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The Canna Embassy organic homegrowers thread


Green Ambassador
Hi Lalandia, Elmanito,

Thanks for sharing... See you soon Elmanito.

It's very hot the last 2 days. Summer realy has started.
Today is 25 degrees and I am swetting.
The forecast says it stays like this the coming week, with some rain on sunday.
Ideal weather situation for the plants.
Also the Purple Peace Nepalese female in the wooden box is growing wild.
The net helps to spread the branches...
The Purple Princessess are booming.
I replaced the male Purple Peace Nepalese in the toilet bowl for an Afghan Peace.
It's a little plant grow from seed by a friend.
He had 7 plants, so he had to give away 2...
It's just a little plant, but we still got 3 months at the most...
The only Indica... The rest Sativa (hybrid).

Also the other plants and flowers are doïng great.
The Pumpkin is looking for a way out.... :>)
The Morning Glory still vegging and finding it's way up...
Keep on growing folks, take care and stay safe...

Peace, G.A.



















H8ters gonna h8
ICMag Donor
The plants are looking GREAT GA :woohoo:

... Wow, they have really exploded on the last days, I can see dialy grow in mine, but nothing like that :yoinks:

Keep ut the good work, and fingers crossed so that the new plant in the toilet is a female!

:wave: B


Green Ambassador
Hi Reefa Cheefa :wave:

Browser it's unbelievable!!
They grow so fast right now and the weather is great!!
Heavy rains yesterday and today with a lot of problems for the traffic in the middle and east of Holland.
Here at the coast we had no rain at all, but it was foggy and very humid.
Swetting warm.
Coming days temperatures between 25 and 30 degrees and no rain.
G.A. is a very happy man....

Peace, G.A.











They look marvellous GA!!!!

Esbe Purple Peace pheno


This is a lovely strain from Brazil.Plant behind is Manuka, medicinal herb from the Maori's

Brazil Amazonia


Namaste :canabis:


Green Ambassador
Hello world,

Hi Elmanito,

I love outdoor growing!....:>)

I have the feeling I am running from one emergency room to the other at the moment.
Hanging om the phone half of the day, running from one place to the other to meet people and to share new information.
Tomorrow a commision is presenting a report that will advice the gouvernement to change the drugspolicies drasticly, but coffeeshops will stay.
Which coffeeshops the report doesn't say ofcourse...

Tomorrow also the viewing of the Cannabis Tribunal DVD and an information booklet.
So tomorrow running between The Hague and Amsterdam.
I want to get my hands on that report...

Meanwhile the summer is continuing...
today 27 degrees and the forecast for tomorrow 30!!
Swetting hot, but the plants love it and drink a lot at the moment.
Also got new neighbours today. Nice student couple, very relaxed...

Green greetz, G.A.










Green Ambassador
Thnx Lalandia,

I hope everyone is enjoying the summer as I am.
After a day of running between The Hague and Amsterdam yesterday, today is party time!!
Michael Franti @ Your Music Festival in Rotterdam.
28 degrees, sun shining, some good reggae, hip hop and funk.....
Leaving in one hour for the festival.
Ofcourse I will report as much as I can....

With this post some pictures taken today at the terrace.
The plants are enjoying the summer also.
Take care and stay safe folks...

Peace, G.A.








Active member
Plants are looking pukka Ga, and i know you have alot on your hands there at the moment with everything.I hope all goes well for you lot over there GA,keep fighting the good fight .I got this of a uk site ,

Members-only cannabis club won't pass the test in Europe
Published: 3 July 2009 10:33 | Changed: 3 July 2009 11:56
The committee on drugs policy recommends making the coffee shops members-only clubs, and experimenting with legal cannabis production. Neither will pass the European test.
EDITORIALWe can't go on like this, but where do we go from here? That has been the miserable state of the Dutch policy on drugs for years. Supporters of prohibition and tolerance have each other pinned down.

They know that the production of cannabis invites crime, that the Netherlands has become a large-scale exporter of cannabis, that cannabis consumption leads to children dropping out of school, and aggravates social problems, and home-growing runs down neighbourhoods.

The once carefree subculture of soft drugs has become a tough business. "It's a mess", Labour member of parliament Lea Bouwmeester said this week as she introduced a last-minute proposal to legalise the production of cannabis in an attempt to save the coffee shops. True to custom, the government set up a commission in the hope of clearing the trenches of the drugs debate. That commission has now given its recommendations. The message is clear: the current tolerance policy has become untenable. But the commission doesn't have a miracle solution either. How could it when we live in a borderless corner of the European Union? The commission too is balancing between the need to protect small-scale private users, and the need to fight corruption of the system.

The committee rightly puts soft drugs in a larger context by including alcohol in the debate and recommending a minimum age of 18 for both substances. This is in line with new insights about the effect of both THC and alcohol on the undeveloped brain. In short, the longer consumption of THC or alcohol are put off, the better.

Alcohol and drugs will come to play a role in the lives of many, but that consumption should be allowed to begin at a young age is an indefensible position. A change in mentality is needed among parents, schools, civil society and small businesses.

