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The effects of Marijuana and Driving


Game Bred
I know I said I was leaving but I want to say one last thing.

There are many people in our community who believe cannabis is a miracle plant that can cause no wrong under any circumstances whatsoever. And its silly. Its unfounded, disproven, and immature.

If our community is ever to be taken seriously by mainstream society we will have to find a way to reconcile this. As responsible cannabis users we need to work to undue the damage done by people who ride around getting high in their car, and the other various dangerous and stupid activities done by our less mature users.

it's almost become a religion for some.
this type of thinking does MUCH more harm than good.


Active member
i ride around smoking blunts in my car well actually i just take a few bong hits before i leave the house. i dont like driving around with weed on me since i can be thrown into assraping prison for something i use to relieve my pain. i have never had an accident, the one time i had something close to an accident i was completely sober and some douchebag was behind me honking their horn while i was waiting for a truck to go up some more so i could go around it and into the traffic. my anxiety kicked in and i succumbed to the jackoff behind me and i tried to drive my car around the truck without enough clearance. i ended up with a deep gouge in my car along the back passenger door and down to the trunk from when i scraped the little hydraulic lift/ramp the truck had on the back of it.

thats it. the only fucking time. ive been driving around "high" "stoned" "impaired" "intoxicated" or whatever scary sounding word you want to use for calm, for years at least 5. i've run 2 red lights are my only moving violations... goddamn red light camera's i swore it was still yellow. (no i didnt blow through shit before you come back to use this as some evidence for your case. ill post scans of the tickets both times the light was red for less than half a second. i went through on yellows.)

i guess im a fucking menace to society and should be locked up then. there's no way to tell if someone is impaired by marijuana, or cannabis whatever the fuck would wanna call it i call it weed most of the time myself cuz i aint got time for semantics. you can take all manner of prescription pills and no one's gonna get all faggy about it like you all are doing over weed yet these pills are sometimes way worse than even being drunk. and how do they get away with it? theres a little sticker on the bottle that says dont drive while on this if you arent used to its effects. i bet motaco isnt ranting and raving that people on prescription medicine should be doing minimum sentences for being caught with it in their system.

what a buncha fucking hypocrites you all are turning out to be.


The problem is it has been done many times, over and over again, articulated quite succinctly by several members several times on such an obvious point. YOU are not going to change your mind. You've backed yourself into a corner and demand people to prove to you something obvious to everyone else. I can't prove the sky is blue if you don't look.

I've stated several times there are varying degrees. I stated a buzz from hours earlier is different than being high while driving, but the topic is being high while driving!

You keep saying it makes you drive slower and such. Well no shit that is because your brain is processing information slower. That is going to make your reaction time slower. If an old woman careens into your lane you will have a slower reaction time if you are high on marijuana.

Its very simple and from this point on I will no longer argue with people who refuse to process information. :deadhorse:

The actual crux of the problem is that you would rather look like a fool than say you were wrong. There is no easy cure for that unfortunately except maturity. Perhaps you'll find it one day. :wave:

I know I said I was leaving but I want to say one last thing.

There are many people in our community who believe cannabis is a miracle plant that can cause no wrong under any circumstances whatsoever. And its silly. Its unfounded, disproven, and immature.

A great plant? Of course. A miracle that can do no wrong and is incapable of being used poorly? Silly

If our community is ever to be taken seriously by mainstream society we will have to find a way to reconcile this. As responsible cannabis users we need to work to undue the damage done by people who ride around getting high in their car, and the other various dangerous and stupid activities done by our less mature users.

The crux of the issue is that you can't prove your claim with anything other than opinion, although you've at least 'adjusted' your position to recognize use from abuse now, but that's about the extent of your progress.

We already know you think you hold some type of moral high ground, still doesn't make you right.

Name calling, misdirection, out of context selective quoting do not facts make...I can understand why you're mad.

I'll admit I'm wrong when you prove it without all the arm flailing and conjecture, Mr. grown-up :laughing:

When you're ready to show some of this maturity you speak of, I'll be right here :wave:


Maybe we just have to bring back the sobriety test. That's a decent judge of motor skill acuity. That way, all of those vallium mother hypocrites can go to jail when they can't walk in a straight line.

Texting while driving = real problem
Driving after bong rip = (for me) no problem

I think if you get mr joe shmo who only tokes once in a great while behind the wheel after taking a mind bending bong rip, he might freak out trying to avoid the snakes.

I can't get too high anymore. I try. Often, and with great determination.


I'd rather be a passanger with a blazed experienced toker, than with anyone over the age of 65.

Do stoned people drive through crowded plazas?

I think it should be illegal to drive while old. It's dangerous and it kills our children. It also reduces reaction time. Think of the fucking children!


Game Bred
hilarious to watch all the people arguing against peer reviewed science with personal,anecdotal stories....
these same folks would call anyone out who tried the same tack from the other side of any other debate.
religion is insidious.

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
the last time I drove stoned and had a little accident...
I had to get out and ask the witnesses what happened...:)

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
it's almost become a religion for some.
this type of thinking does MUCH more harm than good.

