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I am really digging those vertical pll setups these days!

I don't know whether they are better or just different way to grow. I intend to keep experimenting with it until I find out


It just seems to me like the best way to use fluorescent lighting to it's fullest, and pll's are the most efficient form of fluorescent lighting, so I just think that eventually it will be established that yields in small spaces from pll's are as good as (if not surpass) those of HPS. This is just for small space, anyway. Aside from LED's, I'm convinced vertical pll's are the ideal way to go inside of a cabinet. I'm pretty sure I'll be going that route eventually, once I can afford to have multiple cabinets running.


I'm thinking that my next upgrade to my cabinet would be to place pll's either vertical in the corners or just run them horizontally on just the sides in conjunction with my 400 watt HPS.


Hey guys,

I'm looking for a cab that I can use to utilize an aero setup a la pirate :) The problem is none of the cabs I've been looking at online seem to have a big enough footprint to accommodate an ebb & flow tray. Any suggestions? I would build one, but it would need to look professionally done for stealth purposes. Anyone doing hydro in their cabs and want to share ideas? If I could find/ make a tray that would fit in a cab that was 20" deep, that would solve my dilemma. Thanks



New member
If I could find/ make a tray that would fit in a cab that was 20" deep, that would solve my dilemma.

Grabbed this thing at Lowes, the company's site is in the pic if you don't have a Lowes by you ;D

~~Grow Free~~
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Hey guys,

I'm looking for a cab that I can use to utilize an aero setup a la pirate :) The problem is none of the cabs I've been looking at online seem to have a big enough footprint to accommodate an ebb & flow tray. Any suggestions? I would build one, but it would need to look professionally done for stealth purposes. Anyone doing hydro in their cabs and want to share ideas? If I could find/ make a tray that would fit in a cab that was 20" deep, that would solve my dilemma. Thanks


check this outhttp://https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=107672


Active member
You can make your own E&F tray from wood and line it with pond liner. My friend has a space very similar to yours and I made this
for him (see pix below). The only hard part is attaching the fittings
so that they sit in a shallow well. Otherwise, there will always be a 1/4" of water sitting at the bottom of the tray.



Active member
Thanks for starting this thread, Simon! I bought four of those Caliber III's to check humidity and they work great!

I've been doing a perpetual SOG in a wardrobe cab for the past two years. Just recently I've automated the feeding with a E&F setup. The tray was something I found in the trash on recycling day and it fit my cab perfectly! I think it was the base of a pet cage.


Active member
Down but not out....

Down but not out....

I hope everyone and their grows are doing exceptionally well.

Well a few months ago I had some WW cuttings given to me. Wanted to do some tests because of all the different methods of cloning I read on here. Built a bubbler, used peat pucks, stuck a few in a glass of tap water n' did nothing to them, built a wick system. The results were conclusive; I've got no patience. After 7 days of nothing I just assumed I was screwing up n' threw them all out.

During that time I received a note from a fellow cab member (one I hold in high regard) and he suggested starting from seed. (time to go shopping) Now I've been told the shipping from the UK to Canada is not only fast,(no patience) but pretty easy going as far as things getting confiscated. Well two separate orders from the same company on different dates and still got nothing. It's not even the fact I feel robbed really...its the fact I'm still having to buy weed.

A month passes and I start remembering why I wanted to grow my own. I'm spending my hard earned money on garbage. Seriously the weed in my area is terrible. I go over to the guy that gave me the cuttings and asked if he had any seeds. ( I knew he would, he's trying to make the next Kush or some damn thing) Asks how many I want, I said "I've 24 peat pucks left", "well here's 24 seeds then."

Awesome, gonna try this again and take ever so much care for these baby's. In they go no germinating no nothing...all 24 pop.

Day 7 of my lil' baby's. Beautiful day so the wife, kids, n' I are bound for a fun filled day at the beach. The baby's get to enjoy their last day before transplant out on the deck without the lid on.
Thunder storm comes in outta nowhere, where talking 80kph wind gusts...TORNADO touches down a few blocks away for christs sakes.
Got home and they were gone. Didn't even find the tray. I didn't even mow my lawn for two fuckin' weeks cuz I was hoping...hell I was praying a few of them made it.

I gets better...much better...

Two week ago the conversation turns to "If your not going to use that thing get rid of it." Before I have a chance to come back with "I was thinking the same thing about you!" It was gone. At least she took the lights and rest of the gear out before the 2nd hand folks showed up....but man...
I've decided to be positive about the whole thing. (which for me is quite a stretch) I'm taking what I've learned from the "lurker" phase, as well as the member phase and starting from scratch.

OK the disclaimer. I can not use sketchup, autocad, none of that stuff. So what I've done is in MS paint. And even thats no hell but you should get the gist of it.


Ok. I'm building this one from scratch. Probly a 2x2 frame, covered with 1/2 or 1/4 plywood. Buying bags of soil in a small town in January (in Canada) isn't a very smart idea. So this SOG's goin' hydro. The light is my 430w from my original cab, with a new cool tube. Air flows in from the bottom of the mom chamber, across to the flowering chamber through light traps, sucked through the cool tube, down a length of PVC pipe to the fan, the fan pushes through the scrubber.


As I don't require 100% stealth this time. (packing up my "man cave" to make it look like a spare bedroom) It can sit there and bubbling away with the fan cranked.

Size of the cab will be determined as I go. ex. the flowering containers will be 4x4 pvc, either square or tube...we'll see how much I need and what I have laying around.

Oh yeah, those flowering containers, not only can they come apart(change the airstones, scrub clean) but I've a bunch of these small spigots laying around. Going to put them on the fronts at the bottom so when I do the nute changes every week I just drain 'em.
And while their getting there 15 minutes of fresh air (and weigh next to nothing)I can relocate them so everyone gets to share "the sweet spot" from the light.

I'm sure I'm forgetting to include many details of this soon to be build but here are a few.

4 cuttings have been bubbling away for the past week, no idea on the strain. They'll either grow roots or die trying.
Bought two mums off the guy with the seeds, he says I can' pick em up anytime.

...one last thing...I'll be making a night stand type thing to compliment the dresser, its just for cloning.

Cut clones every week, toss the ones I don't need, the rest go into the SOG.

An estimate of the dresser dimensions are 72"L, 36"W, 36"H

Now you've all got something to comment on, love it or hate it...but comment.

Now as far as this post, sorry. The weed up here is bunk...but sometimes the hash is incredible.



Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Can i join the club ???? just started growing again after a long hiatus & grew out some SD in my basement .
well anyways after doing some reading here & learning about hydro , I came across a sticky about pipedreams cabinet & fell in love with its simplicity & design . so i kept searching for a cabinet ... found one & started this thread .
I'm just about finished with it ... have some testing of the heat build up in the cab & buckets before i start my grow . but am pretty close to getting it going .
check it out & let me know what ya think . any advice would be appreciated .
thanx guys & see ya around the cab club . :wave::wave: