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The Deception of freedom

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Government = Anti Freedom. There will never be freedom under any form of government. Once the government has power, its on to get more power.

People might be free in 100 or 200 years, but most of us and our children will probably never see freedom, its going to be a multi generational process, but the ideas are out and theres no stopping them, in the end the best ideas always win. Now we just wait.

The government is a monopoly of force and violence, thats it, more force and more violence, only when we remove all governments will there be freedom. Imagine the breath of fresh air people would breath if the government no longer existed. Everyone would come out of their houses and there would be one big party in the street for the rest of eternity. Id be jammin in the street, man life would be so much fun everyone just partying doing the freedom dance. Life would be so much more colorful without the government. We would see our true potential to party, like we are supposed to.

You can guarantee that space aliens that have the ability to travel the galaxies have no government. We have to out grow governments before we can travel space. You can never develop time travel when living under a government, those kind of possibilities only happen when everyone is free to party haha.


Our world has turned into a media frenzy. The media hypes an unquestionably horrendous act someplace and our reactionary representatives have to stand up beat a drum and proclaim more laws. Of course the new laws come with new fines and cost. Our governments are dependent on crime for income. Without crime they would go broke. So to support the governments we need more criminals and with the indigenous population declining in population growth we need thousands of immigrants each year to boost the crime rate and provide more pockets for governments to pick.


Oh man I had to change the line I wrote.....I get upset every fckin time I read this kind of stuff. Me don't likey US, me don't likey democracy..... But I likey green world.
boz :ying:

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
I've had no choice but realize the problem lies within human nature itself, there is no fixing that.
I was just looking through some stuff on the youtube, and stumbled upon some speech from Luis Farrakhan about who's really pulling the strings behind the white house, & the global banking institutions. It was some real frightening shit of what's going on, & the latest developments as to why all of a sudden we are jumping into Libya's affairs.

Now, I'm no muslim, and I can certainly spot a lying & insincere politician for what he/she is, but I really believe this guy is speaking genuinely from his heart on the problems we are faced with, and I think we can all agree that the shit is really hitting the fan now.

Take it for what it is, and hate him or love him, but I think Farrakhan hit the nail on the head on exposing the thugs that walk the earth. This is a much, much bigger problem than skin color now, and I have to agree he's right on that one!


Hmmm.. I spent 8 years in the service.. We have a good country compared to many others.. It's silly. Yeah, we have many freedoms taken away and what not, but still, it could be much worse.. I feel what you are saying tho..

My gal has her masters in education and p.e., and most teachers could not be happier they fine the children/parents now here. It puts the responsibility on the parents for once. Children have gotten out of control in class. Unreal, believe you me.. I don't want my wife being cursed out in class by some child, whose parents are complete simpletons and a disgrace to society, or from some thug family who could care less about school or anything else for that matter..

Before kids got ticketed, the teachers had no one on their side for these bad ass kids who would curse out the teachers or throw stuff at them, real pain in the asses.. . Parents and school wouldn't/couldn't do much..

Now fine the parents and make them pay, hit them where it hurts the most, money money money. Parents will start spending more time w their children and disciplinary actions will decrease as well.
Hmmm.. My gal has her masters in education and p.e., and most teachers could not be happier they fine the children/parents now. It puts the responsibility on the parents for once. Children have gotten out of control in class. Unreal, believe you me.. I don't want my wife being cursed out in class by some child, whose parents don't spend anytime with them and teach them wrong from right.

Before kids got ticketed, the teachers had no one on their side for these bad ass kids who would curse out the teachers or throw stuff at them, real pain in the asses.. . Parents and school wouldn't/couldn't do much..

Now fine the parents and make them pay, hit them where it hurts the most, money money money. Parents will start spending more time w their children and disciplinary actions will decrease as well.
That kinda makes me miss the simple, & old school days, when that paddle put the fear of GOD in us back then!


