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The Canna Embassy organic homegrowers thread


Green Ambassador
Hi Homusubi,

Good to see you. Enjoying Holland he?
It was nice to have you and to walk around town with you.

I know that "carnaval feeling".
People drunk at 3 pm thinking they are funny....
I hope they stayed away from Karma his door this year.
Still surviving "the holy Heineken war" Karma? :smile:

Green greetz from The Hague, G.A.


Green Ambassador
NORML Breaking News: California Assemblyman Introduces Legislation To Tax And Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol

Dear Friend,

Speaking at a landmark press conference today, California Assemblyman Tom Ammiano (D-San Francisco) introduced comprehensive legislation to tax and regulate the commercial production and sale of cannabis in a manner similar to alcohol.

"With the state in the midst of an historic economic crisis, the move towards regulating and taxing marijuana is simply common sense. This legislation would generate much needed revenue for the state, restrict access to only those over 21, end the environmental damage to our public lands from illicit crops, and improve public safety by redirecting law enforcement efforts to more serious crimes", Assemblyman Ammiano said. "California has the opportunity to be the first state in the nation to enact a smart, responsible public policy for the control and regulation of marijuana."

The proposal is the first marijuana legalization bill ever introduced in California.

"It's time for California taxpayers to stop wasting money trying to enforce marijuana prohibition, and to realize the tax benefits from a legal, regulated market instead," said Dale Gieringer, director of California NORML, a sponsor of the bill.

As introduced, Ammiano's measure would allow for the licensed production and sale of cannabis to consumers age 21 and over. Licensed cultivators would pay an excise tax of $50 per ounce of cannabis. In addition, the proposal would impose a sales tax on commercial sales. (Ammiano's proposal would not affect the state's medical marijuana law, allowing patients and caregivers to grow their own medicine.)

If enacted, the measure would raise over $1 billion per year in state revenue, according to an economic analysis by California NORML, available online here: http://www.canorml.org/background/CA_legalization2.html

Ammiano's bill comes at a time of growing public support for legalizing marijuana. A recent Zogby poll reported that nearly six in ten west coast voters support taxing and regulating marijuana like alcohol. Faced with a $40 billion budget deficit, other public officials have joined in endorsing Ammiano's bill, including San Francisco Sheriff Mike Hennessy and Betty Yee, a member of the State Board of Equalization, which oversees collection of sales taxes.

Currently, tens of millions of dollars are paid annually in state and local taxes by licensed distributors of medical marijuana. However, these sales only represent a fraction of the overall statewide marijuana market. "The millions of dollars raised each on the sales of medicinal cannabis is only the tip of the iceberg," Gieringer said. "Kudos to Assemblyman Ammiano for proposing a path-breaking bill that would benefit our economy, safety and freedom by making marijuana a winning proposition for California."

The NORML Team


ICMag Donor
YEAH!~!~!~!~!~!~ :headbange I'm diggin this.... I'm movin to cali.... Id say the country is ripe for change right about now... Its happening... I hope... Thanks for the good news GA! :smoke:

Nice ducksfoot, AGG. Thick Indy style but in cognito.... :yes:

Where the hell did you go homusubi? :D Thanks for the great pics!


Active member
Hello CannaEmbassy & all canna friends :wave:

Here in Buenos Aires, Argentina things are changing a little :woohoo:


For the Federal is not a crime to grow marijuana
The court found that "no part of a criminal figure" that the production of drugs for personal use. I ordered for two accused who were kidnapped four pots with cannabis sativa
13/02 Allan - Marijuana 5
Chamber I of the House in Federal Criminal and Correctional upheld the ruling that two defendants discontinued by cultivation of drugs for personal use and declared unconstitutional the rule that punishes figure.

This is a case in which the defendants kidnapped four pots, each with one plant cannabis sativa marijuana-linear (with a total weight of 75.12 grams), a pocket of fertile land, a lamp allogeneic heat and spray with a clear liquid. "

According to the website of the Judicial Information Center for the court, "the amount and the circumstances surrounding the event indicate that the cultivation or planting was found marijuana for personal consumption."

Against this, the camera declared article 5, paragraph a, penultimate paragraph, of Law 23,737 and upheld the ruling that discontinued the accused "not fit for their conduct in a criminal figure," according to the statement of unconstitutionality before.

edit: more links to other newspapers & other


Bug decriminalized the cultivation of drugs for personal use
The House Criminal Federal declared unconstitutional the provision that penalizes the production of drugs for personal use. The court upheld the dismissal of two defendants. Complete failure
Bug decriminalized the cultivation of drugs for personal use Zoom


Chamber I of the House in Federal Criminal and Correctional upheld the ruling that two defendants discontinued by cultivation of drugs for personal use and declared unconstitutional the rule that punishes figure.

This is a case in which the suspects were kidnapped four pots, each with one plant cannabis sativa marijuana-linear (with a total weight of 75.12 grams), a pocket of fertile land, a allogeneic heat lamp and a spray with a clear liquid. "

For the court, "the amount and the circumstances surrounding the event indicate that the cultivation or planting was found marijuana for personal consumption."

Against this, the camera declared article 5, paragraph a, penultimate paragraph of the law and upheld the 23,737 who discontinued the accused "not fit for their conduct in a criminal figure," according to the statement of unconstitutionality before.

