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The Bad Girls Club!!!!


Dank me ole mate

You never told me you could cook!!! Dya fancy living in my Hoover cupboard then??? LOLOLOL

Catch ya soon


Hey! I hope this thread isn't too old to post in. It just looks like too much fun.

I'm living in one of those states where they lock you up for a long time for doing things like smoking / growing.

I'm brand new to growing but not smoking. :D (I've been smoking medicinally for a while now. :joint:)

Things I like to do while "high"? Everything. Especially not feel pain. :D Eating is also fun.

Anyway, I hope plenty of other women use this forum too! Adios!


Hello Ladies....

I am new to this site and also new to growing. i am currently in Michigan, USA somewhere around Detroit. I have been a medical user for 9 years now after I broke 4 vertebrae in my lower back in an accident. Somehow the doctors thought that 4-6 Vicodin ES a day was better for me than weed, so I took up my own campaign. When I tried taking that shit they prescribed me it cause rampant and very serious mood swings as well as a very noticeable spike in my blood pressure, triggering Migraines, so I say Pass that Damn Pipe. and stick these pills somewhere else, they may work for others but there not or me.

I smoke everyday, unless a dry snap has caused a lack of product or a spike in prices that my income can't support. Specifically why I decided to grow once legalized in the state of Michigan for medicinal purposes.

Everyone who knows me knows I smoke. i am a bit of a hermit and a loner, so I don't smoke with a lot of people besides my sweetie, but when I do go out and about 99% of my friend partake of the fine cheba with me.

I have 3 children and two of them are under 18 and still at home. I have NEVER lied to my children about my MJ use. I have used periodically since high school prior to my injury. My father used and NEVER NEVER hid it from me. We have Cherokee Indian Ancestry. Weed grew wild in my grand mothers back yard and my family passed the peace pipe so this was never an issue. However i was raised down south, and definitely believe in spanking of the out of control or out of his or her mind child. This coupled with my belief in using weed has caused me problems. Just year before last, the year prior to them passing the medical use laws here in Michigan my daughter (who is Bipolar, ADHD and ODD) who was 12 at the time cut up 300 dollars worth of clothes cause she wanted shorts and short sleeved shirts....I whipped her ass good as this was an on going problem, and as a single mother on SSDI who receives no help or child support from her father of any kind, I can't afford to buy new clothes cause she cut them up. Anyway,she got some bruising on her bottom and went to school and told a teacher that I abuse her regularly...Which is a lie, this child hadn't had a spanking in over 3 years prior to that, but anyway. She told them that I beat her regularly and that I smoke weed everyday. I had never tried to hide anything from her, as it wasn't hidden from me and I think that made me more understanding, knowledgeable and accepting. Well the state took my children required me to take parenting and anger management classes as well as weekly random drug screen to prove I had quit using MJ. I never lied always told the court I smoked for medicinal purposes, since once my daughter snitched they tested and i failed, there was no sense in lying about it. The judge actually looked me right in the eyes in May of 2008. 6 months prior to this herb being legalized and asked me who died and made me a doctor, with the knowledge and education to decide that illegal Medical use of MJ was appropriate? I told her My doctors all knew and supported my decision to self medicate with herb, and that I was much healthier smokng weed that I could ever be taking 4-6 Vivodine ES a day and risking stroke because of high blood pressure, and that dealing with my daughters issues, if I wasn't a smoker I would have ended up in the court for REAL ABUSE many years earlier. Instead of ending up in court because someone doesn't understand that certain children need that firm hand of knowledge across the seat of learning so that there will be less of a learning curve in the class of family values and expectations. In total it took me 14 months to get my kids out of foster care, but I haven't changed anything I still smoke, my kids still know it, I refuse to hide it and now that Michigan has passed the medical use laws I have begun to grow. Right now I have two plants 5 days into flowering, just waiting to see sex so I can re pot to bigger pot, these are in a room in the basement with a 400w Metal Halide. I have toasted a couple of the leaves trying to get the lighting right. Everything I have heard about the 400w MH says 10 to 12 inches from tip to bulb, but that seems too much heat. and I have a closet with my next grow going in the master bedroom. in here I have 11 that are all 3 weeks old today. These are growing in 1 gallon pots. the 6 largest are growing under (6) 23w cfl bulbs and 5 are growing under (2) 4 foot long phillips plant and aquarium bulbs. I constantly rotate them to keep the larger ones under the cfl and the smaller or more fragile ones under the fluorescents. I will keep these in the closet until they go to flower in the next 2 weeks or when they hit 10inches height, then will switch them to the flowering room in the basement.

