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the commercialization of marijuana...............


Active member
With all the new shows, weed wars, weed world, the war on weed, marijuana wars 1 & 2, is anybody else weirded out about how commercial weed is going? On one level, I think it is great, but on another level, my conspiracy theory shit, is in overdrive. I do not like how suddenly the American Viewing audience, ie...middle America....is being inundated with weed shows. Is GOVT planning on getting the public behind weed, then taking it over??? Saturate the public with weed, then come in and take it away from us????? I dunno, but it is feaking me out!!!!!

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
no, your just being paranoid.

I think it will normalize it to many people who don't smoke, and then they will either be less opposed to it being legal or in favor of legalization.

All these TV shows help the movement, even if there are some things on there that aren't 100% accurate, it still familiarizes people with cannabis.


I think it's a reflection of real world - semi-reality teevee.

WE all KNOW weed is OK, they mostly know it in the normal world, so showing it is an offshoot - it is interesting herb, both the dark and light side.

Downer to show booze (ab)use, other "drugs" have intervention shows.

We are the only illegal substance to not make us ugly, poor or stupid after long use...

It's fun - might be pharma getting ready to dooosh us, but in the meantime, I'm enjoying it...

(Glad to see ya up and posting, kiddo)


Freedom Fighter
The more the Public hears about it, the more the "Old" way of thinking that the Gov ingrained in us for decades...gets chipped away--
Weed is here to stay, and "they" are having a hard time admitting it--
It used to be a "Closet" thing, but has been mainstream for many years-- Shit, even here in Cali, working for a Collective....I still fall into the "Old" thinking, and get nervous with even small amounts on me-- Change doesn't always come quickly--:tiphat:

Max Headroom

Well-known member
capitalism is gonna gobble weed up and shit it out as a bad copy of its true self, just like it does with everything.
we are going to look back at these past years as "golden age" before corporations made the whole thing soulless.

pine boy

I dont want to be a downer here but there wont be any legalization of Marijuana.Think about it. Cant get a job because you can't piss...Can't drive a car because after a good session with Mary,you're dirty for 30 days. The cops take blood on the side of the road near me. You give them the right when you get a licence to drive. I have never heard of the cops testing for weed on the road but I know if I can think it, It's happening.
All these new shows are doing is making pot more popular and throwing M.J.out to the mainstream just like you fatten up a turkey around early November. Fattened up for the kill. Fuck up and they make fat cash off you.
Some day the man is going to hunt us big time and only big pharma will have medicine.It won't come from a natural plant but a chemical plant. Control...
I hope we can all be safe and live well,on our terms.


Active member
nationally i dont see it becoming legalized on a large commercial scale anytime soon...the bible belt and many voters in red states do not favor legalization. so the politicians wont touch that issue..just look at Obama, not a peep about marijuana because he doesnt want to loose any voters..

in california over 50% of the clubs here have closed since the federal crackdown. lots of business being driven back to the black market,which means more work for cops and more busts and raids for them to fatten their bank accounts...

this is exactly what the policy makers want. the powerful groups of the big pharma industry, prison industrial complex, and police unions all want marijuana to remain illegal to protect their profits and federal funding...

in the meantime, it seems like every other person i know is getting into black market cultivation and saturating the market...so we are basically fucking ourselves out of business. unless some drastic changes happen, like the proposed banning of outdoor cultivation in large pot producing areas of california like Lake county...prices are going to keep dropping and more and more california, oregon, and other med state pot is going to be hitting the black market ready for export to dry states...and the cops will be there waiting to pick up as many cases as possible..

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
nationally i dont see it becoming legalized on a large commercial scale anytime soon...the bible belt and many voters in red states do not favor legalization. so the politicians wont touch that issue..just look at Obama, not a peep about marijuana because he doesnt want to loose any voters..

in california over 50% of the clubs here have closed since the federal crackdown. lots of business being driven back to the black market,which means more work for cops and more busts and raids for them to fatten their bank accounts...

this is exactly what the policy makers want. the powerful groups of the big pharma industry, prison industrial complex, and police unions all want marijuana to remain illegal to protect their profits and federal funding...

in the meantime, it seems like every other person i know is getting into black market cultivation and saturating the market...so we are basically fucking ourselves out of business. unless some drastic changes happen, like the proposed banning of outdoor cultivation in large pot producing areas of california like Lake county...prices are going to keep dropping and more and more california, oregon, and other med state pot is going to be hitting the black market ready for export to dry states...and the cops will be there waiting to pick up as many cases as possible..

