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The Creative Music Spot



hey icmaggers,
as many of you, music is the main part of my life. i was lucky enough to made this love my job, so let's say what i mostly do and have been doing for a long time is listening (and performing, but that's different eheh) to any type of music. here i would like to share (and invite anybody who wants to contribute) some different music. as a musician i've always hated the concept of "genre"; i mean, i understand the need of such concept in the contemporary society, but it just doens't picture my point of view on this subject.
By "different music" i mean any kind of music that shares the attitude of experimenting rather than selling. For the lack of a better term, we like to say "creative music". [This of course doesn't mean that commercial music can't be creative or that i don't like it. on the opposite, i spent millions of hours listening (and playing) the most commercial stuff. Here i am just trying to share a different angle than usual. :)]

I love improvisation and improvised music. It's an important part of creative music. The process itself of improvisation could be considered pure creativity. Improvised music embraces any kind of musical enviroment and sound: rock, jazz, electronica, funk, blues, contemporary classical music, anything. In fact it is the primordial form of making music and being creative thru music.
It is also interesting to realize how important ganja have been in the development of this kind of music and musical practice. Most great improvisors were known pot smokers; a lot of musicians i spoke with, told me about the importance of ganja to reach a certain kind of creativity, of pure sound. Improvising music while high, with people you like and in a vocabulary and situation you are comfortable with is really flowing with sounds, it's great. A wonderful sensation i had the plaesure to try many times and still happens.

Enough with that, i don't want to write an essay. :)
That's not even the point! :D Composers and written music (again anything from drone rock to j.s. bach. to be written doesn't have to be actually written on paper!) are also great, and in fact, since i am european, i would like to start with a composition by a great composer from the USA, named Charles Ives (he was an insurance broker who quitted the job for 4 years to only write music. but in those 4 years he was really creative!).
The tune is called "The Unanswered Question". Light a kush joint up and let this masterpiece ask yourself that unanswered question for threee times (for those interested, with the score, but don't let it distract you from the question!):

Back in the old continent for something completely different, Einstürzende Neubauten "The Garden". The video is simple but very nice as well:

Again, stuff from the USA, and that's jazz. The great Warne Marsh, tenor sax player, one of the greatest improvisors with the jazz idiom, performing a classic Charlie Parker tune "Yardbird Suite":

  • Ok enough for now, hope you liked this, come by again, i'll share some more music! :tiphat:
    Ciao! Lib.

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