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The Bad Girls Club!!!!


♥-_-~Praying the Lord my soul to keep~-_-&#9
Good morning BGC I'm procrastinating again, but at least I got out to the grow room & took some pics.. my grape x ah/arne is flowering, and is lookin dead sexy... the PM seems to be going away, so I will treat them again in the next few days... I transplanted my sour d & lemon skunk... I will be so proud when these finally flower because ive never done this before and am hoping that these plants come out bomb!!!!
kk, that sounds fantastic!

one of our grape krushes is down, the other comes down tonight. they literally smell like welch's grape juice. INSANE! right now, we've got chem dog double diesel (two different ones, but we're retiring the #2 which has a propensity to self-pollinate) and yumboldt. can't wait for the krush to be ready to smoke.

i want to hear more about this lemon skunk!!!

i didn't know you'd had pm! i'm glad it's gone away. what did you do to treat??


♥-_-~Praying the Lord my soul to keep~-_-&#9
I used a capful of baking soda, 1drop of unscented baking soda dishsoap & the rest water...... mixed it and sprayed....


So all the seeds from the five we're starting have sunk, except one of the NL5Haze. Some of them started cracking (Ed and the Shit) whiel still in water. They're in paper towels now staying warm on the cable box. I'm soooooooooooo excited.
We germ our seeds on the cable box too. We got the shit too. It's the shit. We'll be pulling out like 8 of them next week. I'm sure hubby will post pics. They're beautiful. they colas are the size of tennis balls. And they're real stinky. Can't wait to cut them down.


Aahh the sweet sounds of harvest here at BGC. Been busy myself and just taking a break from the manicuring today. Happy Trimming Ladies:)
My lady grower friend has the BORG! It is an unhappy day around here, b/c we gave her a bunch of beans to experiment with and it's heavily in her mother room. Poor girl is running around town trying to see if anyone carries Floramite. Hubby swears that's the only thing that works. Hanging out by the computer in case she needs to order some off the net. That's our back up veg, so that makes me super anxious. We've been trying to get up all week, but she wasn't desperate enough to let me know she had a problem over the phone until today. She's not used to having anyone to talk all this over with. The guy who taught her to grow had unrequited love for her. She was a single lady for many years, but got a bf (who works for the power company, lucky girl!), and her mentor bailed on her realizing she was never going to love him. She was happy to meet me and hubby and the other couple who grows with us. We actually had a lady grower hang out a few times. :)

We'll fix it, but boy I do NOT miss soil.


bitch bitch bitch

bitch bitch bitch

Hi to All BGC Women~
Fuck. My 12yr old dog died the other day. I am so sad. I know she didn't suffer and had the best life of any Chihuahua ever(she and I were the BEST of friends). I am so lucky to have had that little light in my life for the past 12 years. But GodFuckingDammit, it HURTS to lose her. Never sick a day in her life. Then she had a stroke. Downhill from there(for 2 days). She died in my arms at home. What better way to go....still. My heart aches to have her back.:badday:

On another note. Why am I not having regular sex? My partner and I are madly in love. Been together several years. I want to WANT to have sex, but just seem to put it off----1) too tired 2) too busy 3) timing is all wrong 4) she might be tired, so I don't go there.
Am in my mid 40's and think my hormones are really fucking with me.
Had a gallon of blood work done, which all came out "normal"(hormonally and otherwise).
My doctor of Chinese med said that bloodwork in western medicine doesn't treat the entire person---emotional, physical, spiritual and woman my age usually have many of all of the above issues.
God knows my energy level is LOW. Plus I have severe migraines everytime there is a full moon or my period comes.
Think I am also peri-menapausal. Night sweats and mood swings(not mania---which I could use---just sad or very sad, or really pissy).
If any of you gals out there have holistic remedies that you have used for any of this---feel free to share with me. :violin:
BTW---the acupuncture has helped with my energy levels and sleeping issues(too much or not enough). But usually those treatments only last a week. Doc says once my body/mind/spirit begin to align(my 'chi' is way out of wack), then I will progress at a faster speed.

Smoking does help. It seems to stop the migraines if I can smoke it soon enough. :joint: Many times I am not able to smoke when I feel the migraine coming on though. Immitrex & Treximet do work if I take enough(which I HATE to take because it is so damn hard on the liver), and costs an arm and a leg.

Have I whined enough yet? :yappy:
If any of you would like to commiserate with me I would love it. We are all connected in this Universe, and it is so nice to know one is not alone. :cry:

One more thing. This group always interests me and I feel a part of it even though I don't post as much as I should(or would like to).
Thank you for all the support---even tho ya'll may not realize it, your posts mean the world to me----even if they aren't directed to me. :thank you:

Oh, Lil....I took the bong bunny off. I kept feeling like I had stolen from you(which I did actually). Thanks for being gracious about me snagging it off you. Now I will just have to find something equally as endearing to add on my sig.
Maybe a pic of my new bunny???

Look forward to hearing from you all. :grouphug:
Keep Ya Head Up BG



ICMag Donor
awwww Bruja..Im so sorry about your doggers, I know how hard it is to lose a best friend, at lwast you got to say good bye but it sucks big time, we get soooo attached to our animals, they become our kids.

You and you bf need to set aside a night just for you 2, even if you just stay home, try to make it special, candles, wine, whatever.

Ohhh dont even get my started on the menopausal crap, one second im freezing cold then minute Im so hot I feel like Im going to burn up!..Im not taking anything for it, I dont like any of the crap they have out there...wayyyy too many side affects and who knows what that shit actually does to you. I just try to live with it and it will go away some day I guess. Im sure I get moody, but when your body is changing every few seconds its hard not to be!

Good luck Bruja, we all need it I think!!
love ya ladies