That kinda makes me miss the simple, & old school days, when that paddle put the fear of GOD in us back then!

Yup, I agree, put a wooden pattle to that ass and shit would change fast.. hahaha.. I remember getting my ass whooped many times, damn that paddle hurt.

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
Yup, I agree, put a wooden pattle to that ass and shit would change fast.. hahaha.. I remember getting my ass whooped many times, damn that paddle hurt.

While we are at it, let's actually punish criminals too.

The Revolution

Active member


Preach bro, Great post!

Smoking In The Park Banned, Ticketed For Cussing In Class And 14 Other Examples Of How Big Brother Is Systematically Ripping Our Liberties And Freedoms Away

When our founding fathers established this nation, they did so with the intention that government would be very limited and that there would be a tremendous amount of liberty and freedom. But today that is such a distant memory that we don’t even remember what “the land of the free and the home of the brave” actually means anymore. Our lives are constrained by literally millions of laws, rules and regulations and it gets worse every single day. The federal government, state governments, local governments and even homeowners associations have become absolutely tyrannical. There is a “law” or a “rule” for almost everything now, and many of them are absolutely ridiculous. Big Brother is ripping our liberties and freedoms away from us at a blistering pace. Just about any activity that you can think of other than sitting completely still in utter silence in your own home is tightly regulated by government. This is not what our founding fathers intended.

There are so many laws, rules and regulations out there today that nobody can possibly know them all, much less keep them all. Unfortunately, politics tends to keep attracting new crops of control freaks that are eager to impose even more ridiculous laws on all of us.

We have become so tightly controlled and so tightly restrained that there is very little room for any real freedom in America today. Do our politicians even know what they mean when they give speeches about “liberty” and “freedom” anymore? It is almost as if those two words have completely lost their meaning.

All around us a control grid is being constructed. It was very subtle at first, but now it has become very much “in our faces”. The TSA abuse that is going on at airports across the United States is perhaps the most obvious example, but the truth is that we are constantly seeing new examples of the encroachment of Big Brother in our lives. These days there seems to be a never ending parade of new laws, new security measures, new taxes, new “requirements”, new paperwork and new ways that the government is trying to control our behavior. It just seems as though there is an endless hunger for more cameras, more bureaucrats, more police brutality, more government snooping, more security and more control.

We can’t claim to be a “free country” while we are living like this. But very, very few of our politicians are even talking about the need to get the government off of our backs.

The United States is supposed to be free, but instead we are being transformed into just another control freak society. Well, the truth is that the American people don’t want to go down the path that the Europeans and the Chinese have gone.

We want our liberties and our freedoms back.

The following are 16 examples of how Big Brother is systematically ripping our liberties and freedoms away from us….

#1 The New York City Council has voted to ban smoking in all public parks and on all public beaches. Of course smoking is very bad for the health and most of us wouldn’t dream of smoking, but once upon a time Americans had the freedom to decide whether they wanted to smoke or not. Now that freedom is rapidly being lost.

#2 Did the police issue tickets for cussing in class when you were in high school? Well, it is happening today. A teenager in suburban Dallas was recently forced to take on a part-time job after being ticketed for using bad language in one high school classroom. The original ticket was for $340, but additional fees have raised the total bill to $637.

#3 It is not just high school kids that are being ticketed by police. In Texas the crackdown extends all the way down to elementary school students. In fact, it has been reported that Texas police gave “1,000 tickets” to elementary school kids over a recent six year period.

#4 The level of paranoia in our society has reached staggering heights. Recently, a 17 year-old honor student in North Carolina named Ashley Smithwick accidentally took her father’s lunch with her to school. It contained a small paring knife which he would use to slice up apples. So what happened to this standout student when the school discovered this? The school suspended her for the rest of the year and the police charged her with a misdemeanor.

