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THE DEEP STATE - I urge you all to watch these documentaries.



That's i tried to said with "exilarc" speak about it's historicals facts and genealogically traceable.

At first was the caste of the priests of the religion of Abraham, face to face of the US deep state, they are the actual skeleton, same that of "Bilderberg" and else ; some families manage without division the resources and direct herds of cattles in two legs in management planned.
This Diaspora " familliale " has never disappeared, it was only adapting itself.
An example with " the blow of stock exchange of Waterloo " or how Nathan Rotschild make a fortune.
Do you remember Ford processing on the documentaries ?
Somes things never change...

When you got that on the backyard of your mind when to analyze you the agreements of Balfour (creation of israel's state by the British crown) on regards with actual amaz mess on this area to warrant financial projections upon tomorrow énergetics (methane) to prevent petroleum collapse, if i said whose someone planned it a bigger long time before, it's too big but it's the reality and if you expect speak up about, the latent conformity of the tepid ones will ostracize you de facto, societal packaging and orwellian formatting have already made the rest.

An exemple with WW2 and zionism : It is Jews Zionism which informed the Gestapo for the raids in Germany and it's the british crown and the lords chambers who tipped the medal on the cisjordanian bottom...
Who's trapped ???
And the show must go on, next stage, make father fight itself and mother in the same family or as we say by at my home "diviser pour mieux régner".

More actual with greek country and "european commission" (take a kleenex...) for example.
Know you which has the richest under ground of the European countries since the beginning of 2000 and to whom Germany always owes the biggest war debt unpaid for WW2 ?
The same which "european commision" did economicaly blow down...
Why it's in the question.

When a government advocates the neo-warlike colonialism as only format of diplomacy, we are entitled to ask ourselves questions, isn't it ?
And yes, for this fews peoples, we are nothing, just a low noise.

Thanks about your read.

(Sometimes it's better if i don't explain.)


Active member
....and the famous actor Woody Harrelson's Father Charles Harrelson was implicated in that video as being one of the many shooters in Dallas the day John F. Kennedy was assassinated.

Charles Harrelson was a known underworld figure and hit-man.

JFK was shot from the Grassy Knol by James Files.

Here's an interview with the man:
I shot JFK - Interview with James Files 2003


gonna watch your link, but the intro says the investigation was done by some 10 ex fbi agents, is an fbi agent really ever ex fbi? one of the ways to hide the truth is to bring up other theories and make it so confusing that no one can really ever know 100% what exactly happened. we have so many investigations over the years all claiming to be the one true version

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
GoatCheese : If you watch the Deep State vid, it shows us that Kennedy was shot by more than one assailant shooting from different angles. The biggest surprise to me was that the fatal shot came from a storm drain/culvert.

Kalachakra: Yes I understand what you are saying now about the original funding coming from the Rothschild's/Zionists for WW11 and the Russian revolution, and I agree it is true and can be proven that the Rothschild's have been funding and encouraging wars for many hundreds of years, arming both sides to maximize profits.

On Kennedy, I found it interesting that the vid claims that JFK's body was switched for a recently killed look-a-like policeman's body who was operated on by the USA's top pathological surgeon in-flight to make it look like he was JFK and had died in the same way from a head-shot.
When presented with this body/corpse double, Jackie Kennedy professed that it was not her husband. So I wonder if JFK is actually buried in his tomb, and not this murdered cop instead? It could still be discovered if the grave was exhumed and DNA tests were made.
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they are easily traçable thanks to blazons and other bullshit of heraldry with the symbol of the Judas lion on coat of arms.

PS the Francs line are jews by the mother of Charlemagne too (Ruthrud Leviti), the rest it is in history books.


yeah, i found that whole part about the body switch and in flight constructive surgery, a bit far fetched, but as i have learned in life, some times reality is stranger then fiction. really crazy stuff does happen and the family members of the pathologist were very convincing. i found the idea of the one guy being bush senior a bit weak. no way to make a positive id, even if it is a startling resemblance. but yeah, it's fascinating for sure.


Well-known member
The ex wife of surgeon was very convincing.

Only had to see her eyes to know this person had lived with a disgusting secret for too many years.

Pepé The Grower

ICMag Donor
they are easily traçable thanks to blazons and other bullshit of heraldry with the symbol of the Judas lion on coat of arms.
View Image
PS the Francs line are jews by the mother of Charlemagne too (Ruthrud Leviti), the rest it is in history books.

