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The Bad Girls Club!!!!

Double kindness, the next time your hubby says "sure if you buy it yourself" strip naked and start playing with yourself when he wants to join in tell "buy some for yourself" if he doesn't get the message then I would consider getting a second job! or a boy toy LOL Gotta get a new spoon today and I will "buy it for myself" LO LOL Planted some purple kush will see what happens also got 3 Chocolate Thai clones as well, Yummy I love chocolate even if it is green!!!!!! Miss Blunted I love Bath and Body Works and will spend my hubbys money there all the time he hates it as well, tooooooooo baaaaaaaad I smell pretty!! Westcoast girl, I wish I had a beach to go to! and my feet are shitty and new shoes (my passion) are now a thing of the past, I envy you! wear them well you sexy thing!!! LOLLOL Ka0tik Kreati0n I hope your meds worked out and I hate those scripts. just as much! Fuckin things make me soooooooo sick and I cannot function worth a dam. I hope the trip was tolerable and you've found the weed you need? take care and try to stay off the man made crap if you can......if not then small doses please. Snyeptte consider yourself joined and welcome to the bitch fest! Were open all day and all night for your Bitching Pleasure!!!!
Bunny- I kinda hijacked a 9 deadly words used by women thread here venting about my husband, so if you read it, it will probably give you more info than you would want about my relationship. But it got his attention for a couple of weeks he was actually tolerable, not so much these days. SIGH.

Weekends are my super busy time, I gotta hit the garden center and get me some large bamboo stakes, my trees are getting out of hand, and this is a mostly indica run. 7' tall dj short's blueberry 4 weeks into flowering, 9' ecsd, 6-7' buddah's sisters and ak-47, 5' golden goat, 4-5' purple stars. Reservoir maintenance this weekend, prolly flip a couple more girls into flowering. Re-positioned the a/c unit thing, got the dehumidifier rocking, waiting on the cellinoid valve for my co2 leak.

I wish I could go shopping for shoes, but I have to buy things for my grow. Trying to convince my husband to at least let me get 1 4'x8' tent to amend our growing areas.

LW- thx for the thomas diet, but my dr had one of his associates write my prescriptions for me, so I'm doing ok.

I'm sipping on an irish coffee slushie type thing, my husband got me a new dishwasher and a ninja (kitchen appliance) for my b-day. GGRRRRRrrrrr Last year I got a Wii, that I have yet to turn on, the year before I got a sewing machine... do you ladies see a pattern here? A bad pattern? I ask for bras and underwear from victoria's secret, and I get a dishwasher and a ninja. Hey- I might be single soon guys!


Sometimes,I just feel like smacking my stoopid husband right in the head. The dumb shit....:asskick::bat::spank::snap out of it::spanky::stfu::lightning::bashhead::booked: So I used every mean icon I could find..........
Hey Double Kindness, I hear your B.D. woes, I currently get nothing for birthdays or anniversary's except told that I am greedy oh yea nothing for Christmas either. I once got a whole case of 48 mugs that my husband found in a abandoned garage that had "Joes' muffler and brakes" on them. I cried that day and my kids laughed, everyone was so shocked that the only reaction was to laugh me I was crushed. I have been with him for 20 yrs. and currently get FUCK ALL including no card or even a word from him it is just another ordinary day. He on the other hand receives rather large gifts from his parents and happily excepts them as if his celebrations are more important (OF COURSE) Because of his actions both my children 29, 33 currently do not get me any gifts either, why would they if the role model does not. I guess that is why we don't sleep together anymore, I have lost faith in ever being worthy of a special day. I guess we can BITCH FEST together!!! Double K. Now I hate B.D. time and most other holidays because I still ( like an idiot ) believe that he will magically decided that I am worth it and there will be something sparkly wrapped waiting for me. I will be 50 this August and not only am I hating the number itself but I am dreading my actual B.D. as no one gives a SHIT! and I deserve some respect for this milestone don't you think? Take it easy I would get you something nice if I were there my lovely.....bunnydrawers
High Bunny. I go through spurts of spending all my time online to none at all. I managed to see all my kids, my bf kids, and other family members this weekend. Today I have to go out to see my old pop.

