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The Big Lie


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Blame It On the Weed

by Morgan Fox
July 25, 2011

Have you ever noticed that any time a young person commits a horrifying act of violence, someone is always trying to blame their behavior on marijuana? It happened with Jared Loughner, the man accused of a January shooting spree in Tuscon. Within days of the tragedy, stories were flooding the media asserting that his documented mental illness was the result of marijuana use, despite the fact that he had stopped using marijuana months before. And now The New York Times is focusing on the marijuana use of a Florida teenager accused of killing his parents last week.

Tyler Hadley, 17, had a history of mental illness and drug abuse long before he allegedly bludgeoned his parents to death with a hammer. Instead of talking about the need for improved treatment of mental illness, however, The New York Times decided to concentrate on the fact that the accused had a party the night of the murders. Much was made of this party, particularly that marijuana use occurred. Hadley’s participation in an outpatient substance abuse program was also noted. Then the reporter goes off the deep end.

The rest of the article consists mainly of area residents discussing how they used the news reports of the case to warn their children about marijuana, and the prevalence of marijuana use in the small suburban community. How this is relevant to a murder investigation is beyond me.

Why does the media feel the need to blame someone or something for every tragic event, other than the person responsible for the actual actions involved? And why, more often than not, does that collective finger get pointed at marijuana? Not much was made of Hadley’s troubled mind, or the alcohol that Hadley consumed, or the pharmaceutical drugs he supposedly planned to use to kill himself when police arrived, suggesting he had regular access to them. Never mind that marijuana is rarely associated with violent behavior. And never mind the fact that marijuana does not cause psychosis!

Instead, what we get is more ridiculous “reefer madness.”

It is amazing that it has been almost 75 years since Henry Anslinger convinced America that marijuana turns people into crazed, bloodthirsty lunatics. It is even more amazing that journalists still use this hyperbolic frenzy to sell newspapers. But the most amazing thing… is that some people still swallow it. Hook, line, and sinker.



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
you guy's ever thought about seein a therapest?
How old are you kid? What purpose did that mindless drivel of a post serve?

Top of the food chain, eh? :biglaugh: Lucky to escape the jaws of the bottom feeders more likely.


Psychiatry, talk about a big lie

The stupidest, ugliest assholes I know are always getting their heads shrunk and telling people how they need psychiatry, you are walking marketing devices for the asshole that brainwashes you pathetic tools out there.

Not that psychiatry is all a big lie, just too much of it.

I wish somebody would confront Obama in a public forum like a news show about the way his administration is going in a different direction than he claims to want to be going in regarding marijuana.


I love my life
How old are you kid? What purpose did that mindless drivel of a post serve?

Top of the food chain, eh? :biglaugh: Lucky to escape the jaws of the bottom feeders more likely.

Maybe he should just chill out. Sign a collapse is coming? Even the brewers see the folly ;)




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Author: David Downs


Meanwhile, the DEA Declares Cannabis Has No Medical Value.

Public health researchers say the federal government is slowing the search for cures to breast, colon, prostate, and brain cancer, as well as Huntington's disease, Alzheimer's, and HIV because the research involves pot.

That's the takeaway from the 21st annual symposium of the International Cannabinoid Research Society, held in St. Charles, Illinois July 5-10. Researchers stacked the program with talks not only about cannabis' palliative properties but also its curative efficacy. The event, sponsored by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, was held the same week the DEA reiterated its stance that marijuana has no accepted medical use.

"It was really interesting. At the same time the DEA was publicly declaring that cannabis has no medical value I was surrounded by the most brilliant minds in the world talking about nothing but the medical value of cannabinoids," said Amanda Reiman, who holds a Ph.D from UC Berkeley's School of Social Welfare, where she is also a lecturer, and who presented a poster at the symposium. "The frustration on the part of the researchers was something you could feel in the air."

