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The English riots....


The Riots in England where triggered by the shooting by armed police carrying Heckler Koch submachine guns of a man called Mark Duggan After a peaceful demonstration by the family of Mark Duggan in Tottenham, London, frustrated youths began to stone police.

This escalated the next few nights when large numbers of people did similarly in various deprived areas in major English Citys.

Saying this is some conspiracy to force the militarisation of the British cops is bollcoks, they are already militarised, they carry machine guns.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor

Except the riots are going to be used to bring in curfews and national service.

Also a convenient excuse to bring in new and invasive internet regulation.

There is no doubt that the fire was bone dry and ready to roar.

Who built the fire in the first place?




You don't get more English than "bollocks" LOL

You don't get more English than "bollocks" LOL

Really? I don't like to preach hate but...

I remember packing food parcels for the families of miners, with children practically starving a couple of miles from my house.

I watched my industrial hometown turn into a ghostland of empty steel mills and discarded needles.

I was one of the MILLIONS of unemployed men and women under the last conservative government.

I would love to hear your memories of the Thatcher Years longearedfriend... perhaps I'm looking back through grime tinted spectacles and it wasn't all that bad?
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