rearranging and staking.


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damn that looks good! How does your watering system work? are there holes drilled in the caps? and doesn't that make a hole in the soil?
damn that looks good! How does your watering system work? are there holes drilled in the caps? and doesn't that make a hole in the soil?

Originally I had just holes drilled into threaded pvc caps, and a few plugs for when the plant were harvested and still had others going. However I found these to clog and did not water equally throughout the pots. I changed by inserting silicone tubing and the other end to a cheap plant stake. This allows me to adjust height=(minor flow adjustment) and location to where the water is hitting the soil. I also added a T to a hose to manually soak the pots if I really want too. I will say this with the manifold plan accordingly as you cant change your plants around easily. Look up the member "Pico?" design. I personally like his better, but mine works. I will snap a pic tomorrow.


nice report desert fox.
very clean and organized grow.
Had a PH checker like urs from Hanna. Good one works more than 3 years.

CMH dont fail me now.

Hows the grow there desert fox?

The grow went well...I suppose I forgot to do a little recap on the CMH....

I used to run 600HPS years ago with a partner
I ran one mildly sucessful with a 400HPS, but was dealing with alot of issues...first run from seeds, water quality issues, first attempt at scrog and getting my own mix down. So I cant give a honest head to head comparison. However it seems on par with the amount of yield that HPS can do. With HPS I had to take the plants in normal light to better read deficiencies. So that helped out dramatically in ease. I also had my mix down much better.

The yield was 9oz from 3 AKs, 5 romulan, and 1 Power Kush. that was taking up about 80% of my footprint.

I got about another oz from 1 mazer, lemon skunk, and a brains choice...but they didn't exactly pan out into any worthwhile smoke.

overall I was very pleased with the CMH. I am running the AK clones and a few KC33 in a SOG to get a better idea of yeild. I am hoping to pull a solid 10, off of 12 plants, I could have ran 15 but I choose to run a unruly sativa dom KC that is proving a mistake. I almost want the bitch to hermi on me.....so I can take her down and focus on the others.
Good to hear it worked out well for you. Small space/small foot print can sometimes be less than stellar when only looking at the numbers.
Dialing in the cabinet and finding the strain/pheno that can give you what you needs takes a time or two through.

I too am looking tog et rid of the whorish orange light... even if the yield suffers a bit. But, first things first.

Thanks! :wave:
nice report desert fox.
very clean and organized grow.
Had a PH checker like urs from Hanna. Good one works more than 3 years.

Yep...I love fell in love with this little gem years ago from reef tanks. always trusted it for the 7-8ph range as gospel truth....more than the high buck meter. I had great water quality back then......

The bottle idea I want to shrink down the scale so I dont waste storage solution...I got lazy about keeping things sterile. I got a funk growing inside. Not sure if that is affecting it lifespan...however its reaction time is slowing down a lot....but still keeping it accuracy. it has to be better than my tap water...cuz it will destroy ANYTHINGS calibration. I changed my ferz to much more PH friendly fertz...so my meter sits in the back unless I am dosing with silica.

Emperor Herer. in the yield department really find it pretty slim if any...if your on the fence.....just get it you will be happy.

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