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The Fall of the Mississippi Sativa Cooperative

komrade komura

Active member
Fall of the Mississippi Sativa Cooperative - Part 4

Fall of the Mississippi Sativa Cooperative - Part 4

Part 4:

10 percent of all monies are used for capital projects. 5 percent of all monies are given anonymously to the poor. Over the years the capital budget had turned the Mississippi Sativa Cooperative from just 4 plain dairy farms growing cannabis in barns at high risk, into 4 dairy farms concealing 4 very sophisticated subterranean grow operations. Each farm is capable of producing between 100 and 150 pounds per month using perpetual grow techniques and hydroponics resulting in the highest grade cannabis we can manufacture. Yes, we do use those automated barrel trimmers everyone hates. Hand trimming has never been an option. Our trimmed product will never make the cover of a magazine, but we can make you question whether you are really a biped or play the most innovative guitar lick ever heard…then promptly forget it. This is weed for the masses in the heartland and other areas where a cannabis arrest still results in a drawn weapon held by a fascist and sometimes tragedy.

We grow in underground bunkers beneath the barn and milking rooms and continuing out under the field. They were constructed in the third and fourth year of the cooperative after a fire in one of the barns. The CAD drawings are pure art of modular design, using many custom made preformed concrete slabs and precast supports. Floor drainage systems, each room with independent thermo activated ducting permitting unique growing temps in each of the flowering, veg and throne rooms. Hepa filtering throughout the entire ventilation system. Large RO water system, Computer Server Room fire systems and a big fuck it all system for self-destruction mechanism utilizing some C4 from friends, with enough power to level everything and break the windows in the farm houses. At what point does the level of explosives pass from necessary to some childhood affinity for massive destruction. I think we are at a level any child would admire.

Each room measured 10 meters by 15 meters and is as close to airtight as possible. 2 flowering rooms, one veg room and one combined throne room for mothers, clones and laboratory equipment….fitted with microscopes, some connected to large monitors. The lab is our most important room. This is where we test our nute formulas and various growing techniques. We have a couple of test tents in each room. Want 14% amber Jack Herer at harvest? No problem…we count them. We also make hashish with the best trim leaves and smallest buds. This always brings a smile the faces of our customers when we throw in a free pound of hash as a personal gift to them. Additionally there is a 10 meter by 5 meter storage and power generation room at the far end. The rooms were all laid out in a single line with heavy steel doors and concrete walls between them, for security reasons. 4 rooms, 4 heavy doors to deal with, now fitted with fingerprint access locks, and in the final stores room are dirt bikes with an escape ramp out into the surrounding field and the nearest wooded area. The yearly disaster recovery tests were always freaky to watch when a 5 foot by 10 foot section of the grassy field opened up and a motorcycle comes roaring out, like some grave yard nightmare. The construction logs for the years of the build are excellent studies of planning, stealth and sheer hard work.

All members agree that the 10 percent capital budget was a good idea. With it, I was helping Mike make his mark on the security of the Co-op. We collected data on everything. We even knew the statistical variance in the routes and arrival times of the milk collection truck and the mailman…86 and 27 minutes respectively if you are interested, excepting December of course.

In our last weekly assembly we had approved Mike’s security camera proposal. Every room in each house would be fitted with at least 2 wireless cameras. The only exception was the bathroom. I would set up Mike’s phone so he could watch any camera at anytime from anywhere. Yes, it meant a loss of privacy…but some sacrifices are required. It was voted in 3-1 with an agreement that it would be reconsidered every year and re-voted into existence, suspended or amended. We voted against it. I had also argued for a suspension of bedroom cameras but failed. As Mike not so eloquently put it to all of us, spouses included:

‘Friends to put it bluntly, if one couple aren’t fucking, we have a problem. It might not look like our business at first, but it will become ours soon enough. Now I promise not to perv (too much) but let Uncle Mike counsel them back toward marital bliss again’.

This year we expect to produce between 15 and 20 million dollars of cannabis, at wholesale prices, based around 2500 dollars per pound. We have three customers: The Rothenberg Brothers from up north; Lenny from The Banditos Motorcycle Club in Little Rock, Arkansas, and Stella (if that is her real name)…or Ms Hot, Secretive and Bitchy to hear it from Danny. She hates him…she calls him ‘Dick with a brain’. Mike visits each of them once every quarter and stays a few days with them, just a security hanging out with friends kind of thing. Stella always complains about it. Mike snores and farts in his sleep.

