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The Come Up?


Active member
Hush.hush baby(drop the beat)this is the theme song for this new setup....
Lol . seriously though i cant wait to see this thing in action.heath better hush.lol


, The Ghost of
Wow! Dimensions? Whats the plan? Continuous nute cycling? How much light? Rooted clones straight to 12/12?

Youre gonna have a lot of budsicles in that setup.


Active member
well the past week has been nothing but a completely perfect cluster fuck.
lost all the clones in my new cloner due to pump failure...more my failure i reckon. shoulda paid better attention.

so the way it stands now....

i have 5 large RSK clones and a bonzai strawberry blue mom i can cut 15-20 cuts off of.

lost the haze cuts i so dearly wanted to keep....

but onwards n' upwards hopefully.
gonna throw the 5 large cuts into this system tomorrow. veg them in the 'system' (I'm thinking of calling it babylon lol) then just take cuts off the vegging plants until its full.

4ft across
6ft long

2x600's hung side by each

scrog if you can believe it....already got the screen up...bit of reflectix hung up....

...now i'm rambling.... 50 sites in the top tier for rooted clones.

middle tier is 32 i think... 24 on the bottom?

sorry wild, i'll get pics n' explanations of whats going on as soon as i know whats going on lol.

its RDWC, always circulating, tubes are 3/4 full of water n' floranova, tubes hold 150L, res holds another 250L

tleaf jr.

Came up off 75w
Fifth, we all know your fronting son :comfort: Setups prolly sittin in the back still lol where's the damn pics! J/k :lurking:


, The Ghost of
We all waited this long for a solid update, whats a few more weeks :dunno: Haha!

Seriously though - sounds like a ton of fun... and 2 tons of nutes!


Active member
yeah i'll never hear the end of this....can build a floating grow....can't figure out how to upload pics from my fuckin' phone.....


how did the pic turn out anyways?

i'll just do damn updates from my phone till i get the 'net back if they turn out worth a shit.

ghost, leaf, wild, lurkers :tiphat:


Active member
it's the people that make it that way Crop. i'm just here for the cheap beer n' easy women.

found a small leak a few hours ago. ....which from my experience is pretty common when i build anything out of PVC...

problem was it was against one of the walls so i had to unscrew half of it from the wall...

lemme explain incase the blurry pic didn't make it clear.

the garden is half mounted to the rooms walls. the other half is suspended from the ceiling via chains and turnbuckles (turnbuckles to adjust height of the tubes, aids in draining it seems too)

....so when its unscrewed from the wall it just swings there lol making it very easy to get to hard to reach places like the one i'm sealing now.

i'll take some more pics with hopefully a steadier hand after i get it reassembled in a few hours to try to show you guys what i'm dealing with.


Active member
whoot whoot,5th my man nice to see you back at it, its too bad you lost some of the clones you had, its a bummer!!!
hope you fix your PVC setup, i wanna see that MOFO rocking hard!!!


Active member
BS, good to see your around brother.
hope i'm not missing out on another of your runs....i'd fuckin' floor me lol

i just tried to do a 'mobile' update....that seems to have ended in a huge fucking fail....

dammit....i'll steal some wifi tomorrow n' do it proper


Active member
sup hommies?

watching the hockey game at my pals. ...hes got net....so heres the meat n' potato's......


i dunno when that was....6 days ago maybe


thats what going n in the fish tank its a small bubble cloner


...thats the HVAC....gets to 80 at the top making it 76 in the plant area....72 on the floor. At 82 the fan kicks on slowly drops the temps to 74 in the plant zone before shutting off....



this is where were at now....20 clones....some getting roots....others lacking.

Don't really check or care about the "rep" thing....but it shows the peeps I'm looking forward to get back to talking with are still around.

Should be back around in another 2 weeksa to try n catch up with yas


Active member
lol, yeah man. ....a work in progress....

going north for a week shortly. gonna cut some clones n' see how this thing works while i'm away

mojave green

rockin in the free world
I'm leaving my garden this weekend to. I always get a bit nervous when doing so. Good luck and God speed

tleaf jr.

Came up off 75w
That shit looks nice fifth , maybe u should start a new thread ....I feel like mine is getting stale so I'll be slapping another hangout spot together for all my ninjas

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
Coming together! R u using the 4" tube? If so don't veg too long or the root system will get big enough to where it will cause a natural damn and u will get water coming out of the net cups of the plants.

The bitch of this system is getting all those clones equal health at once so u can get the small veg time and flip.

U got any stretchy strains in there?


Active member
yeah MG, always scares the shit out of me leaving for more then a few hours....last thing i need is my place burning to the fuckin' ground.

leaf ma man. my threads are always stale....don't matter where i puttem'
if ya do make a new one post up a link here so we can follow along.

yeah its 4" MM, and your exactly right about the root build up if over vegged.

A quick fix is to flood the tubes as fast as possible and leave the next netpot empty. this obviously 'washes' the rootmass downstream.
then pull the roots out of the empty netpot down stream n' trim them.
its just a quick fix though...once the root mass explodes your fuct lol

everything about this grow has been fucked for me since the start.

nothing stretchy i'm afraid. tried using a 400 MH at a distance to make 'em lean a bit n' all that did was slow the growth.

next run will be all clones.



Active member

Culled the kush after the last update. .....so I drilled a bunch more holes.


These clones\new moms are atleastthree times the size of what they look like in this pic.

Might have enuff cuts to fill a tier by march break


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