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The Botany of Desire


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
started w/apples...then tulip's....canna....then potatoe's.......Beautifully done...imho....i wish they talked about cannabis like they did tulip's....the tulip's section was in Dutch Country...wish i could remember the name of that tulip yard...anyone?...im gonna have to check on that when i get there:D........thanks pbs


Paint Your DreamStrain
There's a few other threads on this but I'll just up the one I posted in.

Me and my bro watched it tonight, shit was ill I tell ya. I'm not used to seeing Cannabis talked so highly of on TV, maybe it's more common on cable or some'n iunno but I was surprised. It felt funny seeing buds 'n shit when usually it come down to me seeing them on the computer screen browsin' Flower Pix. It's coming on again... I believe it's on now actually. But uhh... maybe it'll come on again after that check ya local listings or PBS.com or some squids.


PBS: Botany of desire

PBS: Botany of desire

I saw a great segment on cannabis in this PBS show called Botany of Desire.
It discussed the evolution of cannabis from ditch weed to indoor growing and how the cannabis plant has been used for thousands of years for medicinal to recreational purposes and its acceptance and villification.

Check it out if you can.



The Cannabis and Apple segments were the best. I had no idea Johnny Appleseed was actually spreading hard cider, not food apples. Thanks for nothing public school. :)

It was so refreshing to see cannabis portrayed in a 100% positive light. It made me feel really good about what I'm doing.

It was also cool that the author said we're the best gardeners on Earth. I completely agree with that statement. When we are finally able to move out of our basements the squares are going to be stunned with the skill we've accrued.


saw it and its worth watching. really funny to see this stuff on tv.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Did you guys see the one on National Geographics on Pot? That was really good some of it was bullshit lol peace out Headband707


Looks like you can watch it on the site pbs dot org...However there's something wrong with the video...You can't seek, which sucks for an hour plus video. So I was gonna capture it & maybe put out a torrent for everyone but the video capture is all messed up too...It's the only video on the site like this :mad:

guest 77721

It was on last night on PBS. I ate a brownie and saw the section on apples and fell asleep during the tulips. Never made it through pot and potatoes. Woke up and it was time to go to bed.
The Botany of Desire

Has anyone seen this new PBS show? I thought it was a very interesting view of plants- and human influence.. apples, tulips, cannabis, and potatoes.. It is new this week and I believe reruns are still showing..
The premise is that plants have trained humans to take care of them... the information on the way that humans have changed these very common plants was what I found so interesting.

the part about cannabis was excellent (good trich video in HD) - but not as surprising as apples..
Anyone else seen it? What did you think?