I spent a week with the Banditos my first year, as we hit the point where we either had to get the club paying us electronically or we would be forced to quit selling to them and I didn’t want to ever have that sort of conversation with them. Hey guys - Enough with the bags of cash already. Two laptops and a lot of security later, 5 days spent training Lenny and his closest aide over and over and fucking over again, and order was restored to the universe. Feels good to know you are going home with all your parts still attached. By special agreement and significant discount pricing, the Banditos agree to let 50 percent of their purchases come back into Mississippi through their local chapters in the state. We still remember why we came into existence.

Throughout the history of the cooperative there are occasions when members limit their payout to 10 million and give the rest to the poor. 1 started this when he limited himself to a 7 million payout and gave the rest to the Mississippi chapter of the United Negro College Fund, founding the Aaron Carter fund. After reading his passionate history others have decided that making similar contributions makes sense. I have been researching a Shriner Children’s Hospital that specializes in treating burns free of charge and a struggling little blues bar in the 9th ward of New Orleans.

Each team member is the room manager at his location. This means his word is law. Usually the botanists/horticulturalist bring in the largest crops, but not always. There is a sense of keen competition between team members. However, this is offset a little in that we work each room together as a group, after the early morning milking. Yes, we still have to wake up at 5:30 AM every morning and milk fucking cows. I never want to see another fucking alarm clock ever again in my entire life. To further incentivize the spirit of cooperation, the room manager who produces the highest yield gets to choose a 2 week vacation anywhere in the world…for the family and the team member who most helped them win the title. Damn, we loved Rome

Allen: Hey guys, I want to show you the Nebula plant I have separated out. It ain’t short and bushy like the rest, it is tall and monster bushy like it was outdoors. Bud sites everywhere. Had to move it or the lights would be too far away for the rest of them. Came in and found a light stuck on it, still on the rails, but dead in its tracks,,,starting to fry the crown bud.

Charlie: So, you really think you found a best 1 ever?

Allen: No, I am not saying that…just a freak that may become a serious candidate for plant of the year. It might produce shit smoke, you never know, but it seems to have all that growing shit pretty well figured out, all by itself. It is from those left over packs that arrived late. I never opened them after the two mothers showed their lovely selves, until I found them in the refrigerator a couple of months ago. I have cuttings from it too.

Danny (putting his hand on Allen’s shoulder): Old man, you ain’t gonna get the plant of year homie…I have had that in the bag since March with my Sweet Tooth #4. I bet you won’t even beat my SSSDH….hahaha. But let’s see what you got old man. Show me this Viagra plant you are so proud of.

Mike: Hey guys, when does Allen ever get more than 1GPW? Only, when he uses LED…hahaha. We all laughed. We all exceed 1GPW in most instanced. But that never stopped us from talking shit to one another.

Allen: Just want you to know that you ain’t gonna be a shoe in again this year kid. You can’t stop random occurrences breaking for someone else.

Danny: Yeah, you need some huge fucking luck when you’re going against…The Master. (bows theatrically).

Gotta love this kid…if he can just keep his dick in his pants for a few more years, he will be ok. I will miss him when we leave.

Danny: Well you may be old and over the hill old man, but at least you didn’t spend 45 days wondering what the fuck was going wrong with your plants…hahaha..

Charlie: You are an evil bastard Danny…

The botanist/horticulturalist had a tradition with every new member. They would stealthily add 10 plants in the veg room of new members, right as they were entering the vegetative stage. 10 Lowrider plants, yeah those short little fucking things with ruderalis genetics in them. For the next few weeks the new member would be scratching their heads…a room full of beautiful similar plants, all nice and even…and then 10 little turd runts in one spot looking like fucking bonsai trees. We loved every day of the joke. The best part was listening to the shit we would tell the rookie. Concerned friends who would claim to have seen it happen last year to an entire crop…hahaha. Lack of proper photon conversion. Of course you should flower them. What they look like they are starting to flower already? Wow. That is unusual for that strain. Once the joke was up and they figured it out, that started several weeks of talking shit to them about it. The botanists counted the number of days it took everyone to figure out the joke and adjusted the amount of one to one training based on the results. Gotta have some fun somehow, right?

With each new member a farm is leased to them at a cost of 1 dollar, from Vox Communications, an Antilles corporation. However, the official agreement and transfer paperwork shows market price. The transaction is handled by the law firm of Cohen and Murphy in Jackson. They also have a 1 million dollar retainer given them by 8 at the end of his term. Saul Cohen is the only person that we have ever met with and only after office hours when everyone else has gone home. We always visit him together because of a basic principle: It’s your freedom, take responsibility for it. Don’t ever delegate it. Saul is a nice man, doesn’t want to know what we do and we like that. He personally set up Vox while on a free vacation with his family. He charges us a hefty price for what we require of him and for it we make sure that his synagogue dues are always paid on time and he gets to sit up front, close to god.