Pretty much sums it up perfectly.

I think some of what the OP means, is also how "mainstream" mj has become.

I noticed this while flipping through a Halloween costume catalog.

I see nothing wrong with this one... ;)



Active member
in my opinion it's a double edged sword.

on one side i'm all for weed becoming legal ...even legal for recreation.

i'm a 100% legal med grower in colorado...., and i'll hold onto that as long as i have to to "feel" safe about what i do and have always done (mostly illegaly).

on the other side tho, i don't really want all the publicity, and legal this and that, hoops to jump thru, and corners of the law to negotiate.

i was wayyyyyyyyyy better off before weed was "legal medicine"....i play the game by my wits, and i know the rules and consequences.

...this med stuff and mainstream popularity/interest is creating a whole slew of problems on all sides of the game because no one knows what the fuck to do or not do, ....just wayyyyyy to much fuckin gray area. (every one needs to get on the same page and either say this is ok or this isn't...make everything black and white across the board, and quit making ppl have to tip toe thru gray)

there is only one state to this day that has had the right scenario regarding weed..... alaska.

...and every other state should adopt the same approach

plain and simple...."right to privacy" in your home. under 25 plants is protected (for anyone), and there are medical rights, but no dispensaries. (who can argue w/ that).


Marijuana isn't being commercialized per say by all these TV shows and whatnot. What's happening is it's being thrust into the mainstream.

Which is good. It's being normalized. The less "taboo" weed is, the better.


Active member
Which is good. It's being normalized. The less "taboo" weed is, the better.

i don't see it that way....but i've never considered "normal" to be a "good thing"

...the more you make it "normal" the more ppl are there to tell you it isn't....it will never end.

weed is either for you or it isn't....why put the 2 sides face to face when for the most part neither side could really give a fuck less.

i couldn't care less if anyone thinks weed is "right or wrong"...i like it, i grow it, and i partake in moderation. i don't shove it down anyones throat, and aside from here i don't talk about weed to anyone.

i just don't see how fighting to make it "socially acceptable" at this point even matters.....and the tv shows aren't on to push public acceptance...they are there to sell advertising because it's become a curiosity to ppl that don't have a fuckin' clue. :tiphat:


Active member
the tv shows aren't on to push public acceptance...they are there to sell advertising because it's become a curiosity to ppl that don't have a fuckin' clue. :tiphat:

yes.... us drug growers are the modern day "freak show"...i guess we are too stoned to realize it. :tiphat:


Lammen Gorthaur
capitalism is gonna gobble weed up and shit it out as a bad copy of its true self, just like it does with everything.
we are going to look back at these past years as "golden age" before corporations made the whole thing soulless.

Horse hockey. Capitalism is the one force on the planet that ends suffering and encourages the progress of mankind.


Active member
Capitalism is the one force on the planet that ends suffering and encourages the progress of mankind.

...since the advent of technology...mankind has been in a state of regression (for the most part).......sure we know more, but we sure as fuck don't do more.


Lammen Gorthaur
...since the advent of technology...mankind has been in a state of regression (for the most part).......sure we know more, but we sure as fuck don't do more.

You need to speak for your fucking self. If it wasn't for Internet porn I don't know what the fuck I'd do and if that's not progress what is? :tiphat: :moon:


Active member
You need to speak for your fucking self. If it wasn't for Internet porn I don't know what the fuck I'd do and if that's not progress what is?
Dat be da truth.

As long as the cops stay out of my house, I don't really give a shit what the commercial types do...
Won't matter to me one way or the other.

I'm collecting my seeds.

Max Headroom

Well-known member
Horse hockey. Capitalism is the one force on the planet that ends suffering and encourages the progress of mankind.

rofl hehehe good one
(dunno if you meant it like that, but to me this comment is dripping of sarcasm)

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