Reiman researches medical cannabis dispensaries as community health providers and the use of cannabis as a substitute for alcohol and other drugs. It's a topic of key interest to both the International Cannabinoid Research Society and the National Institute on Drug Abuse because -- unlike almost every other drug -- the National Institute on Drug Abuse can completely restrict researchers' access to cannabis, citing the plant's danger to society.

That means safe, effective treatments that stem from pot are being held up. Take the case of Sativex -- the marijuana-based mouth spray made by GW Pharmaceuticals in Europe helps patients with multiple sclerosis and is very safe, but sufferers won't see it in the United States any time soon because it contains cannabinoids.

According to the abstracts of the International Cannabinoid Research Society symposium, researchers have found that the molecules in pot can reverse cancer growth: "Mechanisms of the anti-cancer effects of cannabidiol and other non-psychotropic cannabinoids on human prostate carcinoma" reads one abstract title; "Cannabidiol inhibits glioblastoma dispersal and expression of stem cells markers in patient-derived primary cultures" reads another. There are at least a seven such papers this year.

The molecule in pot called cannabidiol, or CBD, has been shown to reduce anxiety and halt the progression of HIV in monkeys, as well as treat Crohn's Disease and ulcerative colitis, according to International Cannabinoid Research Society abstracts. Cannabinoid researchers are investigating using pot molecules to treat head and neck squamous cell carcinomas.

These researchers aren't allowed to progress past animal studies, and cannot get their hands on the plant, Reiman said. It's driving them crazy.

Since the conference was sponsored by the drug warriors at the National Institute on Drug Abuse, "There was a lot of pushback from researchers in terms of restricting access to these cannabinoids, especially CBD, which is not psychoactive," said Reiman. "There's opportunities to cure diseases like cancer, but also neuro-degenerative diseases and HIV."

However, "A lot of NIDA's mission is to discover the harms associated with drugs of abuse [though not alcohol] and to prevent people from using drugs and to help people who are using them to stop them.

"Nowhere in that mission is it to discover potentially therapeutic benefits for illicit drugs, and that's why cannabis research falls into the crack," she said.

It's unfortunate, because weed may birth the all-star "smart drugs" of the 21st century. The molecules in weed stimulate a sort of intra-cellular Internet called the "endocannabinoid system." Discovered in the Nineties, the endocannabinoid system runs throughout the bodies of mammals, with a large amount of receptors in the nervous system in the head and gut.

Scientists think pot molecules like CBD can help facilitate cellular communication, helping cells send signals like "turn off the inflammation" and "my neighbor is a tumor, kill him!"

"Cannabis seeks out disregulation, like the growth of a tumor, and addresses that problem without interrupting the rest of the body," Reiman said.

While federal officials achieve new levels of hypocrisy, perhaps one million US medical marijuana patients have pushed past the politicians into vigilante medicine, as it were. They're not coming back, no matter what the federal government does.

"They can't put the whole plant medical cannabis genie back in the bottle," Reiman said. "They just have to recognize that it's there."

Seeds and Stems

The West Coast's largest dispensary, Harborside Health Center, is the subject of something called a "docu-soap" to be aired by the Discovery Channel, Entertainment Weekly has reported. Nancy Daniels, executive vice president at Discovery Channel, said: "Like Gold Rush or Deadliest Catch, these are guys pursuing their own version of the American Dream." ... The International Cannabis and Hemp Expo coming to downtown Oakland Labor Day weekend will not permit on-site distribution of medical cannabis, organizers want to clarify. VIP package holders can pick up a box of goodies that includes cannabis samples before the event, and attendees may medicate on-site with a valid doctor's recommendation. But, just to be clear, there will be no on-site distribution of medical cannabis.
Hey...if you enjoy a "Nice story Bro'"...

Hey...if you enjoy a "Nice story Bro'"...

Regarding the original post premise, of course it's a lie. The only thing I've ever heard that fat fuck hypocrite Michale Moore say that I actually agree completely with was that our government means to accomplish only two things...to keep us broke and keep us fearful. The "War on Inanimate Objects" would fall solidly under the "Keep 'em scared" title. Once they have succeeded in criminalizing and serializing half of our populace (makes for easier tracking and control later when their "keep 'em broke Ponzi scheme crashes and the economy completely implodes). Watch for the test program of inserting micro R/F transponders into sex offenders and early release candidates that are already in the system.

