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The BluntCave!!-Multi-Strain Perpetual


Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
:wave: KK, glad u can smoke soon!!

i have to finish trim on some things, but heres some pictures of my hash run, and another GDP bud. they go really good together :laughing: those brownies i made had me sleeping GREAT too.

-=- one gram GDP, 8th of 73 , and 5gs of 160 hash.


-=- 5 grams, 160 bag

-=- 3.5g 73 bag


Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
oo yea,
thanks ottoman

grand daddy purp and fat cakes of 73 bubble go real well together... the breakfast of champions!! :laughing:


That gdp is looking like some bombdigity!!!!! Can't wait to see the big ch9 run...


Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
heyoo, thanks guys!!

ive been running some new shit in the E Z cloner with some great success. i wanted to share whats been working so good for me.
ive been using HandG roots excelurator, and some super thrive. but i added botanicare aqua shield, its a liquid compost solution, so it fights any funk build up. and plant success. its like 20$ and works GREAT.

my roots are looking great. i got my MTG, ECSD and srawberry coughs rooted!!! another day or so. ill take them out when they have fist sized roots :D


Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
im giving my E Z cloner one more day to bulk up these roots, but i cant wait to re load that shit!!! ive decided il b cloning alot of my chem, blueberry, golden goat, and shanzleberry#2. and flipping the moms. they r of decent size now, and i should get at least 6 clones per plant.

heres my strawberry cough at week4, almost 5. she got a transplant last week into a 6 or 7 gallon pot.
-=-Strawberry Cough week 4


Color me gone
FB, great call on the plant success, i use their great white and love it, i got another friend who uses the granular and they will never not use it. Plant success IMO is a highly underrated company that doesn't get much respect.

I hope you enjoy all the new strains in the cloner, I know everyone loves the ecsd and kksc but wait til you grow that MTG out, that girl has hung around with me longer than any other strain i have and you'll see why soon. She'll root in 5-7 days veg quickly and give you very good yeilds, the only problem is you gotta take her 70 days. She is also an absolute MONSTER when grown outdoors, easy 1lb plants. Also that blueberry is the kind of plant that sets the bar for what you should be smoking, some of my favorite stuff ever.

good luck!
FB, would you mind posting a picture of the roots when you pull them out of the cloner. I want to see how big your roots are when you transplant for reference. I'll be filling my cloner again soon. Thanks.


Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
yea that soluble plant success is only 20$ and works great.

ottoman - thanks. im happy to get the MTG's rooted up too. ill grow her out big. and good to know she does well outdoors :D.

supersmallgiant... will do.
Last edited:


Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
hahahaha yea, ooops.
i checked the roots, they will get another acouple days... looking good tho


Smile Vs Cry
hey fat's i'm happy your 2011 start very good from what i see in your grow, i'll be watching friend, keep the great job up!!
ps: i think next time i grow also strawberry c. , i see many beautifull project with this great bunch of flower..eh eh


Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
thanks killerweed.
i popped some ch9 commercials, im hoping for those to yield good for me, its the best yielding plant he makes. another week or 2 of veg and some training then they will be ready to flip.
also im prepping moms. ill have acouple diesel and strawberry cough moms real soon

heady blunts

prescription blunts
awesome grow man. i wish i could do a perpetual set up. i might redesign my cab in the future for a sog perpetual, but of course i'd have to keep my plants tiny. you've got some killer genetics in there too man. that CH9 bud from the first page i could almost smell the haze comin off that. keep up the good work!


Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
:wave: heady blunts. thanks for stoppn by.
the setups about to change. i got some flip boxes in, im going to try to save power on my veg, and go bare bulb on my flowering. and going for bigger veg from now on.

today ill be feeding my strawberry cough. i cant wait till shes done!!


Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
today was a busy day. i transplanted everything that was in the cloner into coco. cleaned and reloaded it. i managed to get a row of chem, blueberry and skunk. :jump:
i snapped afew more pictures of the strawberry cough, and some root pics for supersmallgiant. :D

-=- strawberry cough, week 5

-=- kk,SC

-=- MTG roots

-=- kk,SC roots


Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
other small but good news. i have acouple daze that are rooted and working on revegging, i like her alot, id like to see what she can do outside this season.




Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
i got this one decent sized bud of chemdog sour diesel left, shes been curing for acouple months. i wanted to take acouple pictures before she gets smoked. im in the process of revegging this cut, so it will be awhile till i have her again. (shes a definite keeper!)

-=- chemdog sour diesel, acouple months cure



I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit brother..?? All is looking niiiiice in here, love the dry nug shots looking mighty tastey.. Also i had a strawberry couch going and due to some out of town shit she croaked on me.. Totally my fault ;( .. Great work as usual bbl peace n pufs..
