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The Book Thread - What You're Reading & Everything Book Related

Max Headroom

Well-known member
Helena Blavatsky - Isis Unveiled: A Master-Key to the Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Science and Theology (Volume 1) (1877)

it took me forever to chew through this one. not boring or anything but a tough read.

David McRaney - You Are Not So Smart: Why You Have Too Many Friends on Facebook, Why Your Memory Is Mostly Fiction, and 46 Other Ways You're Deluding Yourself (2012) (Audiobook Version)

very interesting collection
Surfers, scammers and Thai Stick, first person history of the cannabis smuggling wave, excellent diversity in the personal stories


Black Tuna Diaries by Robert Platshorn. A True Story of Americas Most Notorious Marijuana Smuggler. Got it autographed by him this weekend at the Cannabis Cup in Seattle. His Parole ended just last week.

Max Headroom

Well-known member
Julian Assange - When Google met WikiLeaks (2014)
very interesting. fuck google.

Stephen Davis - Jim Morrison: Life, Death, Legend (2005) (audiobook version)
having read most well known doors biographies, this one is well researched and without the emotional bias of other books (as enjoyable as they were). if you only wanna read one book about the doors, i recommend this one.


Active member
Tibetan Book of Living and Dying by Sogyal Rinpoche, just finished, totally superb, must read for everyone, the greatest event of your life will be your death, so it is good to be prepared.

Now reading variety of Buddhist texts


Something I should have read long time ago:
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams.
Before that I read:
Childhood's End by Arthur C. Clarke

Those are my stoned books :D I got also books I read only when I am sober:
Thoughts Without a Thinker - Mark Epstein

I usually finish my stoned books faster :D I am simply stoned in my free time more often :)


New member
Hey everyone!

Just wanted to plug my own book for people that are into science fiction, horror, or just a good aventure story. Those interested in the martial arts should get a kick out of this story too.

It's called HIGH WATER, and it's on Amazon and Smashwords (DRM free over there).



Thanks for your support! Leave an honest review if you get the chance.

Thanks to Max Headroom for pointing me over here.

Max Headroom

Well-known member
I haven't read much the past few years so i thought i would pick the habit back up again with an easy read. Almost finished with "POT PLANET Adventures in Global Marijuana Culture" author Brian Preston. The book so far has been a fun read. The author seems honest in his descriptions of the places he goes. Kinda felt sad that in some countries he had some bad experiences when looking for pot. Easy book to pick up where you left off if you cant put in hours of reading in at a time.

i've just finished "Pot Planet" by Brian Preston - very enjoyable, thanks for recommending it!


New member
What Plants Know by Daniel Chamovitz
How to Read a person like a book by Gerard I. Nierenburg
The Body Electric by Robert Becker
Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway
Teaming with Microbes by Jeff Lowenfels & Wayne Lewis

If anyone's in the market for a heady and historical book that hasn't read it already
The Electric Acid Kool-Aid Test by Tom Wolfe
is amazing and explains much of the history of the hippies and the early sixties, with Ken Kesey, merry pranksters, Owlsley, HS Thompson,
and it ties in to HS Thompsons Hells Angels book for which the material and experiences somewhat over lap and occur at about the same time.

Max Headroom

Well-known member
If anyone's in the market for a heady and historical book that hasn't read it already
The Electric Acid Kool-Aid Test by Tom Wolfe
is amazing and explains much of the history of the hippies and the early sixties, with Ken Kesey, merry pranksters, Owlsley, HS Thompson,
and it ties in to HS Thompsons Hells Angels book for which the material and experiences somewhat over lap and occur at about the same time.

yeah, that's a good one! love the far-out writing style he used for this one.

Max Headroom

Well-known member
Gerrit L. Verschuur - Hidden Attraction: The Mystery and History of Magnetism

err... t'was alright. the last 50 pages or so were just needless "science is so great, the ancients were so stupid" chestbeating.
but i did learn a few things.


Used books by mail

Used books by mail

Excellent site for mail order used books. They are an online agent for used bookstores all over the US and UK for stores to list their books. ie the books are shipped from which ever store you choose. Very reliable.
Many popular classics like Zen & Motorcycle Maintainance and 1984 etc are only one dollar. You can choose the condition/cost of the book you want as they are graded from 'readable copy' at the bottom and going up. ( look up 'book condition grades' )
Most are like $3.50 free shipping. Of couse some rare first editions are $500 !
Why buy new-save your money for fertilizer.

Warning: the sites Search will give zero returns if the spelling is not absolutely correct. It is not intuitive like Google.


PS: thanks to all Christians from an Atheist for the day off today- Ash Wednesday in many countries. Amazingly not a holiday in the USA , the most Christian country in the world.


Ray Bradbury - The Martian Chronicles

Just popped in to see what collections of beautiful words people are getting down on... Happy to see some sci-fi entering people's brains. I've got to check out the Martian Chronicles. It's not fair to Bradbury that I've only really ever read Fahrenheit 451 from cover-to-cover, and then a few of his short stories.

Speaking of sci-fi, I'm considering rereading The Hitchhiker's Guide for the first time since... perhaps middle school. I think it's going to be exciting. Because yes, reading is exciting. Nerd out, kids. I've had a great deal of coffee this morning. HUGS AND DONUTS FOR ALL.

Muad' Dib

Active member
Goldberry , happy to see you here.

I'm inmersed in a book with a very very beautiful literary skills:

W. Faulkner -- As I lay dying

Respect R.Bradbury and others that like to flirt with dystopia genres, love them. Huxley, Wells, Orwell (in a more elevated way)... Are kind of visionary of the social evolution and at this point there is a confluence with the scifi writers like Asimov or A.C. Clarck, those who mark in any sense the way of the technological evolution. This point is very interesting for me.

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