Well this is lengthy and I could probably go on forever, so I will go now, it was good finding this forum. I have started a grow diary and welcome all to look it over and give me some feed back, lots of feedback....I have posted some pictures to my album, but can't figure out how to reduce the picture enough to get it into a thread, so I will have to work on that....

Peace All
Pass that Pipe!!


New member
- Where are you from? At the moment Cali, San Diego

- Why do you like cannabis? It has done wonders for my pain!! My body becomes pain free and I'm able to be with my daughter.

- How often do you smoke cannabis? At lest 3 times a day.

- Do your friends know that you smoke, do they smoke with you? No one comes with me and I really don't have any one who would do it. Kind of a loner in this.Not many know I am.

- What do you like to do when you are "high"? Funny enough as it sounds I take care of my daughter,clean, do random things I normally couldn't do.


Hi All, I am a fellow lady pot lover too. I'm in south cali and grow my own I just couldn't afford the clubs anymore and always felt uncomfortable going there. I prefer to make mine into canncaps rather then smoke but I am thinking of trying a vape. Right now I am having a love affair with the auto flowering strains.


I suppose I should leave a few words here too...lady grower for 10 years now, smoking for almost 3 decades.

Where I'm from is nobody's business but mine, but I can safely say I am nowhere going nowhere.

Why do I smoke? To relax.

How often - depends, during the week I have to concentrate for my job so daytime smoking is not an option - an evening joint to wind down. During the weekend I smoke when I don't have to worry about responsibilities, BUT I have lots of crushing responsibilities so...uh....I guess most of the time I smoke once a day LOL.

I don't keep friends I have to hide from, I've grown out of that. Actually, I don't have friends at all because I don't live in my own country, and have major cultural difficulties with the population of this country.I live on the fringes of society...but if I had to hide my smoking from friends, they wouldn't be my friends.

When I'm high I try to disconnect from life.

Hello to the lady growers!

POT Princess

New member
Hello Milano

New to the group, glad to see there are other females like me. I am from PA. I have been smoking for many years. I grew up in a family that smokes, so it was just sometime to do to pass the time. As I grow older I am still passing the time.

Most of my friends know that I smoke but very few smoke with me. I am somewhat of a loner when it comes to smoking except for family. I have been smoking with my son for awhile now. That has been great. Some of the best conversations come up after smoking.

I enjoy living while high. I get lost in a book, go for a motorcycle ride, hang out, or just sit back and watch the grass grow. I would like to begin growing at some point. I have seen and smoked some good stuff, just can't seem to be able to get started.

Thanks for the questions, you made it easy for me to break into posting.


I see this is your first post POT princess....Welcome, pull up a chair and enjoy yourself. You will find LOT's of good....NO GR* advice here. I finally started growing after hanging out here for awhile. Hopefully you will make an attempt yourself. I find it very soothing and a lot of times I find myself just sittingin the garden and watching the weeeds grow. Surprisingly ssoothing for me....
Smiles for all!

Smiles for all!

I'm very new, too. It's so nice to not have the guys telling me I'm just about the only girl they know that smokes! I was given the address to this website a few days ago and just had to see what I could learn from it. Right now I have little sprouts, I decided to grow because I can't afford the steep prices with school and trying to make a life for myself. I'm not yet familiar with the site setup so if you have any navigation pointers I'll gladly heed them. I don't have any children, but am in a wonderful relationship.

- Where are you from? Pennsylvania:abduct:
- Why do you like cannabis? I like that it helps with my depression and anxiety issues.
- How often do you smoke cannabis? Lately- hardly, but most weekends
- Do your friends know that you smoke, do they smoke with you? Just about all my friends know I smoke, and about half smoke with me.
- What do you like to do when you are "high"? I like to read, be goofy, listen to tunes, chill with friends, just live I guess.

You all seem so nice, it's good to feel surrounded by wisdom.


Just thought I'd throw my oar in the water too.!

I'm a Southern Gal who will smoke any time, all day, all night...never had enough weed..lol

Growing a few plants for my own use in nonlegal, unfriendly state....Don't ya'll wish we could take our high grade seeds and time travel back when MJ could be grown anywhere, anytime?

Got so many titanium plates, pins, etc., in me I can set off a metal detector at 20 feet away! Yeehaw, rodeo ain't for the timid...

I like chillin with my friends, surfing online when I'm bored, and playing with my animals...I got a Sheltie & a Siamese...Looks like I'm getting a rabbit too. I plan on keeping him in the grow area and feeding him fan leaves...

