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The Canna Embassy organic homegrowers thread


Green Ambassador
Dear green outdoor friends,

I am a person that dislikes complaining, but I think the outdoor home growing deserves the spotlight a little bit more.

That's why I have decided to organise this year a Canna Embassy full moon homegrowers harvest party on sunday the 4th of october at coffeeship The Happy Smile in The Hague From 11 am till 11 pm.
They have a private party space on board of the ship.
There is also a coffeeshop on board.

It's not a cup, but a happening, sharing our homegrown with music, snacks, and a lot of smoke!!
It's more or less a coming together of home growing friends.
No cup, no competition.
Just "hanging out" with same minded people with the passion for the herb.

There is only one big "BUT".

There is "only" space for 50 people at the most.

So if you are a (organic) outdoor home grower and you like to share the goodies with friends, just drop a pm and I will put you on the list, but 50 is 50!!

People that like to contribute to the party (and I don't mean money in the first place), are most welcome.

If there are people in The Hague willing to let people stay over for the weekend at their place, please let me know.

I know also a cheap, but very nice hotel for people that prefer a hotel. It was also the place for people during the Cannabis Tribunal last december.


I think it can be a lot of fun....

see also:

But first Paddi's outdoor man's harvest party! :smile:

Keep on growing folks, take care and stay safe.


Peace, G.A.




Ah, Bon Giorno

I see the plants grow well at your place GA. :D A friend of mine sended me a pic of beautiful seedling (ADH47 [auto AK47] X [autoHaze X Dieselryder).Never seen this before!!!


Namaste :canabis:


Beware the 3 Ice men of May, or so my mum used to say :) Nights are still cold, & a good chance of frost around the full moon.
Good luck with them.


Joint Date: Today.
Hey G.A & northern Friends :wave:

its so nice to receive your vibes even through a monitor , a pc, virtual life.
I really feel theres something missing in my life that can be found in your lifestlye, your company and friendship. I truly apreciate all these years of sharing experiences, knowledge, situations and FEELINGS.
This regards you Darpan but also Esben and the others that have been part of the whole moviment. My friend Kov is included in the feeling.
I really look forward to the day when i could share a seat and a good talk with you guys , maybe at the Canna Embassy, In adam, In Denmark or why not, here in Italy.
Springtime is here and i wish you all the best for the outdoor babes who will enjoy the sun together with us all.

Wishing you all a good day, between all your activities.. and wish to meet you all very soon.

Peace :smile:


King Hassan Extreme club: Let me explain.
When smoking King Hassan Extreme, you feel like ur .... god damn, cant explain...fantastic
The best hash I smoked during our visit to the cup and den Haag.

Here in sun and shadow:







H8ters gonna h8
ICMag Donor
Thanks for the explanation Paddi, and hello :wave:

It certainly sounds like a club to be part of :rasta: and I think I might know what kind of feeling you're talking about :joint:

Some years ago, in a cshop in A'dam called Eerste Hulp (1st Aid) I found some King Hassan (but it wasn't extreme :yoinks: )

This hash would set me on a trip to la-la land for good 2 hours and put a big smile in my face, from year to ear :D Everything was cool, everything was irie, everything was fine :yeahthats

The landing would be very soft and smooth...

GA, very nice to hear there's a Canna Emb meeting coming up :yes: I'm sure it will be fun, I love boat parties! :woohoo: I'm not sure were I'll be going to the March, and I might even need to be elsewhere on that day :wallbash:

Wamen, some day :smoke:

Elmanito, nice colours!

I don't take the little ones inside at night, and I do see a difference with GA's: Mine are not growing as fast. I guess the night warmth helps them to develop better roots and so forth.

Green wishes :joint: B


Green Ambassador
Hello all,

Thanks for sharing folks!!

Yesterday night we celebrated Queens Night in The Hague....
The centre of The Hague overcrowded.
I could hardly make some video, almost drowning in a dancing crowd!!


Today started out sunny.
Took some video of the little plants...
"Growing for Peace" 2009..


Today is also Queens Day.
Traditionaly the queen visits a city, or village.
This year it was Apeldoorn.
One crazy guy spoiled the day by driving his car into the crowd, wanting to hit the bus where the royal family was driving in.
Meanwhile 2 people died and 12 are wounded.

So Queens Day 2009 ends up as "Black Queensday"....




Peace, G.A.


Active member
Hey Darpan, those are sad news :badday:

Just dropping by to check the thread and share a pic or two of what's at my terrace, ending the season down here in southamerica.

Angola Roja x Banghi (Cross by LaManoNegra)
Malawi F1




Stay Cool :cool:


Green Ambassador
Hi Kayaman,

Those look lovely... Malawi, such a nice strain, makes me remember also the sweet Kerala.

I was talkong with Papajan lately about the sweet Malawi weed, such a long time since I smoked that sweet and "pure"herb.
A couple of years ago there was still authentic and nice strains on the island of Papajan, but because of the increasing amount of french soldiers (some coming from Afghanistan) on the island, the Afghan hasj took over.
Not that the Afghan hasj is bad, but the disapearing of authentic (African) strains is so sad.

Meanwhile known after press conference, 17 people involved, 4 died, 5 heavy injured and 8 minor injuries.
What should have been a sunny, celebrating day, became a sad day..
Some more news in english:


Peace, G.A.


Green Ambassador
The orange garland at the student apartments is a silent witness of this day what suppose to be a celebrating and colorfull day...

Overhere the sun is shining and the plants are doïng fine.
At the Canna Embassy I finaly end up with 3 Purple Princess and 2 Purple Peace X Nepalese.
The Green Ambassador went to a dear friend. :smile:

Also the first strawberry flowers are opening....

Peace, G.A.





Purple Princess, Sunflowers and Strawberry



Purple Princess


Purple Peace X Nepalese


Space reserved for Purple Peace X Nepalese


What ever is going on, nothing but madness in the world today.
There has to be a better way, in a world that should know better.
Like George Melly said "Show them how to grow old with grace & style"


Green Ambassador
Hi Arvid, thnx...

Fingaz, I hope I don't only grow old with grace and style, hopefully grow up as well... :smile:

Today was another sunny day, around the 20 degrees.
I already repotted one of the Purple Peace X Nepalese into the world famous toilet bowl...
I prepared also 2 other 60 liter buckets with soil and some Rhizotonic.
As soon the night temperature is rising above 10 degrees I will repot them all into the big buckets and the wooden box and let them out 24/7.
This year is a very nice start. They all look green, fresh and healthy...

Peace, G.A.








Active member
Oh, hell yeah, I'm claiming god parent on the little one in the toilet! :p :p


Dibbs Dibbs Dibbs toooo slow....:nanana:

It's gonna be HUGE but this time you have to tie up the stems at the bottom G.A
so it has better wind resistance ;):dueling: