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The First Official IC Mag Yogurt Cup Clone Growoff & Puffout!


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
I mean this in the best possible way:

She looks like an old whore. Ugly as sin, but she still puts out.

I never thought that plant would have done that well.


Thanx brother ... & she ain't done yet !!!:biggrin:
Here is my update:

Mr Nice "Black Widow" (Sativa dom pheno) 46 days after flip to 11/13



wow, good job elf

You too, man. I only notice 2 major differences from growing in regular size pots. 1, its a challenge to keep from under-feeding or over-feeding in these little cups. 2, my entry is about 7-10 days ahead of the usual flowering time for this pheno. It looks like it might be finished by 9 weeks...normally its 10-12 weeks for the Sativa dom Widow.
Now how did I miss this thread ?
Way to go mate, you caught my attention with that beautiful widow...
Good luck in the contest !
Peace, HJ.

Thanks for stopping by, HJ! Yeah this has been a blast. The biggest challenge so far has been not to over or under feed. Bottom-watering is a MUST with containers this small or you run the risk of dehydration. As you can see in the pics I was right on the edge of burning at one point, and note the lime green colored leaves...usually my Black Widows in flower have dark green leaves when fed properly.

Some fine growers in this thread. Follow along, join us next time.


You too, man. I only notice 2 major differences from growing in regular size pots. 1, its a challenge to keep from under-feeding or over-feeding in these little cups. 2, my entry is about 7-10 days ahead of the usual flowering time for this pheno. It looks like it might be finished by 9 weeks...normally its 10-12 weeks for the Sativa dom Widow.

Smaller containers = faster finish times.

I have seen it many times. :biggrin:


Smaller containers = faster finish times.

I have seen it many times. :biggrin:

Noticed it too, thought it was just my stuff. The little one in the 6 ouncer is finishing way faster than any others I have run of this type. Its a plant from some unknown vintage bagseed.

Smaller container equals faster finish. Noted for future reference.

I do a thunk in a 16 ounce cup and it goes 130 days. Wonder how long it would take in a gallon container. Sigh.
When's round two? I want in!!

At the conclusion of this grow we will celebrate with a virtual puffout/cipher on Feb 14. At that time I will announce another grow activity, though maybe we'll switch up the container and the format a bit? :woohoo: Or we could repeat the yogurt cup thing and work towards refinement and efficiency. Thoughts?


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
6 oz is a pretty good challenge, sure u can come up w something else... but i dig the yogurt cup challenge.... for clones; beer cup for seeds...
maybe next round a prize? beans?


Yeah I'd be open to something else, but would also like to give what you guys are doing a try. I've got a coco based soil composting right now that I think would work great for this! Plus I really want to see an itty bitty J-One plant!


Bug Scissor Hand
im up for the next cup,bottle can? what ever lol 6oz =guicker flower time every thing looks nice guys


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
kiddie pool challenge, love it
1k over a kiddie pool
sumn like this 36"x36"x7" for a pool, like 10 bucks


That could be fun! idk if I'd wanna dedicate the majority of my space to a kiddie pool though

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