Charlemagne mother's? Bertrade de Laon? What the hell are you talking about?:laughing:

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
He's talking about the roots of the DEEP STATE in France Pepe'.

....and is not a Mother tongue English speaker, so it takes a bit of figuring out to get to the bones of what he is trying to explain.

Kalachakra is French methinks.


well im 2 thirds through that interview, so far nothing he says really contradicts that first vid. he does say his shot was the head shot, but he corroborates there being multiple shooters.


Subbing up for this.
Don't have time right now but I'll be watching these videos and weighing in when I'm informed.

Thanks for something to think about.


Charlemagne mother's? Bertrade de Laon? What the hell are you talking about?:laughing:

Sorry :grand sourire: not the mother, his grandmother, the wife of Charles Martel.

(google translate:) is my friend !)

"Charles Martel had overcome the Muslim armies in 732 and they withdrew to Narbonne. It was the beginning of a state of siege of seven years. To obtain the allegiance of the Jewish population of Narbonne, Charles fetched in Iraq a son of Babylonian Exilarque so that he comes and leads the Jews of France. It was able to be realized at the instigation of his wife of Jewish ancestry Rutrud (Ruth), stemming from the famous Merovingian family Leviti. Genealogists as professor David Kelley and Sir Iaian Moncrieffe confirm the narrative of the origins davidiques of Théodoric (Aimeri) of Narbonne and his descendants."

"The Jews of Babylon had been administered always since the time(period) of their captivity in 6th century before JC, by their own Exilarques or " Princes in captivity ". They came down(fell) from king Joachin of David's Royal house. They lived in a big state and in their own palace, and continued until they are knocked down(spilled) by Tamerlane in the XVth century of the Christian era. "" " The Jew de Narbonne in Septimanie (today the South of France, but then under Muslim Spain) helped Francs to capture the city who were in the hands of the caliphs Omeyyades of Spain. In return king of Francs obtained from the traditional enemy Omeyyade, the caliph abbasside of Islam in Baghdad, Lord of the Exilarques of Babylonie, prince of David's Royal house. This prince was intended to be "Jewish local king" to Narbonne."

"Gershom ben Judah and his younger brother Makir arrived at Narbonne in 739. Charles Martel made of Makir the count of Narbonne (and count of Autun) and of his brother, Gershom, the count of Vienna." Or Girart de Vienne/Gerald who following his marriage with Imma (Emma) becomes the sovereign of Germany.

Makir and Gershom were big scholars of the Torah. And Gershom was a particularly brilliant one talmudiste and halakhiste.

Of Charles Martel and his wife Rotrude, Ruth of Jewish ancestry, will be born:
- Carloman, mayor of the palace of Austrasie before withdrawing to the monastery of Mont-Cassin
- Pepin the Short, mayor of the palaces of Burgundy(Bourgogne), Neustrie and Austrasie, king of Francs
- Hiltrude married to Odilon, duke of Bavaria
- Alda ( the Aude Aude/Olba/Alba/Aldana Olba Aude/Olba/Alba/Aldana Alba) married to Makir become Théodoric, a count of Autun.
What makes of this lineage, Jews by their mother.
" Makir thus married the girl of Charles Martel, Alda arisen from his wife Ruth, also known under the name Swanchilde ( Sunnihilda). The dating of the arrival of the family Exilarque with France is vague (!!!!).

" Certain narratives such as songs placing her(it) during Charlemagne's reign, others during the reign of Pip because Makir married the sister of Pip, Aude (Aldana / Olba / Alba). Certain Jewish sources(springs) say that she(it) took place during the reign of king Charles and later people thought that it meant of famous Charlemagne [whose name means " Charles le Grand "]. It was however under Charles Martel's reign (grandfather of Charlemagne). " " Charles Martel was the real leader(manager) of France and a father of king Pépin, while it was him unofficially titular although in the later narratives, he was able to be so mentioned, returning the a little more opaque history(story). "
Thus, Charles Martel was de facto sovereign of the Kingdom of the Francs into which the Jewish blood flows(sinks).

