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Well-known member
The Dog Dies at the End is Disney's latest classic movie, freqently shown to children (usaually when Sherk or Finding Nemo are nowhere to be found) but rarely enjoyed, it documents the fictional realtionship between a boy named ARJAN and his dog called REZ. During the course of the movie the friendship grows and all the characters in some way learn something about themselves.


The movie opens with Arjan's birthday party. He's blowing out the candles on his cake while enjoying a can of COOL, TASTY, & REFRESHING COCA COLA, in a heart warming scene for the whole family. However, it soon becomes clear that something is amiss, there are no other kid's there. The only others present are the boy's mother and his racist grandmother who sit's in the corner spitting in a cup and mumbling " I told you to get an abortion."

His mother hands him a parcel, which he opens and a puppy emerges gasping for air and spilling the boy's can of COOL, TASTY & REFRESHING COCA COLA. "At last! the boy shouts, a creature without mental faculties to realize what a freak I'am! He will be my friend."

Unfortunatley, the course of puppy-ownership doesn't run smoothly.The boy's father returns home from his job at the local Herring Packing factory with a can of COOL, TASTY & REFRESHING COCA COLA in his hand and is lessed than pleased to discover a new addition to the family. He is inexplicably opposed to the new dog and insists on getting rid of it. However, his wife prevails upon him to keep the dog. The father is thus established as a hate-figure, in accordance with the movies underlying Feminist message.


The boy and the dog grow closer togather, as established by numerous emotional manipulative shots of the pair playing in a field of tulips in which the dog licks the boy's face.

It soon becomes clear that the boy is something of a social pariah. He is bullied and jeered at by a fat sweaty-looking kid and his fat sweaty friends. The boy's father tells him to " stop being such a wuss" and stand-up to the bullies. This is a spectacularly unsuccesful move as the bullies grab the boy by the collar of his limited edition Greenhouse T-shirt and threaten to "ruff him up and causing him to drop his can of COOL, TASTY & REFRESHNG COCA COLA."But Rez leaps to the rescue. The bullies are terrified by the comically small, self-important, yelping, lap-dog, and run away never to bother the boy again.

Rez teaches Arjan to come out of himself and express his true self to the world as only an animal of sub-human intelligence can. Armed with a new found confidence Arjan joins the local peanut baseball team, much to the pride of his father, who like all man, only understand the world in terms of sports, guns, and COOL, TASTY & REFRESHING COCA COLA.

It's the day of the big game between Arjan's team and thier cross-town rivals, when it's Arjan's turn to bat Rez runs onto the field much to the annoyance of everyone. Arjan shouts at Rez to go home but Rez just stands there wagging his tail. Exasperated, Arjan hit's Rez with his bat, much to the dismay of his mother who is shown covering her face in disgust. This marks a turning point in thier relationship, adding depth to an otherwise shallow and uninteresting story.


Rez runs away directly after the game and all of Amsterdam is employed in the search. Except for the boy's father, who said he had to go to work at the local Herring Packing factory. They search and search, with many heart-wrenching, emotionally-manipulative "mister have you seen my dog" moments, but to no avail. Arjan decideds to sneak out in the middle of the night to search for Rez in Amsterdams Haunted Zorgvlied Cemetary, making sure to bring a can of COOL, TASTY & REFRESHING COCA COLA to drink along the way. There in the graveyard he stubles upon a crypt in which a band of thieves along with a muti-nippled wolf called YUMMYBUD are smuggling treasure of some kind. He meets Rez there and they end-up being locked-up in the crypt by the ruthless thieves who are stealing from the Childrens Hospital near the graveyard. After bitting Arjan in the face in revenge for the baseball bat incident, Rez finds a secret way-out and they escape and subsequently alert the police. A feel-good ending for the whole family! Or so they thought.......


We then hear a voice-over of Arjan all grown-up, who has joined an all white dutch rap-group or something, explaining how Rez taght him so much about friendship and all those other meaningless sentiments.

Then he say's, "one day we were playing in the yard and enjoying a COOL, TASTY & REFRESHING COCA COLA, when Rez ran into the street after a ball" the gruesome death is not shown on screen, after all it's a childrens movie, but it's clear that Rez was run-over.

The movie ends with a scene of Arjan crying and being comforted by his mother, his father comes home and his mother explains that Rez was run-over by a Monster Truck. His father tactlessly offers to buy the boy a new dog, thus establishng that men are incapable of understanding emotions and think that every problem can be solved by buying stuff and a can of COOL, TASTY & REFRESHING COCA COLA.


The reaction of the movie among critics was rather mixed. Some describe it as "an emotional roller-coaster," possibly the greatest dog-related movie of all time. But what do we really have to compare it to? 102 Dalmatians & Benji? While others argue that "a perfectly bland movie was ruined by the dog's harrowing death at the end." The makers of the film responded by saying" it was nowhere near as violent as the Texas Chainsaw Massacre or Saw4 !"