Money travels a different path. Since there are others out there who use the same methods, we won’t discuss them in detail. Just know that e-currencies backed by gold are your friend and a good document forger is money well spent. When you are asking for a viable work permit, drivers license and residency permit for France, all necessary for bank accounts…(just as an example only, of course), then a good papers person is an ace nobody knows about. Should the Co-op instantly go out of business, then provisions are in place for full payment of all funds Over the years, funds have collected as several members were of the opinion which can best summed up by ‘that’s enough. How much do I really need for fucks sake..or I wanna leave a little something for my descendants.’ Some years the capital fund was not completely used. So there is about 10 million extra in the fund. If we shut down, each gets ¼ share of each year they were a team member and then ¼ of the extra funds. Yes we are in it for the money. But mostly we are in it to buy our freedom.

Freedom from the mortqage payment, the car insurance bills, the drudgery of a job that cost a very large portion of our earnings just to attend! Freedom from the traffic jam and the dry cleaners. Freedom from the hierarchical ass kissing machine we are required to enslave ourselves to, in order to sleep indoor and eat food.. Freedom from HR departments was their Codes of Ethics and piss in a bottle rules. Freedom from the cheap insulting propaganda on the walls of the sociopathic organism encouraging us to play as a team…yet report any suspicious behavior to our managers. Freedom from Friday afternoon battles as others sling work from their desk to yours via email. A declaration that we will not submit to the insane and illogical cult of personality offered by management towards the executive leadership team. We will not worship. Free from the insincere handshake and smile. After our time here, we will have purchased our freedom from all of that. So is it about the money? Yes it is. Freedom ain’t fucking cheap these days.


komrade komura

Active member
The Fall of the Mississippi Sativa Cooperative - Part 5

The Fall of the Mississippi Sativa Cooperative - Part 5

Part 5
The news of the arrest hit us hard. The Rothenberg brothers’ courier had been busted while on Interstate 75 headed east towards Newark. As usual the brothers drove the product out of Mississippi. We don’t deal with couriers, only principals. The courier was busted with 350 pounds of some of the finest weed we have ever grown, including 120 pounds of the best Kali Mist we ever produced.

Early the next morning, long before sunrise we received an email message at a Safe Mail account: It was only two words: Tango Down. This is an email kept in draft mode on all of our customer’s phones. It takes about 5 seconds to send it. The Roths were out of commission.

About 30 minutes later, we received the same message from Stella. Tango down. Panic really can’t describe what we were going through. It took a lot of yelling to calm everyone down enough to discuss the circumstances and the plan. Shut down procedure 1. We don’t stick around in Proc 1. A quick call to Lenny. He would send the preacher to collect us.

The preacher is a former biker who found the lord during a 3 year stint in jail. He evangelizes to the various clubs throughout the south, offering them solace and redemption. He also performs acts of mercy for the clubs, getting beaten wives to safety, taking cigarettes and coded messages to members in prison. The clubs in turn built him a little church out in the country with a modest house beside it. I had met him during my scary week with them. Seemed like a good man to me, very spiritual and kind, but with an occasional flash of biker temperament, as when he ended a fight between two gang members with a baseball bat.

Lenny for his part always had a good relationship with the local chief of police in the suburban town just outside Little Rock. Mostly was because he married his daughter. In agreement for keeping a low profile and not beating up too many locals, Lenny was always aware of any police actions towards the club. He even carefully crafted the image of the club as a caring and compassionate group of souls by sponsoring charity rides for several causes. His took dying children for rides in a sidecar equipped motorcycle.

One fact was clear to us. Mike had done his quarterly visit the month before with both of our arrested customers but not with the Banditos yet. It was always a party when he visited the club and he wanted to take a tolerance break for a week before he set off for Little Rock. We were compromised.

He left the farm with his wife within 20 minutes, via the back wooded area. Once in the woods, he stripped naked and wrapped himself in a blanket. I picked him up in the SUV and listened to him curse all the way back to my farm.

Once in my barn, he was given a set of coveralls he had left from a painting job in the veg room.

The daily drip irrigation of money to the foreign accounts was done early for the day. 10,000 dollars is the point at which the government pays attention to a bank transfer. We send 9,000 increments to numerous banks overseas every day.

All phones and computers were collected. Future communication would be via pay phones and disposables until we reached Little Rock. We smashed all of the equipment, and put them into a barrel, added some gasoline and burned them. The ugly mess remaining was taken down into the veg room and dumped next to the structural pilings, right below a large block of C4.

Allen: What time did you set it to go off?