The discriminalization is comming here :yes:


Last edited:


Active member
as far as I'm aware cannabis is already kind of taxed and regulated in california, I don't think many more
people will be buying cannabis if this comes into effect. I've seen people go to doctors complaining about
the stupid things that I wouldn't even consider wasting a second thought on, just to get a prescription for
ganja. Californians have loads of shops there selling all kinds of cannabis products. It's only a good idea
to the outside and other states that might follow. For california this seems just an excuse for something
they already have. My feeling is that if this were the case in another country like the UK Germany France
it would be a greater achievement


Green Ambassador
Today I visited the Coffeeship.

Work in progress!!
A new stage.
Soon we'll be partying there!
Already 15.000 people signed the consumers petition that the coffeeshops should stay open...
There is also the possibillity for Dutch residents to sign the petition online. www.vvcc.nl

I am longing for spring, sigh...


Peace, G.A.





Green Ambassador
Latest news on our friend Chakib El Khayari:

Dear friends

Today, 27 februaty, Joep (Encod) has spoken with Chakib's brother and his lawyer. Apparemtly the accusations against Chakib are categroised under "insult of authorities", which is not a criminal offense, but an administrative. There is hope that he will liberated soon and get a fine. He is weak because of the poor conditions in which he is detained, but he is treated correctly. He is very happy with all the support. His lawyer says it is a very good idea to keep sending letters (to the King and a copy to the Moroccan embassy)

See the letter at: http://www.encod.org/info/LETTER-TO-THE-KING-OF-MOROCCO-ON.html

Peace, G.A.


Green Ambassador
Hello world,

Still alive and kicking.
Been on the road today with "The Hague Sjonnie" and his wife Yo.
First we went to Pappilion, a coffeeshop in Hilversum, or "Hillywood" as I call it. TV town centre of the Netherlands.
We were on our way to 101TV of BNN, a popular Dutch broadcast compagny www.bnn.nl

When we arrived at the BNN studio we met some MC's and "Rotjoch".
Some screaming : "The Hague Sjonnniiiieeee"

I wanted to make a picture of the BNN gang, but it became a 2 sec clip (you can freeze it).... :smile:


It was realy fun.
If you like to see the interview with Sjonnie, you can watch wednesday evening 4 pm at next link (click "kijk live"):


It was realy fun.

Tomorrow on the road again.

Take care and stay safe folks..

(purple) Peace, G.A.






ICMag Donor
Always gettin into trouble... :)

You sure do know how to have a good time.... Nice shots. :yes:

Planning for spring over here... Just 3 weeks! :woohoo:


Active member
That looks cool GA ,i bet it will look well nice once it i fully done.sad news about your border towns hutting down there shop .Are they that stupid dont they understand that the people who go to those towns will jut drive on to the next ones .

And all that does is then make those Towns ,have more problems.With more people and traffic,i am sorry to say this, but i bet some if not alot of the Dutch in those two towns are abit pissed of and not just the town mayor but at some of the people who go there from the bordering countrys.


THE HAGUE - Two Dutch towns Thursday said their eight cannabis "coffee shops" would be closed within the next six months to ward off the 25,000 marijuana-smoking tourists who flood their communities every week.

The towns of Roosendaal and Bergen-op-Zoom, which are near the border with Belgium, said in a joint statement the closures would take effect September 16.

The move was being taken to "put an end to the nuisance and crime related to trafficking and the consumption of drugs" generated by the 25,000 tourists, a statement said.

The mayors had announced last October their intention to withdraw the licenses of the coffee shops over security concerns.

At the time, a Roosendaal town hall spokeswoman said the coffee shops would be closed within two years.

The consumption and possession of small amounts of cannabis has been decriminalised in The Netherlands since 1976, as is its sale in licensed coffee shops. But its mass cultivation and large-scale sale is still forbidden.

Its a very sad day for your country and your freedoms,i am sorry to say that it pisses me, and i am not even from or live in your lovely country.You lot have to take all the shit just becouse of other people stupid backwards ideas why try and fix something which is no broke thoughthey are not trying to fix i just dismantle it and break it.

What do they want you country to have more smack heads.They are jut stupid and blind and have blinkers on like what hourses wear,man like my sig ays nothing more than a whitch hunt
hey hey everybody! (in a dr Nick Riviera, the simpsons, kind of way).
After a couple of years of not growin, I think I'll give it a go again this year. I'll be dropping in here more often in time to come. houdoe! M


Green Ambassador
Hello world,

Been around in the last couple of days.
When I came home to the Canna Embassy Lawrence Cherniak was there, artist and the author of the great book of Hashish.
On the road like always with his book under his arm.
Everybody signing his lovely book.
We are having a great weekend, lot of music, smoke and fun!!




Hope you all are having a great weekend.

Peace, G.A.











Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
I think I DJ'd here a couple of summers (in Scheveningen?) - I'll have to ask the missus, my memory is terrible...



Hello world,

Still alive and kicking.
Been on the road today with "The Hague Sjonnie" and his wife Yo.
First we went to Pappilion, a coffeeshop in Hilversum, or "Hillywood" as I call it. TV town centre of the Netherlands.
We were on our way to 101TV of BNN, a popular Dutch broadcast compagny www.bnn.nl

When we arrived at the BNN studio we met some MC's and "Rotjoch".
Some screaming : "The Hague Sjonnniiiieeee"

I wanted to make a picture of the BNN gang, but it became a 2 sec clip (you can freeze it).... :smile:


It was realy fun.
If you like to see the interview with Sjonnie, you can watch wednesday evening 4 pm at next link (click "kijk live"):


It was realy fun.

Tomorrow on the road again.

Take care and stay safe folks..

(purple) Peace, G.A.





:woohoo: Champ BIG IT UP :woohoo:
LMAO 3 picture hehehe so funny :laughing: