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The Egg Stealing Raven and the Pug - ala Edgar Allan Poe.


Guest 26753

Guys, I live as a recluse and have done so for nigh on 30 years. I suffer from chronic PTSD after being imprisoned in Sagmalicar prison, in Istanbul, Turkey. A youthful adventure gone terribly amiss. I was caught smuggling cars from Germany into Iran.

Most of my time is spent in my back yard, and I have developed a garden that reflects beauty in as many ways as I can possibly think of. I surround myself with flowers, floral perfumes, and critters.
Some of the critters that visit me are quite unusual, and this thread gives you an insight into my world.

Recently, I became the owner of an 8 year old Pug, passed on to me after the previous owner moved into a home for folks with dementia. My wife says I belong there too lol.

Any ways, this Pug is quite odd, and this series of images tells the story of that odd little Pug, called Kimme.

You will need to look through the rainbow to really see how my world operates as a recluse with terrible PTSD and chronic depression.



I also have a lot of wild birds that come to visit me, including a most magnificent Raven. I call him Edgar!


Edgar is a wild raven, and a member of the Corvidae family. Ravens are incredibly intelligent birds, but are also extremely shy when it comes to being around humans.
Over the last few months, I have been enticing Edgar to come closer and closer to me, using various treats like minced beef and chicken eggs. When Kimme came into our household, I wondered whether the presence of a dog would drive Edgar away. As it turned out, I was in for one hell of a surprise!
The following images tell the story of how Edgar continues to 'steal' the eggs that I put out to entice him.



See the egg








Now this was not just one occasion that Edgar braved the ferocious Pug, Kimme. It became a regular event, and Kimme could not give two hoots if the raven was there or not. The next series of images tell more of this amazing story of critters and my life as a recluse.




It seems that they had come to some understanding that neither was athreat to each other. Now folks, this is quite unusual, so I will carry on lol.







And to finish of this thread, here are some pics of my garden.





-~Wind Walker~-

Active member
Moose Man,

When I die can I be buried in your backyard?

Just promise to make sure the raven doesn't poop on my grave, deal?

Wow, thank you for sharing those pictures.

It seems that your yard would be a challenge to mow without losing a few other plants near the fringe so to speak.

What is that smoking urn?

I bought a small pot of chives at the grocery store a few months ago but they have not grown at all.

Are close ups of the flowers other than the rose, lilies?

What a little lush paradise you have created!


Guest 26753

Actually the mowing is quite quite simple. The garden lines all flow and there is a natural separation of grass to garden beds using eucalypt chips which inhibit weed growth. The flowers you see are Oriental Liliums, Tree Peony, Golden Chain Tree, Roses, Paulonia (Royal Powton), and a lot of various perennials and native ferns. The plant with the large leaves I call Elephant Ears.
In the purple urn, I am burning Frankincense and Myrrh gum on charcoal blocks, which gives a beautiful aroma to compliment the flowers and give a misty look through the shards of sunlight coming through the tree.
I built this garden with no money - over the years I wandered around the neighbourhood collecting seeds and cuttings. I was given some of the liliums, but all the rest have been propagated and grown out by me.
Folks often say "I wish I had what you have", but those folks have money and you cannot have what I have unless you have no money - I love the paradox lol


Well-known member
very nice SM ,i to like to hang by myself alot of the time ,once in awhile i need to have contact with others but not that often .as for your lil garden of eden AWESOME SPOT ,i could hang in the backyard all day with the flowers and the critters


Ravens are awesome. I love watching them play on windy days, or when they try to be sneaky about picking through the stuff in the backs of peoples' trucks.


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
That is just great

We do not have any Ravens in my area, we get Crows, but that is not close, that bird looks evil

I love the shots, What is up the smoker?


Folks often say "I wish I had what you have", but those folks have money and you cannot have what I have unless you have no money - I love the paradox lol

Brilliant... i would even go so far as to say your mental state is what allows you to maintain the Peaceful Life so many want, but don't know how to get. They are too caught up in being financially successful.

Even if they find themselves broke, they will suffer because they are programmed for financial success.

You have what most people are lookin for, they just don't know where to look...



Brilliant... i would even go so far as to say your mental state is what allows you to maintain the Peaceful Life so many want, but don't know how to get. They are too caught up in being financially successful.

Even if they find themselves broke, they will suffer because they are programmed for financial success.

You have what most people are lookin for, they just don't know where to look...


:yeahthats well said.

Guest 26753

I am openly an activist in Australia so my face is well known, so I have no issues with these pics being here.

Here are some more critters. Anyone who knows Magpies will understand how rare this pic is.





Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Moose I think I can say I've looked into your world thru that rainbow a little...save that extra chair for me. Good show your friend...DD

Guest 26753

^My friend, I will always have a spare chair for you to sit with me.


Moose,you can come and sit in my garden too. I understand completely how much joy and peace you get from just sitting and observing the natural world.That is the first time I have seen Magpies.Just wait till the Turkey Buzzards come back to our area,I'll get some good pics of them. They have nested in an old hunting shed on our property for the last 3 years.I enjoy your pics very much,it is winter here!:biggrin: MW


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
hehe thats great moose i recently saw something on t.v where a crow and a dog were like that but the crow used to play and roll around with the dog..

Awesome garden m8 i wish i could have a garden like that....One day when i'm not renting i spose
I bet your garden is a great place to be, nice and cool on those stinkin hot days great place to kick back have a beer and a smoke

Stay Safe bro


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
nice spot moose,ravens are smart birds,make sure you stay friends,they love foil wrapped butter pattys!! shiny!


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
awesome pics! and i love wild birds! i have tons and tons of cardinals and blue jays and pigeons that are always putting on a show for me and my kids outside my window :joint: great pictures man!



pollen dabber
ICMag Donor
wow i love your safe haven/garden. im working hard to achieve a place with an area i know i wont be seen or heard. i dont have ptsd, but similar things that cause me to think im being watched all the time, even before being introduced to cannabis. One day my back yard will look like yours, thanks for sharing.
I grew up with pugs, they are good for your soul!


Well-known member
1 day i would love to go to OZ and if i do i will comew and sit and have a smoke and a chat and just hangout with the critters ,i like critters more then i like most people


Your backyard is very beautiful. How did you get that many magpies to sit on you? Do you have a bag of food in your lap?