As a convict, they have shall we say , rather limited rights, so when the rulers say do this or else...well they tend to comply. Particularly where it refers to something that might gain them perceived freedom. Of course the rulers contend that ANYTHING is justified as long as we cite "the protection of chil'rens" in the tag line. So we start with the sex offenders being injected with little GPS trackers...then expand to include all parolees, and hey...that's working out so well that we may as well include the probation crowd and make it retroactive. This is already being done on a slightly different scale where even those convicted of victimless crimes are being required to submit DNA samples to their respective State's criminal databases for inclusion. Failure to comply can and will result in revocation of parole/probation, etc., etc. So much for the willing compliance of the subjects eh?

Let us add to this the FEMA/CDC/National Emergency powers that the past few Presidents have expanded for themselves. There now exists a path where the King can unilaterally declare a "National Emergency" all by his lonesome and without any Congressional or judicial review of his actions...period. After all...it's a "National Emergency"...so what better time to invoke the suspension of ALL civil liberties and go full gonzo Fascist?

The Prez can federalize ALL of the state militias (National Guard units) and bring them under his (as Commander in Chief) immediate and sole control (think Brown Shirts, SchutzStaffel, Stazi, etc,). Pretty neat huh? Then there's the internet kill switch that the ruler of our most transparent regime ever (I think I just threw up in my mouth) felt that he just had to have. The reason? Well publicly he cited the ever popular boogie man by which all liberty has been surrendered (thank you Mr. Patriot Act)...TERRORISTS! 'Cuz we're seeing attacks from all quarters every day of our lives now right? Funny, but the last group identified by our rulers as "terrorists" were the only adults in the room that realized that spending money that you don't have is stupid. Consider the Tea Party loyalists and Libertarians in general to be the modern day equivalent of Hitlers Jews. They will be vilified for any and every possible reason.

So the King has declared an emergency. FEMA opens their pre-prepared network of internment camps that they've been building around the country, Yobo pulls the plug on Habeas Corpus , Nationalizes the rest of his serf armies, declares Marshall Law (now the military can commit any crimes they wish using lethal force), hits the internet kill switch and invokes the "Continuity of Government" Plan...which basically scales Congress and those bothersome three legs of the Republic into a series of regional fiefdoms overseen by select senior statesmen (I suppose those with the longest tongues up his ass). This is an actual planned scenario not my over blown paranoia. The recent events in the Middle East and North Africa convinced these fuckers more than ever that the internet is not their friend, and they desperately need/want a way to squash it in order to MAINTAIN CONTROL and order...all for our own good mind you. Nothing is messier and harder to control than free people...so we need to squash that first. What better way than at the point of a gun?

What better way to control and limit resistance than by having a compliant Goebbelesque media propaganda machine (read MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, NYT, Routers, AP, UP, etc.) and the ability to shut down the internet? Were it not for the ad hoc, peer to peer networks established by the resistance overseas, the Egyptian rulers would have succeeded in shutting down all communications between the resistance organizers altogether. Don't think for a moment that that didn't scare the shit out of our King. They've got big plans.

Meanwhile, their Stazi is gathering intel and recruiting talent. And what better way? In an economy where the only growth sector is in Food Stamp production and Federal employment (where the Feds are also the best paying with the best benefits), where else is a kid supposed to get the money to buy a new X-Box.


I especially like the stealth wireless spy plane bit. They already have audio/video/heat and radiation detecting/surveillance R/C robotic birds and insects. Just why do you think every land grant university in the country has government funded research facilities and projects? Department of Energy is just another acronym for D.O.D.

Democracy is a messy thing. It defies order and eschews central planning. Those are the instruments of Fascism and Socialism. This administration, much like those before it, have control and power at the top of their priority list. Just like Clinton...the guy's a good talker. Unlike Clinton, he can't hold up a bag of doodie, call it dinner and have anybody buy it. Willy could sell ice cubes to Eskimos. 'W', on the other hand, was just a plain and simple fucking idiot...but I digress.