What do you have doing?
Not much, went out yesterday with my grandchildren fishing with my daughter and her husband for Father's day. Today F.A. my feet are hurting me as the ground was pretty uneven and hard to walk so taking it easy. No Father to see as I have not spoken to him in about 16 yrs. (long story) Enjoy you time today with your pops your a good daughter. Hot and humid her in T.O. supposed to rain, I hurt when it rains seems it is all it does lately. Waiting for my clones from my CC club (chocolate Thai) and also planted some Purple Kush for fun in my garden hope they grow big and strong!! Have a good day...bunnydrawers
Bunny- I have heard many good things about purple kush, let me know if they work out well for you. A couple of years ago my husband had the nerve to say that we didn't have enough money to celebrate Christmas, no tree, no presents. I went along, and we fought like crazy for an entire year, so that will not be happening again. This past xmas, he tried to weasel his way out of shopping for me, instead he just kept giving me money and telling me to shop for myself while I was out shopping for him. He hates shopping, and so do I! I would rather him give me the money to buy what I want instead of just whatever he gets me, b/c he is so cheap on top of everything else! And that xmas we couldn't afford anything, not even a tree... the first week of Jan he blew $500 on a milling lathe for his garage... he still hasn't heard the end of it yet.

I would get you something for your b-day bunny. BHO lollipops? Seeds? Pollen? I'm not doing anything special for my s.o. for father's day, even though he is a pretty awesome step-dad to my now 19 year old daughter, freaking dishwasher and a ninja... What man gets his wife a dishwasher and another kitchen appliance when her specific request was for some lingerie (bras, underwear, nightgown... some sexy stuff) from Victoria's secret? BTW he also considers sex exercise, and I'm doing really awesome to get some action 6-8 times a year. I just turned 37 (look 25) and he's 33, so it's not a hormone or age thing. I'm just hitting my stride and he's geriatric. I know he will never change, but he is actually a good man. He doesn't beat on me, he makes good money, pays the bills, doesn't chase tail or go out and get hammered every night with the boys, he's reliable, handy, smart, gives great backrubs/massages, lets me do pretty much whatever it is I want to do by myself, as long as it doesn't inconvenience him and he doesn't have to pay for it... with the exception of growing. We get in some crazy big fight concerning growing all the time. He makes me kill my plants when he thinks my numbers are getting too high, but really it's an excuse to kill the plants that aren't easy for him to grow. He is attached to a few strains, and will have all kinds of crazy excuses to keep them, flower them etc. when I have other plants ready to go into flowering, he will go out of the way and say, oh no those aren't ready to flip b/c of $^&$&%&*, let's flip a or b strain, which are his faves. Even when our friends and patients tell him, oh my faves are x, y, z and t, he doesn't like those strains and frequently says, oh we should get rid of x, y, z and t they have $^$&%$ wrong with them right now. No, it's because they are pickier plants to grow. SIGH

Cellinoid valve replacement is in, so hoping that will repair the co2 leak. Pictures were taken over the last few days of various things going on in the garden. The picts of the little plants are blue streak and himilayan blue diesel, auto flowering high CBD strains seed to harvest is supposed to be around 60 days. Not much on yield, but I'm hoping the high CBDs will help with the chrons and IBS stuff. I'm hoping pretty hard. The master kush I planted the seeds on April 28th, along with the AFs.

The rain also screws with me and the pain levels I'm at and how much pain medication I have to take, it also increases the grumpy level.

I'm trying to pop 2 more black domina seeds, hoping they will sprout and grow and I get a decent pheno. Otherwise I have a friend who pollinated a BD with a BD that hermied, so I'll have some s1 black domina seeds to plant, but will probably need to go s2 to get pheno variation, like how f2s work. Do any of you ladies have any experience with s1 and s2 seeds and phenotype variations? I'm just curious, I will find out here very shortly.

How has everyone's weekend been?


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Love you Double Kindness!! thanks for the chat. I will let you know how the Purple Kush turns out for sure. Going away for a few days to the cottage leaving Thurs. home on Mon. afternoon for my grandsons' graduation (from grade 5) will bring my laptop to see if I get service I think I do? Next year you and me for our Birthdays OK? talk soon.
Bunny- no probs GF! I think we are cut from the same cloth a little bit? Good luck and congrats on the grade 5 graduation, how quickly the kiddies grow! I'm sitting here enjoying a pineapple flavored BHO lollipop, one of the top 5 flavors I think! The brandy and strawberry-kiwi flavors didn't translate well.

KK- JJ Scorpio was mentioning that WCG was randude in another thread. IDK if that is true or not.

And another example of the underhanded gardening in my own home... 6 weeks ago I told my husband to make sure I had buddah's sister clones to make a new mom before we flipped 4 large buddah's sisters into flowering. I went to go check in the cloner and there are no buddah's sisters (but there are plenty of velvet hammers and the nycd cut he adores) in the cloner, nor in veg. This is sometimes how he gets rid of strains out of the garden, even though he likes buddah's sister, and it's very popular with our patients.


wow is all i can say on the wcg matter.i dont care for it(wcg) or randude thats just me though.hope you ladies are having a great week


Active member
Hi to all Bad Girls!! Bunny & DK, I feel ya both about the Man-doodoo! I've got so many stories swirling around in my head... but I'll save them for myself cuz really, they all boil down to the same thing.