As far as the coffee shops are concerned, the committee is recommending to lock the door except for registered members. These "cannabis clubs" would cater only to local users. But it is hard to see how people from other EU countries could be legally banned from becoming members. Such a measure would have a discouraging effect for as long as it takes the EU court in Luxembourg to declare it illegal.

The committee is also recommending experimenting with legalised production of cannabis in order to decriminalise the supply chain of the coffee shops. It is not a new idea. But UN and EU rules only allow cannabis production for scientific or medicinal use, or in small quantities for personal use. The Dutch government ordered a study in 2005 to look into the legal possibility of allowing small-scale cannabis production for the coffee shops. The answer was crystal clear: EU law doesn't allow for it. Solutions like these require a political consensus at the European level. It requires an answer to the question whether cannabis use for adults is socially acceptable. The questions is too large for the Netherlands to be able to answer it on its own. And this sounds good Feature: Marijuana Legalization Legislation in the Works in Portuga lhttp://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle/592/portugal_marijuana_legalization_bill

GA just one quick question are all the coffee shops pulling together on this one or not? as surly they all realise, Those cd are really into messing up your country.What do they want aload of smack heads or what.They keep going on about organized crime why do they let people there grow a few plants or a certain size area indoor , that you stip crime.Let everyone who grows have a license and have there grow checked by a fireman .In a old red eye mag AGA some brit wrote a really brilliant article on all i have said i will dig it out .As if what he said could be put into pratice ,it would stop the organized crime . And the coffee shop would still get stock and if anything better stock.


Green Ambassador
Hi HR,

Coffeeshops are here to stay... The social function of the coffeeshops will remain untouched.
Today there was even a shop owner that advised the major to start glasshouses to provide the shops...
The major was open for the idea, but first the law needs to be changed then, she said.
And under supervision of the Dutch state they like to start experiments with the backdoor.
But it's all step by step, but you are right the cd tries to strangle the coffeeshops.
So till the next elections not realy much will change.
In Portugal they start already to talk about legalizing own use, growing and selling Cannabis!!
So a lot is going on and there is still a ray of light at the end of the tunnel.
The governement likes to go back to smaller shops for local users.
I still don't believe that the pass system will realy work. The law on the privacy makes that hard...
But still the governement have to respond...
In september the governement will come with the new drugs nota.
Political english is pritty tuff to me.
I also don't want this thread realy to become too political.
If there are still questions, you can always drop a pm.
I understand your questions well.....

Your Music festival was the bomb....
Michael Franti thank you bro for your music and making every concert a party!!

Sweet dreams world...

clips Michael Franti and Spearhead @ Your Music Festival Rotterdan

(I was not aloud to bring my HDD camera, so I was very glad I had my NokiaE71)













Active member
Thats great news Ga, and what i wa on about its not political lol.It was just one tokers idea of how things could be done here, once i dig it out i will send it in a pm if i get get it copied. .Not that it will ever happen,here people in power are to thick and not open to knew ideas its ther way or the highway.

Looks like everyone had a good time at the party i have loads of pics of your nice buildings.I love the one in amsterdam which is like a front of a boat its across the the boat musem i loved going up on the top and having a toke well out of the way of other people though.As they was some young folks there .


Green Ambassador
Jo HR.

"The soup wil not be eaten as hot it's been served".... we say in Holland. :smile:
But we'll stay alert! :>)

Yes the party was great... My soul needed fresh air...

Peace, G.A.

Growing for Peace 2009 (15) Tribute to Michael...



Farmer with big feet



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
plants and pics are going hard ! came by to say ...goeie dag ! :)


Active member
Hehe the famous morning glory, great shot Paddi.

Darpan, your bushes are exploding in growth, they are expanding hard.

Wishes of the nicest weather from southamerica :cool:


Green Ambassador
Hello green friends,

Thanks for the compliments and sharing guys....
Paddi as you can see at the last picture the Morning Glory is climbing, but not flowering yet. It can happen any moment!!
The sugar snaps are flowering also...
The last 2 days have been grey and rainy, 18 degrees.
A little too cold for this time of the year.

The plants needed the rain after a couple of weeks with no rain.
It looks like at least 2 are coming out purple!!
All are female. The Afghan Peace in the toilet bowl is a female as well!!
The summer started good and it looks like the coming days the temps are rising again uptill 25 degrees.
All started to flower now.
It Looks like they will be ready half of september.
Can't hardly wait for the sweet smell of the flowers!!

Peace, G.A.












Active member
Hey Brother :wave:

All girls and flowering fast! that's good news, It's great to be able to see purple buds coming back to the Canna Embassy.

See you around G.A :rasta:

Here's a paraguayan sativa from bagseed, nice sativa.

And a little Pakistan x [Lesotho x Uzbekistan] growing through the winter :D



Jamjam, i love sativa´s. :canabis:

He GA, whats happening with the drugspolicy in The Hague.I read yesterday the Mayor want to close down several coffeeshops in town because of ´causing´ trouble.

Purple ´evening´Peace


Namaste :canabis:

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