Read up on Yobo's 'Fast and Furious' and 'Operation Gunrunner' DOJ debacles. They actually forced Southwestern State's gun dealers to sell guns to the Mexican drug cartels...and then kinda didn't bother trying to track or stop any of them later. The Mexicans only track the origins of the guns that they seize that have serial numbers (the majority of RPG's and AK's coming into their ports and over the southern borders don't include them on their Chi-com, Pakistani and Russian receivers). I guess it's no surprise then that the Mexicans said %90 of the guns that they tracked were originating from the U.S. Duh!

But as Yobo assured the Bradeyites, "our (gun control efforts) are staying well under the radar". WTF does transparent have to do with this dick...other than his motives being so? Well not a week later, the Feds are creating new regulations that excuse them "inspecting" and "visiting" southern States' gun owners just to make sure that they still have the guns that they bought, and that they aren't actually straw deals. Meanwhile Hitlery Clitton is busy signing a small arms treaty that essentially outlaws personal weapon ownership. I'm a little fuzzy on this one...when exactly was it that Hitler disarmed the populace, was that just after he burned the Reich stag, or just before he started killing train loads of Jews, homosexuals, drug addicts, criminals, mentally retarded, in-firmed, Hungarians, Poles, Slavs, phew...he was a busy boy. Yobo better make sure he's got plenty 'a bullets and goons. I dunno...what do you think. Imagine our government being able to unleash the full weight and fury of their paramilitary and military on us all at once. It'd bring a tear to Adolf's eye. HLS, DEA, ICE, FBI, NSA, CIA, Secret Service, BATF, Tactical Police Units (fuckin' LAPD even has their own armor now), TSA, Geo-Spatial Agency (the spy sat and space based surveillance gang), State Police, Local Police, IRS Enforcement agents, Treasury Agents, Park Police, Natural Resources Police, Dept. of the Interior Police, Environmental Police (I swear I'm not makin' this shit up), ...and that's before we even get to the greatest killing machine ever created in the history of our world...the U.S. military.

Think of the troops that fired on the kids at Kent State. Now consider the headlight stares of the German people who were "just following orders". Do we really have any hope that our brothers and sisters and cousins aren't going to end up being the very ones that end up with a boot on our necks and a gun in our ear? Federalization of the State Militias allows the King to take the Alabama Guard and ship them to say Massachusetts. No love loss there. Do ya think they'd need much incentive to subdue an unruly population of Northern Aggressor descendants that talk funny and can't cook grits? How about the flip side?

Sun Zhu said it best...divide and conquer. Then Hitler refined it with his de-humanizing of the Jews through propaganda.
Lies? You ain't seen nuthin' yet. Already the White House is trying to blame the next step in America's financial shit storm on the only fuckers that really did anything to try and stop it...and the airwaves are all a-twitter with just that message...over and over and over again. And once again...another page straight out'a Adolf's "Fascism for Dummies". The real scary part is that we are sooooo fucked and sooo many people don't have a freakin' clue that we are. They still think somebody's gonna stick their finger up somebody elses ass and stimulate us out of a financial melt down that is exactly what these fuckers wanted and intend. Consider Germany's state following the Treaty of Versailles. The present liars are just better at keeping the currency debasement and hyper inflation better hidden here...until it's all over but the crying. The Fed has pumped over 17 TRILLION of our dollars into circulation over the last three years...and never will you hear of it anywhere on your nightly news. That seems pretty significant and newsworthy to me?! Inflation is reported by the government...but it doesn't include a couple of things. Things like...all of the shit that you need to spend money on every day to survive, like food, gasoline, clothing, real housing, etc.