Mike: 01:00 AM tomorrow morning. Pigs love 3 to 4 AM, and I didn’t want to make any orphans. But if they show up before then, they will hit the trips…and may god have mercy on their souls.

Allen: Good. How do you think it happened?

Mike: Don’t know man. It could have happened in Newark or Houston….or here! I just don’t know.

Charlie came back up from setting the timer. 1 AM also.

Danny came in with his wife. He was bitching about having to destroy everything.

Danny: Whose fucking idea was it to make home-made napalm? We have enough C4 to level Tacoma and some wise fuck adds enough napalm to cover half of Vietnam.

Allen: It’s insurance Danny.

Mike: Yeah, we don’t follow a latex glove protocol down in the rooms so we need as much fire and brimstone as the good lord can muster. Fuck, how did I get tagged? I am always so fucking careful.

Allen: Don’t worry about it now Mike. You are clean now, unless they shoved it up your ass.

Danny: Don’t ask me to go looking there. Stella says you have IBS. Glad I ain’t gotta wash your underwear.

Mike: Shut the fuck up Danny. I don’t need that now.

Danny: Sorry bro, just trying to make everyone laugh to keep our spirits up.

Time to leave. We were taking almost nothing. Only the clothes on our backs, a USB drive containing all of the information we needed to distribute and access funds, 25,000 dollars in cash and our documentation. We drove quietly in Charlie’s minivan and my SUV towards the Motel 6 north of Laurel. The children slept.

Four rooms, cash. A large family on its way to an even larger yearly reunion in Arkansas. The florida license plates we put on the vehicles would help substantiate the myth.

About noon, the reverend arrived. Prior to his arrival, our morning had been spent taking each of the vehicles to a car wash, followed by a bleach exorcism. Each vehicle was left with keys in the ignition in a poor section of Laurel. We walked back to the hotel.

Reverend Billy parked his motor home a block away in the WalMart parking lot. On the side of this formerly luxurious Winnebago was painted in large letters a logo: ‘Lose the weight of your sins NOW…ask me how’. Below it was a telephone number for the good reverend’s church. Painted in much smaller letters right below the driver’s window was: ‘Veloci-rapture, handle with care’.

We bought new clothes at WalMart.

After we had settled a few minutes in the motor home, Mike insisted that we all check our papers. We didn’t share the details with others; just made sure they were present and accounted for and we read the bios we had crafter for each.

For the next week, we would leave the country through various exit points. Mine was through Canada since I was now a Canadian citizen. In the meantime, we were singing gospel hymns lead by Reverend Billy.

In the early hours of the next morning as the DEA and various state and local police drove towards the farms, they were very pissed off to find that they had been preceded by fire departments from two counties. They complained bitterly as the fire chief explained that there were enough hazardous chemicals to put his men at risk and the best they could do was to let it burn out. Unknown to the current team members several charges had been placed under the farm houses.

In the end, they had 4 families, unknown and disappeared, four farms completely destroyed and devoid of any identifying evidence, two brothers and one hot babe in custody who provided them with the same names of people who didn’t exist. High priced attorneys were yelling for bail, as none of their clients were actually found in possession of any cannabis. The best part was the budget of 1 million dollars spent with nothing to show for it.

We are free now and that’s good…eh?

We don’t live there anymore…or there either. Don’t try to come and find us. You won’t. We exist as different people now, in different places.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
what happened to the dead cop and dominatrix :dunno:

EDIT: my bad, i posted at almost the same time as you. didn't realize the story took that quick of a turn. i guess i was expecting some investigation into the missing cop... it's all good...
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Active member
Good writing - really liked the long intruduction with details about why, in which way new members got chosen and the lil hints about the cooperative´s history. Also liked the nice lil part about the lowrider prank. Just sad about the sudden ending - IMO - there was a lot potencial for a lot more.


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
Interesting story, but I don't get why you would keep bringing more people into the circle? Doesn't matter, Im sure the story needs that part, but man thats a lot of people who know about something. Wouldn't somebody take over the organization... change the rules so they stay in control?

Keep it up

komrade komura

Active member
The Cooperative would never permit someone like Mitt Romney to be a team member. The ruthlessness of the vulture capitalist and the drug kingpin are not so different.

The story was inspired by watching some old Huey P Long videos on Youtube...hahaha. 'No man more than a 10 millionaire' was the line that inspired me to start thinking of how that would apply to a very large commercial cannabis operation.

There are plenty of stories that cover distribution from a right wing perspective. Become a kingpin, kill your way to the top, lay on a bed of cash, die in a gun battle.

Was just wondered what it would look like from a left-wing perspective. How would Emma Goldman organize it?

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