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The Bad Girls Club!!!!



Morning Mrs. B, heard from them job hunters yet? :)

I bet they call today! That jam would work on me too, (hint hint lol) Need a job? :)

I need an assistant green keeper... lol

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Good morning Bad girls! Boy, did I have a naughty dream last night! I was having an affair with the husband of a girl I work with. It was so HOT! Im actualy feeling a lil guilty for it.


damn lil ol me!

I dreamed I was with Kurt Russell as Captain Ron, and we were on that boat, and he had on that little swimsuit, and I don't feel guilty at all.

Kurt, you were a magnificient wild beast last nite. :)

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand

I wouldn't feel guilty eather! Auhh.... C'mon. At least it wasnt Kurt Russel in Big Trouble in Little China!



ICMag Donor
yeah Lola, they were around last night..our trash was allll over the place this morning...b just loves to clean up after them!! lol noooooot :D
They should be getting ready to go do their wintertime sleeping thing and leave us alone :D
You bad girls planning something? hehehe


wowww Lil!!! get your rocks off!!! hahaah...
its been a good day so far, went to the doc today, thought I had carpal tunnel due to wrist problems, doc says its actually tendonitis. im going to google & see what kinda treatments are out there, my doc didnt seem too concerned, I told him I usually bandage it up to restrict the wrist movement when I have a flare up.
otherwise, came home & cleaned like crazy, mustve burned 1000 cals(yea im obsessed lol) no probably not that many but I did get a good workout, sweaty and all. IW is off to work for a couple hours covering a coworker who has jury duty(ugh) ... slowly but surely im working on cleaning.. if I can get my damned vacuum to work!!!!
have a great day ya'll and hit me up if you feel 'chatty' LoL
Good evening ladies!!! So, my doc's appt isn't till tomorrow afternoon *sigh* I'm a tough cookie though, and will have to hold out . . . till then, I'll "smoke myself silly" hehe

I'm over on the NorthEast coast too, and the weather has been so cool lately!!! In the 70's the past 4-5 days, and I'm lovin' it. lol

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Oh sure.... just rub it in W~W. Im sitting here in 90 degree heat with like.... I dunno what the humidity is, but it sucks! Ok, just checked the weatherchannel.com site.... It says its 85 degrees with 51% humidity. So that doesn't sound that bad, but it sure feals sucky. Bring on the winter!


Good evening ladies!!! So, my doc's appt isn't till tomorrow afternoon *sigh* I'm a tough cookie though, and will have to hold out . . . till then, I'll "smoke myself silly" hehe

I'm over on the NorthEast coast too, and the weather has been so cool lately!!! In the 70's the past 4-5 days, and I'm lovin' it. lol

I absolutely agree WW. It has been gorgeous here lately. We had a party for my daughter yesterday and the weather was perfect. A little breezy but warm enough to swim. Beautiful!

Hope you can make it til tomorrow. Here is my part of trying to help out....

:joint: --- ur turn! :)

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Its hot and humid here! Ughhhhh.... Im ready for the fall! Hmmmm.... October is next month. Anyone thinking of halloween costumes yet?


I went to all this trouble to make a Xena Warrior Princess costume, and then they cancelled the durn show.

Guess I need to sew a new costume. I would like to be a fairy or something neat. any ideas?


ICMag Donor
Some of us bad girls were talking in chat and thinking of maybe making some t-shirts with out BGC logo on it??...what do ya think? ....Ill research some options for us and put it in the social group, maybe someone here knows where do get some killer shirts done? they would get an honorary shirt! :D

On the same kinda note...we should over run chat someday and take over the sausage fest thats usually going on in there!! hahahaha

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Im thinking mabey a garden nomb for my son, he'll be 3 in Nov. He might not be cool with it though. As for myself... hmmm.... Dunno. Last year I was Lucy, from I love Lucy. It was cute. I guess I could be a garden nomb. Ya know how they have the sexy nurse, or the sexy Bo-peep or little red riding hood..... I wonder how a sexy garden nomb would turn out. Hee hee heeee!


I sooo wanted to be xena for the longest. But, I'm too small for any of the costumes. My husband and I are looking forward to Guavaween. It's a big Halloween party/parade in Ybor City, Near Tampa. It's supposedly like Mardi Gras. I'll probably be a school girl to his evil priest. The kids are driving me crazy right now. Argh. I can't even think. I'm gonna send their asses to bed and be right back.

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