Psychologists report that showing this movie to young children has lead to irrepearable psychological scarring and implore parents" not to show it to anyone, not even adults."

The film has also been deeply criticized for it's unscrupulous use of product placement to sell COOL, TASTY & REFRESHING COCA COLA to impressionable children.


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Well-known member
Pops said:
Are you sure that it was Arjans face that Rez(the dog) licked?

POP'S: It was a Disney film not real life, I dont think it would have gone over to well with the critics if the dog was licking the boy's ass it front of a bunch of kid's.LOL

VANILLA GUERIILA: The movie wasn't as good a I thought it would be. I took my 4 year old grandson to see it last night hoping that thier would be some positive hidden moral message in the film for kids, however,unfortunately after it was over all he said was "grandpa, that movie sucked, but it sure was narley when the dog Rez got run-over by the monster truck!"

SIGRASSALOT: Have a coke & a smile and Happy Independence Day my friend.


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Well-known member
HuffAndPuff said:

I'm guessing it was raining outside, today?

Huffy, where in the hell have you been my friend?

No, it wasn't raining here today. Every 4th of July my modest home turns into "Trouble's Resort Hotel & Spa" for family & friends that are to cheep to pay for a condo or hotel room. They all went to watch fireworks and I decided to stay home and drink scotch & smoke a fat one and then I got drunk, stoned, and bored!


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Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
"Dog dies at the end?"....been there, done that.

Disney's "Old Yeller"-1954.....scarred for life... :badday:
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Resident pissy old man
Trouble, was that a Grimm Bros. story or was it written by General Franco, who lives in the Green House?


Well-known member
Pops said:
Trouble, was that a Grimm Bros. story or was it written by General Franco, who lives in the Green House?

POP'S: I don't believe so, it's one of those tall tales from someone that has over indulged on too much good smoke & scotch on Independence Day. The last I heard General Franco was hiding-out in an underground bunker somewhere in France with two unemployed Italian brothers named Romulus & Beanbag and thier multi-nippled wolf Yummybud.

PINBALL-WIZARD: Old Yeller was a true classic!

BUCKEYE-LEAF: Damn Good Dog!

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I've just experienced irony on several levels, being torn away from a viewing of Texas Chainsaw Massacre to read this...


Well-known member
EatShitake said:
being torn away from a viewing of Texas Chainsaw Massacre to read this...

My kid's like horror movies, however, I dont really care for them, they remind me of Wal-Mart's. All those annoying, toothless, fat women that seem to live in all Wal-Mart's, the ones that always run into you and block the isles so that you can't escape. If I want to have the shit scared out of me, I just go to the nearest Wal-Mart.


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My little pony.. my little pony
Spaghetti for lunch.. again?



Active member
ha, gotta love the family/friend get-togethers! I usually take the first opportunity to duck out, and go burn/drink one, too. Makes it much easier to appreciate the good things about them! Otherwise, it's, "when are these freeloaders leaving? Does nobody else know how to run a load of dishes?!"

RE: Wally World... I went into a 24 hour one at about 2am once, about 4 hours into a pretty heavy acid-trip. I found and put on a fluorescent hunters cap w/earflaps, yellow tinted shooting glasses, and hopped on a sweet-ass barbie bike w/ training wheels and streamers. Riding around, examining the other customers and the rest of the store, I've never been so simultaneously depressed, disgusted, aware, and hysterically laughing before. Talk about, "that place is a trip!"

Hope you're all doing well, and that your INDEPENDENCE days were a blast!



Well-known member
HuffAndPuff said:
ha, gotta love the family/friend get-togethers! I usually take the first opportunity to duck out, and go burn/drink one, too. Makes it much easier to appreciate the good things about them! Otherwise, it's, "when are these freeloaders leaving? Does nobody else know how to run a load of dishes?!"

The older I get the more I really do enjoy the family get-togathers. I may pretend that there a pain-in-the-ass but I always get a kick out of them. Not to mention some good home cooked meals out of the deal, I have eaten-out 5-7 nights a week for the past 15 years which makes me appreciate a big pot of homemade seafood gumbo that much more!

HuffAndPuff said:
RE: Wally World... I went into a 24 hour one at about 2am once, about 4 hours into a pretty heavy acid-trip. I found and put on a fluorescent hunters cap w/earflaps, yellow tinted shooting glasses, and hopped on a sweet-ass barbie bike w/ training wheels and streamers. Riding around, examining the other customers and the rest of the store, I've never been so simultaneously depressed, disgusted, aware, and hysterically laughing before. Talk about, "that place is a trip!"

That story is too funny! It just goes to show what a freak-show Wal-Marts really are, as bizarre as it sounds, that's perfectly normal & acceptable behavior for Wally-World.

VERITE: you funny bastard! Thanks for the last supper photo!

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Registered Med User
...Hmmm, I think Ill walk to the store and get a COOL, TASTY & REFRESHING COCA COLA.... or a rootbeer.

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