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"The Community"

"The Community"

  • Yes

    Votes: 18 56.3%
  • No

    Votes: 2 6.3%
  • Medicinal growers Only

    Votes: 4 12.5%
  • Never meet other growers u meet online

    Votes: 8 25.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-known member
Yer right WB.........Ive edited my posts. I suggest everyone who has posted in this thread about trading anything to edit their post.

We can start an Ontario grower social group? Would peeps be interested in that?



And in all fairness, your just as likely to get burned from your life long friend as you are from meeting someone off the net. Just be cautious, and like mentioned, mitigate risk.

I disagree.

Not to change the direction of the thread or start an argument...


I must agree...In the past 30 years of being involved in the Weed World, I have very rarely been ripped off by a stranger...Stranger we tend to be extremely cautious. We are more open with friends and family...We trust them, we know them. If I had to say, I have had more wrong doings from family over friends, but the friends are a very close second.

The difference between friends and family over strangers...You forgive those close to you, but never bring them as close ever again. Strangers...You faze out...they become just that...strangers.

Like the old proverb..."A person doesn't make it to your future for a reason".

Sorry, for the run on...
Last edited:


Active member
as a wise man once said..

Man to man is so unjust, children:
Ya don't know who to trust.
Your worst enemy could be your best friend,
And your best friend your worst enemy.

Some will eat and drink with you,
Then behind them su-su 'pon you.
Only your friend know your secrets,
So only he could reveal it...

and so on..

I'm with 5th/B1 on this one.. maybe its just due to getting old. But greed is a fucked up thing and can do things to people you would never expect. Regardless, its always good to keep your mouth shut and your eyes/ears open. and that includes family, friends, and internet strangers!

have fun and be safe! ;)

Jonny Lan

Well-known member
Wow i love hearing all the opinions of everybody. to those that pm'd me ill get back to you in a bit.

Thanks to everyone who is posting.


To me, this site is my home away from home. I only have a couple friends that I can trust 100% but they just like to smoke bomb weed and don't have a clue about strains and growing. So I come here to chat with some good people who are on my level of thinking. But it would be nice to actually know some good people locally to exchange ideas and know how.


Active member
My only bit of advise on this topic is that people are stupid...more-so if they are perma-baked all the time... I trust my wife....and I trust 1-2 close family members...

I don't trust most friends or stoners....stoners..cause they are stupid...and they let details slip out to their stoner friends...fyi a stoner IMHO is usually living in their parents basement at 20yrs old with no real job..doing bong rips all day....

That being said if I am out and about, and meet a med user, I will usually give them some of my gear..I might quiz the shit outta them a bit tho..lol

Random strangers....since I will rarely finish a joint past 1/2 I tend to do the old "I'm going to drop this out here on the sidewalk and walk away...if someone should pick it up cause I didn't stomp it out....Well that isn't any of my concern" It usually gets a laugh..and them baked..lol

I do find growers to be especially trusting for some reason...I have been to quite a few grows...simply people trying to show off mostly....and I can count on one hand the people who have seen mine.
I do find growers to be especially trusting for some reason...I have been to quite a few grows...simply people trying to show off mostly....and I can count on one hand the people who have seen mine.

I def agree, I see this more and more these days.... I don't know if its growers being trusting or trying to show off or what. Lots of ppl in my area know that I grow, but only 3 ppl in the world know where my spot is located - My electrician whom is a lifelong friend, my wife/trimmer, and my best buddy/helper who is also a lifelong friend.

When I first started growing, long before I was legal, an oldtimer at the grow shop gave me some advice that I have always taken serious....
"every 1 person that sees your growroom will increase your chances of getting busted/ripped off by 10%, if 5 ppl see it you got a 50% chance of something going wrong.... but once 10 ppl have seen it, you've got a 100% chance that shits gonna hit the fan"

Im normally cool with meetups if I feel comfortable with someone, but not ever at my spot, ever


I have to have folk help me at my outdoor grow....3 help with the veg-bloom phase, and mebbe 10 help trim...my brother is a member of a very serious club, and my friends are aware...wouldn't take them long to find the perp that would enter my yard unvited...and no...my bro gets none...my bro knows how sick I am as do my friends...I have cams and good neighbors who advise me if a strange vehicle shows up, most times its a friend who changed cars...its the way it has to be for now...but I have learned enough from you good folk to be able to cut my #'s by half, and still have what I need....;)))

mojo needs all the help I kin get

Jonny Lan

Well-known member
Amazing opinions from everyone. thanks for sharing. I think one of the main advantages is the sharing of genetics. you may never know when shit may hit the fan and to not start over from the bottom is a great advantage.


Active member
its all good meeting new people. Just don't meet up with Shuswap.. He will steal yer virginity.. For real tho just be smart about it.


As long as people play it smart I see no problem with it, as long as people are not showing off grows.

Ontario seems to be different than BC, growing is less accepted. A tonne of it gets grown here, but we dont have the rep/comunity BC does.