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The Cost of Doing Canna business in CA.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
You really think there's a way to stop Big Business from staying out of the weed industry? Seriously? Think about it. Big Business is THE ONLY WAY it will ever be legalized.

I agree 100% and support them. Because it will take some major players to get this legal and nobody on our side of the community has the will, nor the resources to acheive something of that magnitude. I've been doing this long enough that I am not worried about competition from bigger companies. I just want to do what I love doing in a legitimate marketplace.


Richard Lee did work hard to get to where he is and something that a lot of his detractors don't take into account is that he spent his money for legalizing it for all of us. He would have been better off financially if he put that money into expanding the university. The campaign wore him out. He's passing the torch for a number of reasons and I don't blame him. Prop. 19 wasn't perfect and I was against it at first, but then I fought for it because my city officials told me that if it passed, they would ease their restrictions on medical and I would have been able to open a dispensary. I wish it would have passed.


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one Q

now I only read the OP and none of the responses.

I think that it is naive to think that anything is going to happen to the canna biz and the BIG COPRS are NOT going to have their hand in it. So shame on you for thinking so.

Now if you would have voted YES on 19 maybe we could be moving forward WITH these greedy ppl. Small growers would have their things going on and BIG pharma would have their shitty weed going around. That's how everything ELSE in the country is ... WalMart has all the shit you need, but some of choose to go the the markets and co-ops instead and deal with the higher prices... To me, voting NO was being just as greedy as the ppl youre complaining about.

I know this is not likely to happen but I would like to think that a wack ass Pharma grown weed industry will make a tighter knit Little Man Growers Community. But we all know that wont happen either. What happens if Pharma SPIES gets a hold of the newest rave cut and exploits it? So everyone will get even MORE selfish about their cuts... ha.

I feel you tho, cause I see so much dumb shit all the time. where I live it's worse all the time...

as far as the kids go, yes kids suck. I try to raise mine well, but who knows...

Please dont take this as an attack. I will read the rest of the thread now.