Currently growing White Rhino, Cali Orange Bud, NL5Haze, WhiteBerry x PPP, Ice Cool, SSH!!!!! Been growing since the 70s, mostly outdoors. I was a teenage pothead..lol.
Hey rodeo queen

Hey rodeo queen

Sweet! Another country girl! What was your game of choice? I just like to trail ride now, but I used to barrel race, not my cup of tea, not enough of a challenge. Bronk riding has always fascinated me, I just never got the chance to try it out for myself. Penning was probably the most fun for me. Were you a bovine babe or a horseshoe hunny?:abduct:

POT Princess

New member
Good Morning Ladies:

Just looking for a few pointers prior to starting my indoor garden. I have never grown but now I feel the time is right. After reading numerous posting I am somewhat confused as to where to start. Any information would be appreciated.

Thank you for the warm welcome, I will be checking back with you all later.
Hi, I am a grandma living in a very small mountain community in the mountains in the western US.
I have smoked pot for about 40 years. It helps me in so many ways--help me sleep, helps with arthritis pain, helps me relax.
I smoke every day.
All my friends and family (and one of my grandsons) know that I smoke. It is what I do, it is part of being me. I give little envelopes of pot away every year on April 20th to my friends. I sign the card "The Pot Fairy".
I like to play golf, go swimming, do crosswords, watch adult cartoons like "The Simpson's" and "Family Guy", and just hang out with friends.
I absolutely love growing pot. I don't know where I read this but it is true: "Smoking pot isn't addictive, but growing it is" :canabis:


Garden Nymph
wow, you sound like one awesome grandma, hempstress! =) well, hi ladies..i think my introduction's been overdue. i should've come straight here after i made myself known in the "introduce yourself" thread. im originally a southwestern girl who's originally originally from the Southeastern Pacific. Student in college. Newbie with growing, but definitely not with loving marijuana. Anyway, not currently growing anything right now, though my boyfriend (known here as freeganja) is. we'll hopefully have pics up soon.

let the show grow on!


WELCOME Hempstress

WELCOME Hempstress

Hi, I am a grandma living in a very small mountain community in the mountains in the western US.
I have smoked pot for about 40 years. It helps me in so many ways--help me sleep, helps with arthritis pain, helps me relax.
I smoke every day.
All my friends and family (and one of my grandsons) know that I smoke. It is what I do, it is part of being me. I give little envelopes of pot away every year on April 20th to my friends. I sign the card "The Pot Fairy".
I like to play golf, go swimming, do crosswords, watch adult cartoons like "The Simpson's" and "Family Guy", and just hang out with friends.
I absolutely love growing pot. I don't know where I read this but it is true: "Smoking pot isn't addictive, but growing it is" :canabis:

Hello Hempstress,

I hope you enjoy hangin with us... The more the merrier and the more educating...

Mrs. Swamp

Hi ladies!! First I would like to say that I am happy to be part of this IC MAG community now....I am new at this as well, :smile: but my husband isn't (Swampdank).
Anyways, I have been a smoker :joint::joint::joint: for over fifteen years, and I love it. Most of my friends and family know that I smoke, but they are not all cool with it. Some of them smoke with me, and some of them criticize :noway::noway::noway::noway:me for smoking, but to each their own...I will never stop. It is an invigorating time that I take for myself every morning when I wake up, and every night before I go to bed (and throughout most of the day too) :jump::jump::jump:

I am new :confused: to being a grower...I have a couple of projects going on right now....I believe Swamp posted some pics for me (I still don't know how to navigate the site yet, still learning) :headbange
I love to smoke because it gives me great energy (depending on what I'm smoking), and I just love the all around feeling that I get from MJ.
I seem to take more interest in things when I am high.

Mrs. Swamp

Oh, yea, I forgot one thing.... Hempstress, I wish I had you for a Grandma, I can't seem to convince mine :wallbash: that MJ is not a bad thing...she can't take her arthritis medicine because it makes her sick, but she will not approve of the MJ.


Active member
Hello Again ladies,
boy would I love to see this thread take off.
I am another female grower in these male dominated grow site..lol.Don't get me wrong I LOVE men.I was just married last week to my sweetie of 18yrs.He doesn't smoke because he can't with his job.He is very supportive of my hobby though..VERY.He will definitely resume smoking when he retires next yr.
Smile..I am a country girl too.Grew up on a dairy farm.My hubby and me have a small 10 acre farm..Team of oxen,ckns,dog,cats etc.I still help out on the dairy whenever time allows.I work full time as a caregiver too so I'm busy..LOVE to trail ride.preferaby bareback.
Overnight pack trips with the horses are some of my best memories..
Grow on ladies..Love to hear from anyone..Peace BL


Gee, Haw......sounds like fun Buddle. I didn't subscribe to this thread, but have now!

I did a little roping and a little barrel racing. I was always the one who got to break the new horses in....took a few broken bones along the way..haha

Nice to see all the gals representin!