#5 Someday historians will look back and will be amazed at how much time, money and energy we spent coming up with ridiculous regulations. A new law requires a carbon monoxide detector to be installed on each floor of all single-family homes in the state of Colorado. While this may be a “good idea”, the fact that the government is now forcing us to do these things under penalty of law just shows how much control they now have over the smallest details of our lives.

#6 Even the smallest offenses can result in brutal police violence these days. In Fairfax County, Virginia one man was shot and killed by police when they came to arrest him for betting on college football games.

#7 Want to record your interactions with police in order to protect yourself in court? Be careful. In some states it is actually illegal to film the cops arresting you. For example, in the city of Chicago, one artist now faces up to 15 years in prison for recording his own arrest by police.

#8 In some areas of the country, it is now actually a crime to not recycle properly. For example, the city of Cleveland has announced plans to sort through trash cans to ensure that people are actually recycling according to city guidelines. That is how extreme our control freak society has become.

#9 Not cooperating with the “authorities” can get you into a lot of trouble these days. In Washington D.C., if you do not submit to “random bag checks” while riding the Metro, there is a good chance that you could receive a follow-up visit by the FBI or by the Department of Homeland Security.

#10 If you make too much noise in your backyard in America today you may get tasered. For example, some time ago cops brutally tasered two adults, including a pregnant woman, in front of a yard packed with young children because the police felt that their Baptism party was making too much noise and they weren’t being cooperative enough with police.

#11 If you make food “incorrectly” there is a good chance that you will get raided by the federal government. In fact, the feds recently raided an Amish farmer at 5 AM in the morning because they claimed that he was was engaged in the interstate sale of raw milk in violation of federal law.

#12 Oh, and you had better watch your lawn very, very carefully. A few years ago a 70 year old grandmother was actually put in handcuffs and hauled off to jail for having a brown lawn.

#13 Freedom of speech is just a memory in many areas of the United States today. In fact, police in many areas of the country seem to have absolutely no idea what the U.S. Constitution requires when it comes to free speech. On June 18th of last year, two Christians decided that they would peacefully pass out copies of the gospel of John on a public sidewalk outside a public Islamic festival in Dearborn, Michigan and within three minutes 8 policemen surrounded them and placed them under arrest.

#14 Today you can even be locked away for reading your spouse’s email. A Michigan man has been charged with a felony and could face up to 5 years in prison for reading his wife’s email.

#15 If you take too long to pull over for police in some areas of the United States, you could end up bloody and tasered. One 58 year-old woman in Utah learned this lesson very clearly after a cop punched her repeatedly in the face.

#16 In the United States today, you can’t even feed the homeless without a permit. In Houston, Texas a couple named Bobby and Amanda Herring that had been feeding homeless people for over a year has been banned by the city from doing so. They were told that they needed a permit to feed the homeless and city officials say that they are not going to get one.

This is what America has turned into. Even something as basic as feeding your fellow man has become all about “regulations” and “permits”.

We seem to have lost all of our common sense. We have allowed hordes of “control freak” bureaucrats to reign over us.

We have become a society that is so paralyzed by our own rules that we can barely even function anymore.

John Adams, the second president of the United States, once said the following….

“Children should be educated and instructed in the principles of freedom.”

But instead of instructing them about liberty and freedom we teach them how to be good servants of the system.

Somewhere along the line we have lost what it truly means to be Americans.

Hopefully the American people can recapture those principles before it is too late.
I second that we are FUCKED

The founding fathers agreed.. that after 200 years a goverment becomes stale and people need to take up arms and revolt. The reason we were granted the 2nd amendment (real talk). Unfortutunantly then the people had the same weapons as the army. Now we are no match.

People need to wake up and realize the american government isnt for the people at all. Americans are only allowed to have a couple of "mainstream" choices as said earlier, but who makes these politicians mainstream... its the corporations that advertise them, and fund there campaigns. Its common sense that a politician wont bite the hand that feeds them, so who do they really serve?

