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The end is near ! Get ready to rock n roll !


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Lammen Gorthaur
Every few years we have to hear about the end of the world. Adolph Hitler's astrologer convinced him the world would end if he didn't take control. Mao figured if he could just find a way to get rid of those 4 million "political undesirables" then modern China would emerge and take over the world. Stalin decided that working 33 million of them to death might be good for mankind and his political legacy. Jim Jones took the Kool-aid drinking loonies to a whole new level with Jonestown providing a whole new meaning to the term "religious vacation". Then we watched the wonderful people of Waco and David Koresh on parade as they waited for the end of the world (or being busted, which for them was the same thing). In the late 90s we had the Heaven's Gate krewe who all died to catch the great space ship-time-comet-continuum thingy. In the early 21st century we saw the extremism of Islamic terror on display because these people are being convinced that there is a bigger plan, they just have to blow themselves to pieces so corrupt religious puppets can play the part of the rich demagogue a little longer. If they would make the sacrifice, they could save the world from ending.

Now we have people trying to interpret the end of the world based upon something Nostrodamus said almost 600 years ago to keep from having his head chopped off by a pissed off French aristocracy and self-loathing Catholic church that was just getting started with the idea that we just have to kill all these devil-worshippers and God will make the rest of it all work for us. Next we'll hear the gross predictions the world will end because of the devil (George Bush) still lives.

If the world ends in 2012 due to some cosmic event, there isn't much you can do about it other than hope there is another dimension of existence beyond this one. Live your life, love the one your with and put a contribution on the plate of society every now and then and it will all be good. Worry about those things you can control, the ones that you can't will just give you ulcers and Type II diabetes.

Oh, and don't forget to say, "Death to America!" when you get a chance. That always helps.


Today is the "good old days" of the tomorrows ahead.

just hope it doesn't end too soon ... after almost two decades, i'm FINALLY learing some fun finer points of this hobby. Cloning, colloidal silver, breeding ... don't end it now!!


to be honest...the old lady had better drugs than we have for sure :D

2111 – People become living robots
2164 – Animals turn half-human
2273 – Mixing yellow, white and black races. New race....WTF should that mean ?!
2288 – Travel back in time (Time Travel invented?). New contacts with aliens.

I mean...i dont have those ideas even with the strongest weed I have :D


Active member
straights dont know what t he fuck we talking about

and the hippies just take another hit and nod...
Yeah about that Mayan thing....... I don't think we're going to make it that far because my calander stops on Sunday , January 31........


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
you know what i ask myself all the time? i wonder if all the dinosaurs and other fossilized forms of life we often find digging beleived in armagedon or that the world could possibly shift with little to no forewarning? being that we have found umpteen forms of previous life and the fact that science can prove the world is" millions, and millions" (in my best rock voice) of years old, do we really think that our "yay we are a 2 thousand+ year old people with high speed internet, beat that" are really any match for the powers that be?


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
ya that wouldnt be all that bad. i am high on kush and this is how i want to go so anytime in the next hour or so is good for me.

Ganja D

I'm gonna be sooo pissed if it goes down soon. My life is finally starting to get awesome after years of hard work and setbacks. I'm just about to really start living. Back off apocalypse.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

In the Year 2525
Zager & Evans Youtube

In the year 2525
If man is still alive
If woman can survive
They may find

In the year 3535
Ain't gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lies
Everything you think, do, or say
Is in the pill you took today

In the year 4545
Ain't gonna need your teeth, won't need your eyes
You won't find a thing to do
Nobody's gonna look at you

In the year 5555
Your arms are hanging limp at your sides
Your legs not nothing to do
Some machine is doing that for you

In the year 6565
Ain't gonna need no husband, won't need no wife
You'll pick your son, pick your daughter too
From the bottom of a long black tube

In the year 7510
If God's a-comin' he ought to make it by then
Maybe he'll look around himself and say
Guess it's time for the Judgement day

In the year 8510
God's gonna shake his mighty head
He'll either say I'm pleased where man has been
Or tear it down and start again

In the year 9595
I'm kinda wondering if man's gonna be alive
He's taken everything this old earth can give
And he ain't put back nothing

Now it's been 10,000 years
Man has cried a billion tears
For what he never knew
Now man's reign is through
But through the eternal night
The twinkling of starlight
So very far away
Maybe it's only yesterday

In the year 2525
If man is still alive
If woman can survive
They may find

In the year 3535
Ain't gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lies
Everything you think, do or say
Is in the pill you took today .......
