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The Church - 108w CFL


Iv just chopped one of its 6 main heads off and feel completely devastated cant believe it! Why did i do it. Aw well atleast im 100% BAKED! This is fukin good weed, smells very strange quite disgusting actually but smoked lovely and gets you mashed.

The pot size matey is 6" withouit perlite and with nothing fancy just bio nutes cheap lights no vents or fans at all and thats about as cheap as it gets! Its going ok, buds are fattenin up a bit now.

The bud i just chopped wight 2.5g wet and 1g dry with a couple small fan leaves. Its was totally sticky and crystally and looked good enough to eat! bud i didnt. i smoked in a joint and now i cant move!

So i would say you are right, i reckon i will get close to half an oz dry. I did a little sum based on the one i just took and i reckon NO MORE than half oz possibly no where near haha but hell its good smoke and i could get a bit more (maybe another 3-5g) next time using better soil mix and using the same lights but earlier on in the grow. Anyway wel see in a couple of weeks maybe 3 dunno yet.



Day 41

Day 41

Time for an u pdate. Day 41! Just under 6 weeks of flowering.

Thing are looking pretty good, covered in crystals and smelling strong.

Iv got over chopping the bud off and gotta say this shit is strong! Iv re-looked at the plant and i reckon i might actually be somewhere near my ounce!!:laughing: 3 weeks left - just look at the pics, if i get an oz il be very happy with this setup!



Cheers lads i cant wait to harvest and cure my first full indoor grow :joint::jump:

The church is looking like a winner for me next grow i think, and smokes pretty good too! I keep re-calculating it and im prob saying 20g now! i was quite stoned when dreaming of my oz lol.


Day 50

Day 50

Well its day 50 now, things coming on nicely. Buds swelling and fan leaves yellowing!

Fed for the last time today, plenty of bio bloom and a bit of grow and molasses. Will be on water until the end of grow. Il be cutting the buds of in another 10 days.

Next update will be harvest so il be weighing the wet mass and seeing what iv got! actually iv taken 4dry gs from it already, including the top half of the main colla, no worries though it hasnt affected growth, not that i can see. But yeh looking good check the pics... Cheers:joint::woohoo:
skunkyyuk very nice looking flowers. got a ball park idea of waht you can expect of dried weight? think you can squeeze and oz. of dried out of her?

also about your lights.... looks liek they have a warm orangish tint to the light? are you using warm or cool cfls?

nice going skunk! lets see some more shots...:lurk:


Thanks very much lads! Not bad for my first indoor, loved every minute haha!

I think il be looking at 20gs already smoked 4gs! Dont know how much their gunna swell in the last 10 days, cant see them getting much bigger tbh but lets hope so :):)

BTW lights are all red mate, all the way through veg and flower.

The plants spent about 5% in the sunlight, but most development was under the 6 18w lights with my snazy little reflectors that work.....well, pretty good looking at the plants ;) lol
skunky, whats the height? what is your cfl spectrum? looks like your using warm 2700k spec. or maybe full spectrum? I am wondering how well a warm spec would work for veg/photo stage...

also, Is this an organic or chemy grow? are you using coco or soil?

next time can you hold a beverage/beer can up to the khola for size comparison?
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Height is 9 inch from soil base no perlite added just multi purpose compost, cheap stuff. It has been on a feed of bio bloom,grow and fishmix and towards the end molasses.

Its red 2700k lights, cheapos, each put out 950lumens to make the total 5700 lumens. Worked fine in veg, but was only under 2 lights for the first 2 weeks, grew very well under them!

This was just a test run, it was supposed to be just 2 x 23w but i went for the 108w to make sure i still got some decent shit at the harvest, good choice! Could do with using these lights earlier on next time and adding perlite to the soil mix...other than thats its all been sweet as fuck, well happy with this improvised little adventure lol.

Cheers SkunkyUK


:joint::woohoo::smoker:Final plant update!

It got its buds chopped off today at day 67! Had nothing but water for the past week or so!

I also chopped the 3 heads of the main collars around 2 weeks ago. they weighed 6g dry total which iv just finished smoking/while curing. Im lovin it basically! Great high and nice smell.

This was just an experiment with £1 bulbs and basic setup, no fans at all just light and bio biz and molasses towards the end- do much good i dunno but got some good shit from this lot

Plant before 3 heads got chopped and wet buds.



Todays pics

So there way are! my light reflectors did a spot on job for fuck all £ im happy! :woohoo: Will let it dry for a week and cure if its lasts that long :) Cheers