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The Echo Chamber


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  • Hi there, SoCal grower for personal medical use.
  • I Run 6 plants under Floro's for veg and a 1600w HPS, 400CFM Can Fan with Can 50 Carbon Filter for Flower room. Running custom A/C and Dehumidifier to keep things in check.
  • Clones & seeds get put in Riot Rooter's (work great) and then into Roots Organics potting soil with mycohrizzae & humus.
  • Teens/ adults get Super Soil. Add Dolomite Lime, EWC, Blood/Bone Meal, Epsom Salt, Dried Sea Kelp, Rock Phosphate, Azomite, ..
  • Nutrients are Liquid Karma & Cal Mag til the end.
  • I use compost tea's every couple weeks made of EWC/Kelp/Floralicious +/Blackstrap Molassess to keep the bacteria/microbe growth goin strong.
  • During flowering i add Kool Bloom liquid/powder somtimes...
  • I like sativa dominant strains, and cut my indica's before they hit amber stage. That works best for my head :)

Here are the strains i'm running with.

Tahoe O.G.
T.H.Seeds S.A.G.E.
T.H.Seeds Sage 'n Sour
T.H.Seeds Kushage
Willie Nelson
Cataract Kush





I'm a weekly update kinda person unless my access here is too restricted with image uploads and the like.. Comments and questions welcome!


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Active member
Even though I don't agree with them methods of mixing salty ferts with a compost tea in miracle grow. Seems like a wolf in sheep's clothing. I digress though, your plants looks healthy and happy. Proving once again there is more than one way to skin a cat.


Active member
Even though I don't agree with them methods of mixing salty ferts with a compost tea in miracle grow. Seems like a wolf in sheep's clothing. I digress though, your plants looks healthy and happy. Proving once again there is more than one way to skin a cat.

Thanks for stopping in man. I add the floralicious because of the fish emulsion in it. Not sure if that's doing any harm with its other ingredients but so far so good. I add cal mag to my water because i use R.O.. I've started using Calplex & Huvega instead which is working nice, and not as harsh as Cal-Mag. And i definitely don't use miracle grow :microwave:
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Active member
Super soil is miracle grow buddy ;)

They look good, just a bit pushed. If you are wanting to do an organic soil thing I would recommend Roots Organic. Some of the shit with them you don't really need, but it works great. Just make sure you aerate your solution before using it. I would also recommend Roots Organic soil or even Ocean Forrest. Both work great! If you were to use either one, I would tone down the nutes on it because they will both sustain your plants for at least a month. With the right amendments you can get away with just water and molasses through the whole cycle


Active member
Awesome, i'm using Roots Organics Natrual/Organic soil now. In the bottom layer of the pot i add the extra guano's and organic stuff, then fill the rest with Roots Organics & extra Dolomite Lime/Humus/EWC and Azomite. I'll probably switch to Molasses only instead of using Liquid Karma every time. I do aerate the R.O. water for at least 24 hours before using. I make sure i sont smell chlorine in it. The thing is the RO process strips the Cal/Mag from the water so I add Botanicare Cal Mag to supplement. I have a box of Oyster Shell but dont trust it will be enough calcium for entire cycle. I'm also still trying to find a decent source of Magnesium that is organic.Thanks for the tips dude!

Super soil is miracle grow buddy ;)

They look good, just a bit pushed. If you are wanting to do an organic soil thing I would recommend Roots Organic. Some of the shit with them you don't really need, but it works great. Just make sure you aerate your solution before using it. I would also recommend Roots Organic soil or even Ocean Forrest. Both work great! If you were to use either one, I would tone down the nutes on it because they will both sustain your plants for at least a month. With the right amendments you can get away with just water and molasses through the whole cycle


Smile Vs Cry
absolutely high class grower confirmed homie !!!

i'm really impressed from your job and your plants turn in stellar color , trik's covered and swell buds, i like all strain that you grow, some kicked your ass fo su!!
give me a whistle if you intend to do some smoka report homie, I'm really interested to know more about sage 'n' sour and cataract kush , keep it up!!!


Your photos are incredible! Wish ICMAG would allow for high quality raw uploads so I could turn those into some slick backgrounds! Looks like you've got a great set up going there.


Active member
Awesome, i'm using Roots Organics Natrual/Organic soil now. In the bottom layer of the pot i add the extra guano's and organic stuff, then fill the rest with Roots Organics & extra Dolomite Lime/Humus/EWC and Azomite. I'll probably switch to Molasses only instead of using Liquid Karma every time. I do aerate the R.O. water for at least 24 hours before using. I make sure i sont smell chlorine in it. The thing is the RO process strips the Cal/Mag from the water so I add Botanicare Cal Mag to supplement. I have a box of Oyster Shell but dont trust it will be enough calcium for entire cycle. I'm also still trying to find a decent source of Magnesium that is organic.Thanks for the tips dude!

Then you got it! Super job my friend!

Do you add beneficials? You should try to get a herd of fungus and bacteria in your reservoir or soil. The trichaderma will take a long time to colonize so you would have to start it in your soil months before you use it, but they work great! Anyways, keep up the good work! I am digging it.


Active member
Then you got it! Super job my friend!

Do you add beneficials? You should try to get a herd of fungus and bacteria in your reservoir or soil. The trichaderma will take a long time to colonize so you would have to start it in your soil months before you use it, but they work great! Anyways, keep up the good work! I am digging it.

You bet 've been adding Mycohrizae (Great White & Mykos) to each transplant. I noticed a huge difference when i started using it. Some strains the roots grow thru the smart pots and keep growing :)

absolutely high class grower confirmed homie !!!

i'm really impressed from your job and your plants turn in stellar color , trik's covered and swell buds, i like all strain that you grow, some kicked your ass fo su!!
give me a whistle if you intend to do some smoka report homie, I'm really interested to know more about sage 'n' sour and cataract kush , keep it up!!!

Thanks Killerweed31, i took me a bit to track down some of the strains, but you can tell i'm a big fan of TH seeds stuff :) I'll definitely post a smoke report when its ready, check back dude :)

Your photos are incredible! Wish ICMAG would allow for high quality raw uploads so I could turn those into some slick backgrounds! Looks like you've got a great set up going there.

Thanks anonnoats, good photography is all about lighting, i hope to upgrade to something that can do some nice macro shots in the future, take care man.


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
Thanks bro. This helped alot.
What model is the AC

Thanks bro....


Active member
Its a 5000 BTU Daewoo. Its a cheap unit, i paid $80 for it new. But any window A/C should work. the Zenith from the earlier photo broke. I turned it on its side which is a big no no with anything containing a compressor. i learned my lesson. I would go with minimum 10,000 BTU though, 5000 works but it struggles.