I don't have any answers, just a thought... the TV shows we grew up with in the 60's like Father Knows Best and Ozzie & Harriet, instilled in us very unrealistic expectations of life and adult relationships. "Men are in charge, and that is how it should be"..."Men will know what to do"..."Men are mature and wise and honest and have good judgment and can be relied upon" "Men want plenty of sex with their wife" etc etc. (I knew that MY family was not like that...guess I'd better keep that to myself....) I still figured that everybody else's families were like TV, I mean, otherwise why would it be on TV?? (*sigh*)

Then when we grew up...such disillusionment... what a shock! Now I know that My solution won't work for a lot of women.... but I live alone and LOVE IT! I use my own good judgment and I don't have to subjugate my ideas to a man's ideas just cuz he's a man.

"I can do bad all by myself!!!!!"


When I was a little girl, I wished I was a boy,because my brothers got to do cooler stuff. Now,I wouldn't trade my ovaries for testicles if you gave em to me. Better to be a woman! Of course I could hang the balls from my rear-view mirror.....................hmmm,interesting thought.:chin:


Active member
Methinks I'll chime in,for Fun....

Methinks I'll chime in,for Fun....

:wave: ....My Single Biggest Issue has been finding The Right Woman that doesn't have some Big Fucking Problem with My Business in one area or another.
<< Insert Big Sigh here >>
I'll admit,I'm particularly superficial in one area:
I'm only initially attracted to physically beautiful women.
That,and (no offense to any of you struggling with weight issues!) I'm not into (even slightly) overweight women.
I can own it-I have specific tastes and I'm not willing to settle,though (some) compromises are always an option. (Duh,right?)
Anyhow,just thought I'd comment right in The Middle of y'all's self-proclaimed "bitch-fest". :D

Hugs,Alla' Ya's! :blowbubbles:
As far as beautiful women, beauty comes from inside. A person who takes pride in their own appearance and health is also contributing to the well being of his/her relationship.

A person who does not eat healthy and exercise usually has a low opinion of themself. It usually is indicative of a physical or psychological issue. Whatever the reason, a person should take the time to address these issues for themself and for those around them.

Not taking the time to care for one's self puts a psychological, physical and economic burden on those around you.

When people take the time to improve themselves, everyone benefits. It sends a message that says, "Hey, I care about myself and I care about you!".

This makes even the most ordinary of people extremely attractive.
Well I have to give props to my father for being as awesome as or more awesome than any t.v. dad. When my husband was gone and we were having all kinds of problems, my dad was there for me. I'm fairly sure he knows what we are up to and is even somewhat proud of the fact that we're working on turning our finances around. We are just on the don't ask, don't tell policy. He always says he's proud of me and all my accomplishments and I know he means the weed, too. He just doesn't want it rubbed in his face. Now when he deals with my husband, the two of them start dick swinging, so my husband doesn't get along with my dad all that well. It also has to do with the fact that my dad and I think very much alike and I never have to explain to him how I'm thinking about something or why I think or feel a certain way. I'm lucky in that, b/c frankly there are a lot of really bad dads out there.

Rez, that's your taste in women. There are other men who like a big woman and get extremely out of control when they see one.

There are women who want a Greek god and there are women who don't care. It's good that everyone likes different things in their partners, b/c there are a lot of different types of people out there.

I've never wanted to be a boy, maybe b/c I've always had a lot of male friends. I like being a girl, and I enjoy hanging with the boys, too. Best of both worlds. I don't have any brothers, but I have four male cousins who are as close as brothers. Since we all spend a lot of time hanging out, partying, and seeing shows, and I'm friends with all their posses, I spent and spend a lot of time with males. I can't say that I would want to give up my freedom for a lot of men out there, frankly, my husband is the only male I can really put up with, and in spite of everything we've been through, he's still my best friend and the only person (male or female) I could have in my personal space. I'm lucky to have that, not a lot of people really do. Prior to getting married, I was the girl who always had a huge male entourage when going to shows. Frankly, going to see concerts is the only kind of entertainment that I enjoy, other than watching movies at home. Now that I grow and have cats, I'd mostly rather stay at home with the wonderful living things in my house, and enjoy them, my husband, and watch movies and play the wii. I just like being in a home full of living things. :)

Interesting discussion.

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