Gas has doubled in the last year. Cotton is up over 240% this year (which is why you're new jeans DO in fact wear out twice as fast...it's a different weight and twist fiber). Spaghetti noodles...used to be a one pound box, now it's 13 1/2 oz. and the price is nearly double that of last year. Coffee...more than doubled, but again the re-packaging has helped to obscure the impact. Chicken and pork are the new beef, and beef is the new special treat seafood meal for families lucky enough to still have jobs.

Half of America is working and half is on Food Stamps. That's no shit...that's not an exaggeration...it's a simple fact, but you will not hear Chris Mathews ever admit anything remotely close to that. So just how is it that people who want to be free of this onerous governmental ass fucking are responsible for creating this "sudden" development. They can all kiss my dick!
You'll never look at birds the same again...



Here's one to scare ya off of the forums...or at least give you cause to pause...


And just in case ya might think that that story is bullshit, here's where you too can sidle up and grab a Federal tit (become a willing and well paid part of the problem)...


So just how fucked do ya really think we are? Ya can't eat health care. Oh yeah, and now thanks to those trillions from the Fed, the scrip that passes for currency 'round here...it's worth about a third less than it was three years ago. So when you hear that the stock market and equities are up 20% over that period...what it really means is that it's only really lost 10% of its value. Woops...that's before factoring the lower buying power AFTER inflation. They keep those two numbers away from each other when you should really be combining them and looking at how your pay check has shrunk at the same time. Your actual buying power is more like HALF what it was three years ago.
So just how and where is it that any sane person could even suggest anything as simplefuck minded as raising our taxes,..er s'cuze me...revenues? Wake the fuck up people! The head and half of the shaft are already in ... they're just gettin' a better grip on us before they go balls deep.
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Time for real debate on drug legalization
By Pat Legan

Before we destroy the Mexican government and bring narco-terrorism to our own cities by our ruinous drug policies (which make their distribution the most lucrative occupation in the Western Hemisphere) we should have a real debate (not sound bites) on legalization.

The cancer of the cartels and Zetas will not stop at the Rio Grande; indeed it is daily seeping further into this country. Consider the following:

After a delicious San Antonio supper of enchiladas smothered in chili con carne and onions, I had a dream wherein I was allowed to read a story from the Jan. 24, 2018, Express-News:

“President Amnesia's State of the Union speech yesterday emphasized the success of the administration during 2017 in the war on drugs. ‘We are definitely winning this war,' the president said, citing the following:

“‘Assassinations of U.S. local public officials, police, sheriffs and journalists by members of the United Cartels and their enforcement arm, the Zetas, were down 7 percent in 2017, to 287. Car bombings in our U.S. cities dropped by 5 percent.'

“The president noted: ‘This is the first annual decrease since 2013 when the large drug cartels made peace with each other and formed the United Cartels, or UC, to divide up the drug distribution routes and present a united front to the Mexican and U.S. governments.

“‘Violent crime in Mexico has also decreased dramatically since the peace treaty between the UC and the Mexican government, although it must be said that it is regrettable that the UC now has a place in the new coalition government and has been guaranteed three Cabinet positions, one of which oversees the military and another the police forces.

“‘For our part,” the president said, ‘we are maintaining a 20 percent increase in the amount of drugs seized each year and a 25 percent annual increase in incarcerations of drug users. This enabled us to maintain our position as the world leader in incarcerations. We've also built 29 new federal prisons, creating thousands of new jobs.

“‘Now,' Amnesia added, ‘I want to extend the deepest regrets of the nation to the families of the five members of Congress assassinated in 2017, occasioned by their sponsorship of a bill to legalize drugs.

“‘Inasmuch as the passage of such legislation would take the profit out of the drug trade and strip the UC and the Zetas (as well as their allies, al-Qaida and the Taliban who control the poppy fields of Afghanistan) of billions in income, I have directed the Secret Service to provide protection to each of you.

“‘And since I have learned that the Zetas are threatening the families of any member of Congress who supports such legislation, I am extending the protection to as many of your family members as practicable.

“‘Having said that, however, I don't favor legalization, which runs the risk of encouraging more citizens to use drugs.

