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The DEA is probably not reclassifying marijuana later this summer



A report by the Santa Monica Observer was thrilling marijuana proponents over the weekend after it quoted an anonymous lawyer as saying that the federal Drug Enforcement Administration was poised to reclassify marijuana as a “schedule two” drug.
This would, according to that report, essentially legalize marijuana in the United States on Aug. 1. Drugs classified as “schedule one” are, according to the Santa Monica Observer Story, drugs that will not be made legal. Drugs in the “schedule two” camp are available with a prescription. This supposed federal preemption would make marijuana legal across 50 states.

State and local laws would be overridden, the story quotes lawyers as saying.
It all sounds very promising for marijuana proponents and the story was making the rounds on Twitter and Facebook. The Santa Monica Observer story went as far as to say that edible marijuana would be available at pharmacies
That sounds convenient, no? They wouldn’t sell marijuana to be smoked, the unidentified lawyer told the reporter, citing health concerns related to smoking.

Another piece, this one from the Denver Post, says that on July 1, the DEA could in fact make a decision to partially legalize marijuana. It’s actually an opinion piece by a regulatory attorney in Colorado, where marijuana was made legal on Jan. 1, 2014.
Texans, don’t break out your Lone Star State-shaped bongs just yet.
According to a DEA statement on the anonymous, single-source Santa Monica Observer article, the reporter doesn’t quite have it right and neither does the anonymous lawyer.
The statement from the DEA this afternoon does say that the government entity expects to soon be able to announce the outcome of a review of two petitions it’s received to reschedule marijuana. The past few times they’ve ruled against reclassification when faced with similar petitions.

“The DEA has undertaken the review along with the Department of Health and Human Services according to the process established in the Controlled Substances Act. When the review is complete, DEA will make the full text of the decisions publicly available,” the statement said.
Whether or not this foretells a reclassification of marijuana is not known.



Well-known member
up and down, we know the drill
take heart, it is progressing
i see Massachusetts recreational should be on the ballot this election(among others)
so DEA, keep doing what your are doing, i.e. hanging on to a dead idea
and the states laws will make you irrelevant


Active member
He other thread didn't seem hat believable thanks for coming back to clarify

Whew I'm kinda glad. Everyday smokes might be bummed but biz is better under the table. Regulation ruins it. Here in Canada they are only letting like 25 big grows grow all the medical for the whole country. If you aren't in with the government or making big pay offs forget getting into the biz...

It looks like I might end up with a grow that supplis 4 to 8 times my needs every 9 to 10 weeks... I was planning on going back to selling dope for a living but legalization ruined that. Im not going to go utilize my skills for someone else less talented for 11.50 a hour

Anyway trust me, legalization has the potentiAL to go very bad. Rather than treat like other legal drugs they are making it inot something g stupid so they can conVincent people they need to have the monopoly. They will convince people it'd safer yet these huge grows are the culprits for pumping out mold and pesticide laden bags the world over.

Gaining the freedom to smoke but not being allowed to grow your own is foul


Active member
I don't think any rescheduling, if it happens, would overturn or negate any state laws. It would, however, help with more good research.


Active member
up and down, we know the drill
take heart, it is progressing
i see Massachusetts recreational should be on the ballot this election(among others)
so DEA, keep doing what your are doing, i.e. hanging on to a dead idea
and the states laws will make you irrelevant

Sorry but that's not the way state laws work.


Well-known member
Sorry but that's not the way state laws work.

that may well be true
but as the states go legal, that's political capital
the eventual federal change in cannabis legality will need to accommodate this
not so much from legal necessity but from political necessity