It also turns out that the rabbis planned upstream to the alliances(wedding rings) as well by the girls of the people of Israel that by the sons(threads). What means that in the case which occupies us, it is not a question of passing on(transmitting) the religion, because all will be catholic but to contaminate the blood goy. And to do it, male or female Jewish, everybody does.
It is a question a lot of contamination.
What makes that today the Jewish community in particular in France is the tip of the iceberg. The immersed part(party), and thus the most important in number, are naturally all the ruling families of Europe and their descent besides heads of government, as with France, for example. What demonstrates a total collusion of the aristocratic European leaders(managers) or not against their populations by the blood.

" Makir ( Theuderic) by marrying Alda becomes the brother-in-law of Pepin the Short.
Of the union of Makir and Aude will be born 4 sons(threads):
- Menachem (Hernaut de Gironde/Harald Gironde/Harald Hildetonn)
- Nehemiah ha Makiri (Aymer le Chétif/Chétif/Theuderic de Ripaurien and Saxon / Namon of Bavaria Bavière/Naime/Namus Naime)
- Nathan Kalonymus (Guillaume de Gellone or Guillaume d' Aquitaine or Guillaume le Grand) who inspired later the character of William of Orange in the French songs and was nicknamed " Hooked Nose ". He(it) was fluent in Arabic and the Hebrew. The study of coat of arms indicates us that its shield carried(wore) the same armoirie that that of Exilarques Orientaux, Juda's Lion. Guillaume observed the Sabbath and Souccot during his campaigns(countrysides). "
- Yakar (Guibelin / mistletoe Alberic de Narbonne/Bellon Narbonne/Bellon)

"Pip installed Makir, the son of the Exilarque Babylonien as the Jewish king of Narbonne. In the French Songs [ballads], it was called Aimeri, but was known among the nobility as Theuderic or Thierry, duke of Toulouse. Professor Zuckerman declares that it was recognized by the caliph abbasside of Baghdad and by Pip as being" The seed of David's royal house ". Zuckerman also mentions the assertion according to which Exilarques Occidentaux was of blood purer than those of the East."

"Zuckerman declares:" the columnist who wrote the initial report of the state of siege and the fall of Barcelona recorded the events according to the Jewish calendar ... Commander of the expedition, duke Guillaume of Narbonne and Toulouse led the action in the strict respect for the Jewish Sabbaths and of holy days. For all this, he enjoyed the full understanding of king Louis ". Guillaume de Gellone created in 792 Yeshiva [rabbinical College] to Gellone (called later Saint Gilles) gathering scholars of the Torah and so creating a Jewish library. In 806, Guillaume withdrew in this Yeshiva to finish his life (814). Later the historians tried to hide the Jewishness of this dynasty and to delete all the narratives and the reports the reality of this Jewish kingdom of Europe, but the modern erudition is now able of highlighting a big part of this hidden history.

Indeed, we are told that this Guillaume de Gellone, aristocrat of the Carolingian time and the military personality of the Kingdom of Aquitaine and count of Toulouse is the founder of the abbey of Gellone in 804. Yet we are also told that this abbey joins in the context of the Frankish conquest of the Occitania: Pepin the Short then Charlemagne tried hard to set up a new administrative structure whereas certain Sanctimonious one of Aniane and Guillaume de Gellone took care of religious regaining control. (Source wikipedia, which adds that this Guillaume withdraws at the end of his so-called life in the abbey). An abbey which turns in fact out to be Yeshiva.
In any case, it will be canonized in 1066 as saint Guilhem.

In fact, in this FRENCH history(story), there is always a Christian facade which hides Jewish often very marked origins (as here where we are 3/4 of Jewish blood)."

: mopper:


If you want an easy shortcut know that sadducees such as mentioned in the new will is the ones that we named exilarc.
I don't have enough imagination to invent this kinda bullshit.

Pepé The Grower

ICMag Donor
Gotta love the family tree that go back to adam & eve :D ...what a bunch of crap...if you wanna know History, "Jews" were in Europa before even Christianity was made-up...


@ Pepé The Grower

If you gonna know hystory, you could to know who is Saül too i hope.
Also knewed as Paul of Tarse, the man who never cross Jésus but this one who's made the roman christian church for to deplace spiritual powers of essenians on Roma to prevent the revolt of this part of the empire after were an oppressor who crucified a lot of "jews" at this time.
Personnaly, i could to name this an "inside job" but others called that shame "History"...

Please don't make same mistake ; of favor do not confuse the Jews with the latent zionism of our ruling caste, not the same people, not the sames rules.
The tread speak about deep state, try to explain where and how the collusion appears is not a bunch of crap, i said.