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The Bad Girls Club!!!!



Dunno Lola, I think you'd do fairly well!!! But no Ganja for the entire time :(


Active member
no ganja the entire time is a deal breaker! Everytime!!!!

I know, right?!?!?!?

One time, I had a dream that I was on Big Brother or something, I was in a conversation that somehow went downhill and some peeps got irritated with me and I was the first one voted out! LMAO!

Don'cha hate when that happens....


Had a great time at the Dam. I suggest everyone go there at least once in your life. See ya there next 420.


Gotta have 3 things in life: Weed, Pepsi and IC Mag.... lol.

I would smuggle some AK47 beans to the island with me, and smoke em up if I was on Survivor. lol.

If I was on that show, I would have an oasis built in no time, running water through bamboo pipes, etc. A regular Gilligans Island paradise..

anybody hear when survivor is coming back on? boohoo. I miss it.


Had a great time at the Dam. I suggest everyone go there at least once in your life. See ya there next 420.

ooo ooo oooo, where'd you go, what places were your fav? I love the Dam, and we will be there at the end of this year again for sure!


♥-_-~Praying the Lord my soul to keep~-_-&#9
Just stopping by to say high.

Feeling a bit(alright a LOT) under the weather.

Miss chatting, hope everyones doing good.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor



HAPPY4th of JULY girls.......




Bunny n buds?

Bunny n buds?

Hey Bad Girls,
Well, here's my plan: Little "Spring"(my bunny) is going to get just a teeny tad of weed.
Something tells me it won't hurt her if she only has a wee bit at a time. Plus, I think it will be good for her in small amounts.

Not trying to get her stoned, she just loves the smell so much....

If she seems freaky after eating a teeny bit, I won't ever give it to her again.

Gotta agree with Lola on this one.
Thanks to all y'all for the input.

Happy 4th to all you crazy ladies.

p.s. Goats are crazy enough without weed. Let us know how that works out for ya! lol!!!

toodles! :wave:
KK- I'm sorry you're not feeling well sweetie. Wish I could send puffs your way, but my jars are running low and harvest is 4 weeks away, so I need to conserve until then. Then bathe in BHO and big ass buds of dj short blueberry! 5 x 7' trees, yeah, I can fill the tub with buds. I think I may take pixs of that and post them on here!

How was everyone's 4th? It started raining and the wind was going crazy, so I sayed inside, snuggled on the sofa with my brand new bong, several jars of buds and some bho and koolaide slushies nearby in a nice vicodin/xanax/marijuana cocoon. Oh, life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness.

Is it just me, but even when smoking the munchie type weed, because of the pain, I have no desire to eat anything. It's really rare these days for me to get ravenous munchies. My husband makes fun of me, I'll make or order all kinds of food, and I'll eat maybe 5 peices/bites and I'm done. I'm still a healthy weight (momma's got junk in the trunk, 5'8" size 12 us) but that's probably because the little I do eat is pure junky high calorie crap.

I'm going to go make lollipops now. Pomegrante, apricot and blueberry. These are new flavors I haven't tried before, it could turn out like crap flavor, but I know they will be potent. I might make watermelon flavor, as that always turns out really well.


Active member
wow, it got quiet in here! welcome back Mrs.E !

Big Brother has begun...anyone else tuned in? there's a blonde chick in there who is a sheriffs deputy....instant hate! ! !
Dk do you have trouble with the true blueberry autoflowering? We lost it b/c of this problem before and it seems to want to do it again, off the fresh beans we cracked. Also, our sweet blue is seeming to want to do it, too.


OMountainMix, are you vegging on 18/6? We have a Kandy kush that likes to autoflower on 18/6, we switch the light cycle to 24/0, and it fixed the issue.
O Mountain, the blueberry I have is a pretty old cut (several years old) and it doesn't autoflower at all, I can stress the hell out of my blueberry and it won't throw a nanner, but there are a lot of phenos out there. I also veg under 24/7, some of my strains can't take being moms very well, some love to autoflower for no reason when they get tired, or a resessive gene shows up that triggers autoflower. DJ Short's strains are amongst the more stable in my experience, but he and Soma produce top notch work.

Ahh blueberry, 3 more weeks. I was going to harvest a blue streak today, but looked at it closer and think it can go longer, more amber trichomes, they're still clear/cloudy to the naked eye, I'll break out the scope later.Found a mystery seedling in an ak-47 mom's pot, transplanted it 2 days ago, it seems to be doing ok so far, wonder what it could possibly be?

I'm going to pop some pekeruder tonight, I hear it works wonders for inflamation/pain but not stoney, super high in CBDs, autoflower finland landrace ruderalis... the nycd x ak-47 x blue streak keeps getting bigger, I waited too long to transplant them into 2L bottles for their root system.
Morning Cheerful! Yes the sheriff in the show has me a bit miffed as well, looks like she has fake everything!! Who do you think the saboteur is? I am guessing Anne, something about that girl is fishy!!!??? I have watched all 11 of the Big Brothers, you? I have started growing 3 Chocolate Thai clones that are pretty big in size I hope to mother one and smoke the other two, I just love chocolate don't you? I trust everything is all right with you and let's keep posted on Big Brother ok? It is pouring here and I am about to roll up a Critical Mass it is a nice sativa for the morning, great for pain and inflammation. Bought my first bong yesterday kinda looks like the "Jeannie" bottle from the show, works great and I think I like it!! maybe I will get another one the buzz is wonderful!!!! Take care and talk soon...bunnydrawers
we veg 24/7. that seems to work best for us. these are true blueberry seeds from dj via seedbay or seed boutique, hubby probably knows exactly where we bought them, i don't. we popped some when we originally got started on our current grow nearly two years ago, but were not able to keep it in veg. it would start flowering. we popped some more beans this time, but hubby says he's worried they are going to auto flower, too.

now our sweet blue IS a mutant strain. it flowers in 6 weeks. yes, 6 weeks. we've tried going 8 and had others try it too, and no difference. it doesn't yield like the mango haze, chem dog double diesel, grape krush, but it's the pot that you smell at a concert and wish was yours. :) serious head stash pot. and it does yield ok, just not half pound flowered mother plants or one pound 14 plant turbo gardens like the grape krush. unfortunately, as awesome at the gk is, it KNOCKS me out at night. if i smoke in the morning, it's the hotness. i'm high most of the day, but after about 6pm, if i smoke it, i start snoring on the couch within an hour or two at the most. fortunately, we've got some nice buzzier strains coming up, so we shall see.

today is transplant day for all our new mothers. they are going into 3 gallon buckets with lovely fox farm soil. we are sooooo lucky that there is a super heady garden center really close to the house (like 2 miles or so). i know that place is there, but didn't realize they'd carry such nice stuff. we're going to ask if they can order botanicare products, too. yummy.


Active member
Howdy, Bad Girls!!! The weekend's here...anyone making plans to be BAD? Bad or good, have FUN!

Bunny...I've watched all seasons of Survivor and Big Brother. These days I don't keep track of contestant's names until about 1/2 way thru the season. But so far, I think the saboteur is the girl who "hurt her knee". Her face did not match her words/moans, and while she was still in the pit, she kept looking around to see everyone else's reaction, like she wondered "are they buying it?"

Tell me more about your Critical Mass! So far the stuff I've read makes it sound couchlocky, which I don't want, but your description sounds intriguing. Is it easy to grow?

Stay safe and stay HIGH, y'all!! :smoker::smoker::smoker:


Active member
hi ladies I saw that there is women forum today! i usualy come in to bulgarian section but im the only girl there:) sorry i learn english from the movies:) Im Ina from Bulgaria i love to grow marihuana