Anyone else find it a little odd that "you know who" was dumped into the sea within 24 hours after he was killed?
Hey if its true I bet we get some of our rights back, NOT. No doubt an even greater threat will take his place and we will be asked to give up even more privacy

3 words

End rant.


Well-known member
once we free our minds, of propaganda, false neccessities, etc... we shall make the first step towards freedom, till then it's gonna stay a dog eat dog world ...


ps.: yeah go get dem new sneakerz ...


3rd-Eye Jedi
not only has america has fallen but so has the whole of the worlds governments

how can I say this? were is my proof?

what is the sign that the beast has risen to enslave or destroy mankind?

the private.public corporations who posses more power and manipulate more laws and now actually have more rights and less liability than a human being

we let our collective greed form an eternal (virtually in that it lasts past the creators lifetime and lasts many others) entity that lives off the marginalization of human life


Freedom Fighter
Hmmm.. I spent 8 years in the service.. We have a good country compared to many others.. It's silly. Yeah, we have many freedoms taken away and what not, but still, it could be much worse.. I feel what you are saying tho..

My gal has her masters in education and p.e., and most teachers could not be happier they fine the children/parents now here. It puts the responsibility on the parents for once. Children have gotten out of control in class. Unreal, believe you me.. I don't want my wife being cursed out in class by some child, whose parents are complete simpletons and a disgrace to society, or from some thug family who could care less about school or anything else for that matter..

Before kids got ticketed, the teachers had no one on their side for these bad ass kids who would curse out the teachers or throw stuff at them, real pain in the asses.. . Parents and school wouldn't/couldn't do much..

Now fine the parents and make them pay, hit them where it hurts the most, money money money. Parents will start spending more time w their children and disciplinary actions will decrease as well.

Hmmmm....tell me that if I yell at my kids....it is "Abuse", and I could be arrested-- Tell me that if I smack my kid....It is Abuse, then I DO get arrested--
The Government has taken ALL power from the Parents....but they want the Parents to be "Responsible" for the Kid's actions--
Anybody see a problem here??


in the thick of it
I agree with so much of what most of you have said this far. I do believe that things are turning for the worst. Have you all ever heard of the story of the two frogs? Here it goes...take the first frog and put him in a pot of boiling hot water. The frog will immediately jump out of the water to safety. Take the second frog and place him in a pot of cool water. Then turn up the burner gradually. As time goes by the frog unbeknownst to himself has become boiled to death. Our society has become the second frog. We are becoming a society who can not think for ourselves. We need big brother to protect us. We trade security for privacy because most of us can’t defend ourselves, nor care to. We’ve lost why we’re here in the first place. We care not about tomorrow. We only care about today…this second! We have to be continuously stimulated and our imaginations have to be poked, we have to view the most disturbing images, we have to use the most awful vocabulary. We can’t make a point without cussing or degrading someone else. We are easily offended. We have to get faster with our gadgets, nothing is ever good enough for who we’ve become. Constant distraction from what is really taking place. A slow crush of the middle class, the meat grinder grinding our wallets and as more go to the privileged and more going to the less privileged, the one’s doing the actual work gets stretched even thinner. We pay top price for fuel when we shouldn’t. We pay top price for food, that happens to be grown with GMO’s and we don’t know why cancer is such a killer. Top that with more distractions of what we should have and where we should go and what we should eat, there’s little to no time for reflection or prayer. There’s no time to breathe. It’s hustle, hustle, hustle and spend countless hours in front of the television…this team v/ this team or this reality *non-reality program. We have TV on “our time” we have to be able to record a series months ahead of time….just in case we forget to watch….because we don’t know what we would do if we didn’t catch the show on rerun. It’s all babble. It’s all distraction from what is really ahead. Look what they’ve done to us…look what we’ve let them do to us.
Good people out there…wake up! Break away from the multitude and break into the solitude! Find out what is within and fine tune it. Eternity is not too far away.
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