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The catch-all cabinet


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Hand is now free of casts and splints! I'll be removing the lenses off my bulbs tomorrow during the "day". Really excited to see how much brighter this cab will be


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Update! Day 28 F

BBG-1. Definitely the fastest flowering of the 9. She had trich production real fast and is bulking up well. Also the shortest of the 9. Not much aroma from any of the BBG series, just a subtle "green" aroma. These will all be a little root bound, I never got the chance to repot them before flowering on account of the injury


close up

JB-5. All of the JB's are very stretchy and smell like grapefruit with a little bit of a skunk funk. They have a while to go, This one got supercropped pretty heavy, as you can see


Aaand here's today's group shot


Active member
Update! Day 36 of flowering.

A lot has happened. I left them alone for a few days, got real busy, and all of the JB's straightened out the cropping I did, and got themselves burned on the lights! Seems 2" is about as far from these bulbs as they'd like to be. I did another super cropping and tied them all down this time.


Group shot


Burn marks on the leaves. too close to the light!

They've also all been eating themselved up! I think I gotta up my feeding, as feed/water/feed/water cycle isn't cutting it anymore. What with the burning and the small pots, it's a wonder they're still looking so good in the budsites. Many of the lower leaves have already yellowed and fallen off of most of the plants. They look like this:

I'm pretty sure I just gotta feed them more. I'm seeing deficiencies in n,p, and k, which are all probably also due to the tiny pots. I'm sort of wondering, since I have at least 4 more weeks with these plants, would it be worth attempting to re-pot them? Or is that too risky and I should just try to keep up on feeding? I'm worried they'll have too much deficiencies and not finish out very well. I would hate to see these girls get so bad that I can't re-veg them after cropping :(


Active member
Dont repot bro, just up the feeding dosage for a few weeks, then start dropping it again near to the end, they're looking pretty good!



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I have some clones and seeds in a new cabinet, and I'm not sure what's going on with them? I had them up about 6" from the LED lights for a good day, and they all got this sort-of wilted look about them.

I thought for a second that they were too close to the light, so I moved them down to about 15". Today this is how the same clones look:

What do you guys think? Am I over thinking this? Maybe there's something else I'm missing? The water is ph'd to somewhere between 6.5 and 7 (I only have the drop tests right now, waiting on a new digital ph meter). Temperature is about 73F

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