“‘I'm aware,' the president said, ‘of the argument by proponents that taking the profit out of dealing in drugs would remove pushers from our schools and cities; eliminate drug-related corruption and bribery of public officials; shut off the income of the drug cartels and our enemies in the Middle East; and free up billions spent on the drug war and the incarceration of millions of nonviolent drug users to provide mentoring of at-risk young people, treatment for addicts and countless public works.

“‘However,' Amnesia concluded, ‘those arguments are speculative whereas success of the war on drugs is a proven fact.'”

Pat Legan is a retired businessman and attorney. He has chaired the Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce, CPS, the United Way and other civic groups.


NEVER REGISTER WITH ANY GOVERNMENT! government registration is basically the same thing as putting on the star of David in nazi Germany. It makes you easy to identify and then terminate.

true dat! medical card with picture? no thanks, register to be a caregiver and skylight myself and grow, no thanks, keep that shit under the wraps.


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Source: Herald, The (Everett, WA)


The federal government is a mishmash of belated contradictions when it comes to the regulation of medicine. Its various stances aren't helping prevent drug abuse or overdoses, and they aren't helping ease patients' pain.

In April, White House drug czar Gil Kerlikowske unhelpfully suggested Congress require special training for doctors before they can prescribe powerful pain-fighting medication such as OxyContin.

People at the forefront of addiction are aware that the rising culprit at the center of overdose deaths, abuse and crime these days is hydrocodone, since oxycodone is more difficult to get.

That's why addiction experts and doctors have urged the Food and Drug Administration since the early 1990s to make hydrocodone a Schedule II drug ( like oxycodone ), which are much more strictly controlled than Schedule III drugs. Doctors say hydrocodone's potency was misunderstood, and it was a terrible mistake to list it as Schedule III , the Associated Press reported.

In March, a month before Kerlikowske's suggestion, 58 members of Congress, frustrated by the lack of action, filed a bill to allow the FDA and the Drug Endorcement Administration to bypass the usual rules-making process in order to adopt tougher controls on hydrocodone.

Here at home, the state passed its own pain medication law, which some say is so restrictive and burdensome that doctors are dropping patients rather than deal with the bureaucracy and the chance of being sued, or investigated by the FDA, the Seattle Times reported.

After years of requests, the DEA agreed to review hydrocodone in 1999. Twelve years later, the agencies say they are still in the preliminary stages, AP reported earlier this month.

"It's the nature of the process; it takes time," said FDA spokeswoman Shelly Burgess.

The government isn't always so slow in its pronouncements, or its hypocrisy.

In 2006, the FDA announced that "no sound scientific studies" supported the medical use of marijuana, contradicting the findings of a 1999 review by a panel of highly regarded scientists, the New York Times reported.

Under federal law, marijuana -- which is not physically addicting and has caused no known overdose deaths -- remains a Schedule 1 substance, like heroin and cocaine, despite sound evidence for its many medical applications. For example, marijuana works on pain, especially neuropathic pain, or peripheral neuropathy, a particularly difficult condition to treat.

If the federal government based decisions on science, hydrocodone would be a Schedule II drug, and marijuana would be Schedule III, or less. And doctors would be allowed to decide, without fear of lawsuits or criminal charges, what best to prescribe to their patients.


I love my life
And doctors would be allowed to decide, without fear of lawsuits or criminal charges, what best to prescribe to their patients.

What good we be to the government if we weren't afraid of lawsuites or cages? The current system is the only system that keeps everyone afraid and in check while the politicians gorge.

Who could want for anything more?



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Source: Norman Transcript (OK)
Author: Howard Wooldridge


NORMAN -- Editor, The Transcript:

As my colleagues fly around in helicopters, pedophiles are not being caught in the Internet chat rooms, as they entice young teens to "meet in real life." My profession shrinks by the day, and chasing after a green plant should be at the bottom of our priority list.

In my experience, marijuana is too dangerous to leave in the hands of criminals and cartels. It should be handled like alcohol. Can anyone explain how marijuana prohibition is helping our young people, since it is easier for them to buy pot than whiskey?

