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The ferts Thread


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
I use AN. I can already hear the boo's and hisses. I love em.

Bloom, grow, micro, B52, Big Bud, Carboload and Overdrive!!


Hey guys,

I'm Doin' it organic with the LC#2 mix and the PBP line-up.

Take Care



Active member
when I started growing I started with PBP and I still use it. Everyone around here use AN with PK and alot of additive, Me i like to keep it simple only using PBP grow and bloom with LK.



Nice to meet ya.

Yeah I like the K.I.S.S(Keep It Simple Stupid) Rule all the way .
Maybe when I become a more addvanced grower I'll try some different approaches,maybe even Hydro. But untill I'm a lil more 'Seasoned' I'll stick with using proven Teks from Peepz with proven resaults!


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey everyone

I love the PBP line, but am currently using these nutes



Green Planet Wholesale line
im with vagpuncher, never done better with anything else, thats why i stuck with em. in the past i used shultz, miracle grow(what was i thinking back then ewww),metanaturals, gh, pure blend, botinicare, then AN(not recommende for the inexperienced);-)


Well-known member
I too was an AN user for my indoor...but I only do outdoor now using Loam&Clay(Onsite)/Sunshine#1/Sea Soil/Worm Castings/Blood Meal/Bone Meal. Will post pictures in a few weeks so you can see the trees:)




seeker of greater knowledge
i also use advanced nutrients and it's some expensive shit the voodoo juice ..man when i see the price i just think wow thats sick...but on the other hand it's also the sickest shit i've used and i've been to a couple different houses maintained by other people and they use optimum others use GH series some AN sensi G&B ....but i haven't seen anything thats resembles AN when used properly with good genetics the results are pretty awesome.....i use AN full line from M-G-B to sweet leaf to finalphase.......

and its worth it!!!


New member
an in and out, dutchmaster for any foliar and the dm phospholaod efin rocks(people thought an was expensive), and you gotta add willards water to every drop foliar or res water.
AN seems like overkill. Too costly, and this so called money back thing. Well just try and see if they honor it. Know a few people that tried it, lost a bucked load of cash and the crop's they were growing. These were not kids, but pros that have been in the growing game for well over ten years each.

Stick to the simple cheap stuff till AN provides a better product at a reasonable cost is my advice right now. They can toss out all the studies they want, but till I see proven results in my setup I will not be wasting my cash on that witches brew when the product I use now at 1/2 the price works just fine.



New member
anyone here ever use a product called "the shitz" Im thinking of adding to my pro-mix and use it in conjunction with PBP which is awesome in itself.

mr noodles

pure blend pro. soil at half strength + liquid karma, cal mag and a pinch of advance big bud and a little overdrive (advance) in the end + molasse = win in pro mix

is it me or at full recomaded dose pbp is way too hot

is it me or pro mix is infested with a few bugs ? everybody who i talked recently told me they have various insects in theirs plants since teh last few pro mix batch......ive read it on the net and i have to tell you that its true ...bastard...

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
is it me or pro mix is infested with a few bugs ? everybody who i talked recently told me they have various insects in theirs plants since teh last few pro mix batch......ive read it on the net and i have to tell you that its true ...bastard...

I would not necessarily say it is the promix, I think it is, just insects in general, been a bit more in population and fiestiness.

As for PbP yeah I have never used full strength, normally 1/2 to 3/4

mr noodles

maybe a mice or a fucking squirel entered my room and contaminated my plants , thats always a possibility .

and about the pbp im giving homoeopathic dosage and my plant do a lot better than when i used the full recommended strength .

i funny observation about deficiency, at full strength pbp gave a cal mag def but at lower dose like max 10 ml per gallon they have no problems . also at higher dosage they seems to stun growth a little .

got to admit that i work on a strain that got some blueberry sativa/thai in her nose .

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