Find me one plant that can clothe, feed, fuel, house, and medicate you.

If you could, it would be a miracle plant as well.

Humans can do all the harm they want with them but it isn't the plants' fault.

It is our own actions that are doing much more harm than good.

Review this thread if you need clarification.

Cannabis is a miracle plant.


OP, please try to stop using the word 'marijuana' so liberally, it's cannabis as you know. the govt invented the word marijuana as an ethnically derogatory scare tactic in the beginning of the war on drugs.

whenever I read a 'report' on cannabis I judge it by how & who refers to weed as either cannabis or mj. actual impartial scientists use the word cannabis almost exclusively; govt funded reports by scientists use the word marijuana almost exclusively.

the proof is in the reading of the reports, rather unbiased innocuous sounding reports or articles about cannabis that sound truthful to you as a user will use the *C* word.

reports or articles trouncing the use of cannabis and citing 'no proof' of medicinal benefits will be using the *M* word as they're funded and written by the federal govt.

LOL perhaps my use of the word Marijuana brought in the devouts who believe marijuana is as impairing as booze? I'll try to be more mindful of that.


May your race always be in your favor
I figure cruise control was invented for stoners, so they can keep up with traffic.:smoweed:


What were we talking about?
the last time I drove stoned and had a little accident...
I had to get out and ask the witnesses what happened...:)

And if the witnesses are stoned, they won't remember either . . .

"Um, you ahhh, errr . . . I beg your pardon?"



i get like tunnel vision and become really cautious of everything and drive slower and the only bad thing is night - i'm like 20/60 or something one eye and I can't see well in the dark. There's crosswalks for pedestrians here EVERYWEHRE, and it's a 100 ticket for going through one wih someone crossing the street. And these crosswalks pop up out of nowhere, just painted on the street. Can't see them until you're 30 feet away, so you have to be going slow enough to react.
I blast my music, but turn it down low at a red light

heady blunts

prescription blunts
i drove for 2 years (when i was 16 and 17) strictly sober.

i got in 3 accidents. two were just me crashing, no other cars, pure stupidity. the last one was just a little fender bender on a rainy day in rush hour traffic.

i got 6 speeding tickets.

for the last 8 years, i've driven 98% of the time stoned. i'm not talking so baked i'm inebriated, i'm just talking pleasantly medicated. i worked a couple delivery jobs, i drove the length of the eastern coast a few times a year to college. then i drove to cali. i've driven literally 100,000+ miles while high.

0 tickets.

0 accidents.

...just sayin'...

headband 707

Plant whisperer
It's not up for debate, the data has long been in. Marijuana impairs judgment, alertness, coordination, and subsequently psychomotor function. We know this to be self-evident based upon the myriad of scientific data regarding the effects of cannabis. The only time real controversy arises is when people start making unfair comparisons to alcohol, which is, of course, much, much more dangerous. There are a multitude of studies that reiterate the difference in scope between alcohol and marijuana impairment via driving.

Some smaller studies even indicate that stoned drivers are only marginally negatively impacted. I have no problem accepting this. Nonetheless, Once the science improves so that we can better deduce who is actually high when driving (right now it's just a guessing game via blood, etc.) I fully support mandatory prison terms for first time offenders who drive when stoned.

The moment you step behind a wheel, you are operating a 3000 pound killing machine that could and often does end the life of your peers. It's no longer a discussion of personal freedom.

Really you could have fooled me lol .. I will take any driving test you have to throw at me and I will smoke my brains out before and we will see how impaired I am lol .. peace out Headband707:dance013:

Oh and BTW .... M.A.D.D need to stay away from cannabis and stick with what they know for sure.. They have these extremely STUPID commercials here about driving under the influence of cannabis and it's sooooo off the mark they need to be STOPPED!!! PERIOD!!!!


lol I had this huge page written out and then I realized that it just read like an inner monologue justifying driving stoned.
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So I had a conversation last night with a family member who was lamenting on my marijuana use. She said "You look terrible" I said "I feel fine", this is the kind of conversation I was having. She says "You don't look like you could drive a car, do you think you are exempt from a DUI with your card?" I said "Do you want to drive somewhere with me?"

From what I have seen marijuana really has no effect on my ability to drive. If anything I am more comfortable and drive a tad slower. I feel that on any level of weed smoking where I would also be driving I would be able to pass a sobriety test with ease. What are your thoughts on being stoned and operating half ton weapons?

not advisable to drive if your new to the stuff.


Active member
I know I said I was leaving but I want to say one last thing.

There are many people in our community who believe cannabis is a miracle plant that can cause no wrong under any circumstances whatsoever. And its silly. Its unfounded, disproven, and immature.

A great plant? Of course. A miracle that can do no wrong and is incapable of being used poorly? Silly

If our community is ever to be taken seriously by mainstream society we will have to find a way to reconcile this. As responsible cannabis users we need to work to undue the damage done by people who ride around getting high in their car, and the other various dangerous and stupid activities done by our less mature users.

I know I'm not the only one happy to see more people thinking like this....bravo

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