Det./Officer Howard Wooldridge ( retired )



Active member
You know those rich old assholes, that think Obama is just a kid and treat him like dirt? They run things.

Obama can't do it. He would if we told him to enough, I am sure, but it seems small, protective laws, actually takes away our freedom most of the time.

Even if everyone was onboard, it doubt everyone is responsible enough. You guys are seasoned, joe blow who just found out it's legal..is not.

it doesn't matter, we have a plant that grows and will continue to grow.


I love my life
Det./Officer Howard Wooldridge ( retired )

My profession

To be clear and honest this gentlemen and all pigs have no PROFESSION, honor, or integrity.

The simple fact that he and all other ASS CLOWNS wait until they retire proves that they have none of the elements required to be a profession.

They are a paid group of thugs that takes, steals, loots, and mooches in any way possible.

If any of them had honor or integrity they could never sleep knowing there are unsolved pedophile cases in their own communities; let alone waste all their fucking time shaking down easy targets.



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ChristWire warns “Pot Smoking Radicals Are Using the Internet to Turn America Into a Socialist Sex Utopia”

By "Radical" Russ Belville

The website ChristWire published a piece warning that “Pot Smoking Radicals Are Using the Internet to Turn America Into a Socialist Sex Utopia“.

You’re welcome.

This is such a good piece of satire I had to share; you really must go click the link and read it for yourself. I’ve read so many reefer madness pieces that aren’t too far removed from this article that I had to click around the site for a while to figure out it was a satire. The first clue was the “ChristWire” book for sale with a recommendation from God (“This book is as powerful as Mine”) and the clincher was the article “Do Christians Have the Largest Penises?” Still, I’ve read some “What About The Children?!?” screeds that aren’t too different than this one:

…[Y]oung people will do anything for this grungy skanky weed. They will lie and cheat. They will steal car stereos or trade their delicate, yearning bodies to bearded ex-cons. They will flirt with biker gangs or cruise skid row. And once they grab hold of a bag of this deadly drug, they become paranoid and greedy, often turning to violence to knock off their fellow addicts so they will have more for themselves. To do their smoking, teens and 20-somethings seek out the very places that a serial killer would likely prowl– empty parking lots and abandoned buildings. Just imagine your kids falling asleep, knocked out on drugs, as unknown pedophiles watch from nearby bushes…

You have to watch out for those unknown pedophiles. The ones wearing the pedophile name badges are much easier to spot.

Do you remember the ONDCP ads that warned about unwanted pregnancy if you smoked weed? Well, that’s because marijuana is a gateway… to Onanism!

The mind is thus released from any moral boundaries and sex naturally ensues. Paganistic, hedonistic orgies of lust perversion where no hole is left unviolated. The thrill of sadomasochistic carnal insanity is the great addiction of the toker. Penetrating each other for days, slobbering like wolves gorging on a carcass, the stain of their fluids on every wall will grow tacky before the hippie party ends. They will return to this again and again until they no longer know what sex is, what decency is, what America is. Or else they release themselves through constant, violent masturbation. Yes, self-gratification is a chronic disease of the weed wanton. Trapped in a world where only the hand and the genitalia exist, neither hurricanes nor death can unlock the grasp of the marijuana masturbator before it’s time.

It’s a wonder I’m even able to type this. (By the way, did you know “stewardesses” is one of the longest words you can type with only your left hand on the home keys? How helpful is that?)

God and Country have been sacrificed because our young people would rather hang out on the couch, changing the channel from Christ to cartoons, stripping down to their dirty jockstraps and unclasping corpulent bras so they can grope each other in stoned fantasy lands of “free love” fetish play where every finger finds a hole, every mouth finds a nipple. God forbid our enemies invade, they would discover our hearty children fornicating in every corner of this country, drugged out of their minds, bare behinds in the wind… And knowing the lusty and immoral cravings of those swarthy barbarians, they would most likely jump right in and ride our young heathens off into the sunset of America’s greatness, slapping and howling to Allah all the way.


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