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The four faces of Shiva in the Lingam of light temple...


Feeling good is good enough.

Hello and thanks for visiting!

Before your eyes are eight flowering clones of NL#5 x SK#1, AKA Shiva Skunk. These clones come from four different phenos obtained in my last run. I didn't keep any mother, just took clones before inducing flowering.

I must say that I am quite pleased with "Shiva"... Very nice and balanced effect... and yes STRONG to boot. Hash made from it is supreme.

Taste... Fruity, hashy skunky.

Cloning was a breeze having 100% success rate.

Now, some technical info regarding the set up.

Tent: 2x1 mts
Ballast: 600W Digital (TechOne)
Bulb: 600W HPS GIB lighting
Soil: Floragard Blumenerde
Water: Tap water (7.00 ph, 50ppm)
Temps: day 75-80F, night 65F.
Humidity: 50% to 70%

Clones were kept in beer cups (coco and mild 250ppm 20-20-20 feedings) until they had pre flowers. At that point they were transplanted into the actual pots and switched to 12/12 cycle.

My goal is to use ZERO nutes... just PH adjusted water to 6.5ph.

So far they have entered the second week of flowering not showing any "need".

Also, watering will be done ONLY after soil has dried up "enough"... I added some mosquito dunk powder to the soil and hope to avoid Fungus Gnat infestations.

Following some pictures, please feel free to ask and suggest.

Buds are from last run and were harvested relatively early to clean space for current op.

This time I wish to go full monty... LOL



The tent


Here is the set up



Eight plants from four different phenos









Thanks friends!

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May your race always be in your favor
Jimmy sez he likes it, he likes it a lot. So do I, nice looking set up OJO I'll be watching you.......:tiphat::bongsmi:


Feeling good is good enough.
Jimmy sez he likes it, he likes it a lot. So do I, nice looking set up OJO I'll be watching you.......:tiphat::bongsmi:

Really appreciate it my friend!

Here are some close up pics showing bud site development etc.

Pheno 1


Pheno 2


In case (or when) they run out of space I will use the whole tent along another 600W HPS in a classic oval two light configuration.


Finally, I really like this Floragard soil.



Feeling good is good enough.
cool set up.

i grew out some killer purple NLxSHIVA from seed a few years ago. i wish i still had it going now a days.

that's them if you want to check them out.

:tiphat: nice of you!

Yes... Shiva is a VERY well rounded strain. NL tames a bit the Skunk for a nice DEEP high.

Some of these girls will show nice NL pink pistils later on... since I am letting this gals ripe proper I hope to see more intense bud colors this time.

Those pictures of yours are nice indeed! I had a pheno similar to that one... tall and taking after the Skunk side of family.
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Hmm this looks interesting that SHiva has interesting heritage. Will be fun to see how it does in a vertical run, thanks for sharing with us Oro!


:tiphat: nice of you!

Yes... Shiva is a VERY well rounded strain. NL tames a bit the Skunk for a nicely rounded DEEP high.

Some of these girls will show nice NL pink pistils later on... since I am letting this gals ripe proper I hope to see more intense bud colors this time.

tks, your came out really nice looking to, bro.

i'll be watching. :wave:


Feeling good is good enough.
Hmm this looks interesting that SHiva has interesting heritage. Will be fun to see how it does in a vertical run, thanks for sharing with us Oro!

You are welcome indeed !

You guys should have seen the males I had to "let go"... rub the stalk and it was intense piney skunk musky goodness... LOL


Feeling good is good enough.
From the past

From the past

From Seed Bank catalog (1990)

Cross still retains the same qualities and "spirit".

After smoking six different phenos with great satisfaction I can say so.



Feeling good is good enough.

Today I was doing some branch training while noticed two things:

Some stress created by too much light too soon. Not any light bleaching but a little "stressed development". I decided to give a rest to the 600W HPS "lingam of light" and bring back the 400W MH until I see some improvement.


The other was the presence of adult fungus gnats on the soil's surface... Some water based "Raid" took care of all of them.

Really have to let soil dry good for this run.

Like Brotha Lynch says...:

"I refuse to lose"

We'll see if this helps development.


It's such a beautiful set up.
How long did the water based raid take to work?


Feeling good is good enough.
It's such a beautiful set up.
How long did the water based raid take to work?


I sprayed the soil's surface until moist and they were gone 30 minutes later... gone in like "time to check your Karma balance suckers!".

I assume eggs were already "inseminated" so now more than ever I must practice dry soil tactics.

Never a dull moment Trichy!


Feeling good is good enough.
One interesting thing I observed is that Skunk dominant phenos are not anxiety or noia producing.

In the past I had some less than nice experiences with Skunk dom strains since they tended to induce anxiety.

NL tames out the Skunk "satish" high for a nice and very medicinal effect. Stimulating and relaxing at once!

Very :ying:

This early Skunk dom Shiva was such case!




Feeling good is good enough.
On an separate note:

It is quite a shame I am not growing outdoors at the moment... you see, here in the "valle central" we have temps in the 80's and an UV index (right now) of 17 !

I can only imagine the trich production and overall growth this kind on sun exposure would yield!

Now, back on track...

Plants responded well to the lowering of lumens and changing back to MH spectrum. Particularly now that we have high temps, good thing humidity is only 40%.




Feeling good is good enough.
Ojo here with some updates:

After observing that plants were back to normal I brought back my 600W HPS. So far plants are doing fine to the point of having to be watered.

One thing I did while waiting was to spray plants with a foliar solution of 10-50-10 at 250 ppm, 7ph. Bud sites reacted by developing a little faster with more fresh pistils.

As to watering, I followed my resolution of not adding a thing ferts wise. So, I proceeded to PH it (phosphoric acid 85%) to about 6.3 PH. I use regular chlorinated water and don't let it sit to evaporate the chlorine. I've found this prevents root rot and other problems.

Each pot was given 2 liters of water; this is the perfect amount in order to allow good re hydration of soil while avoiding nutrient wash out by too much run off.

As you can see they are doing nice and perky... but no trainer bra yet... LOL

Pheno # 1



While I wait for these gals to finish I planted 10 "selfed" seeds of my Flaca.

Here she is:



For this I am using a 150W LED and this set up inside the tent:


Seeds were planted directly into soil and echoes Mandala Seeds advice. Presently the LED if off waiting for the first buggers to show up.

I'll keep you folks posted as events develop in the Temple... LOL

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Feeling good is good enough.
I am tempted to reveg one of the Pheno #1 plants and use her as mother... she is doing so well in her new environment and if I could fill the tent with ten like her I would be golden.

The problem is that I have three more strains to try:

Kush x Blueberry
NL#5 x Blueberry

Twenty seeds each.

Lord knows I need more space... LOL