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The Average American's day

Jericho Mile

I am not so sure that this is a distant state of affairs that we are concerned with its happening now and in a city probably close to everyone.

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20 Cities That May Face Bankruptcy After Detroit

Khan Academy Video 3--The Elaboration Likelihood Model

This is a year old,but very much worth the watch, regarding the world economy and sovereign debt.

AC2012 The Engtanglement KB

Total US Debt To GDP: 105%

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...and guess what?...it will keep happening and happening and happening..but it will be ok. Just a few more years...and y'all can turn it back over to election rhetoric...and then more crisis more debt more war...until another 4yrs passes and you can amp up the elections once (yet) again...until one day...you realize....it was for naught

Christ...these threads are an exact symptom of the disease. Fun to derail....but not worth a shit


Active member
and guess what?...it will keep happening and happening and happening..but it will be ok

I think inquiring minds want to know why ignorance is the ultimate defense in a crisis that was caused by ignorance of the general public.

Do you perceive their is no alternative but to be dumb and go along with the narrative as long as the sun is out ? I mean good for the sun but if im dying of starvation and it was all avoidable ,im going to be a little upset.

Grass Lands

All good things come to an end...and the good ole USofA is no different...we may be here to see it and we may not...but it will happen.

Jericho Mile

I think inquiring minds want to know why ignorance is the ultimate defense in a crisis that was caused by ignorance of the general public.

Do you perceive their is no alternative but to be dumb and go along with the narrative as long as the sun is out ? I mean good for the sun but if im dying of starvation and it was all avoidable ,im going to be a little upset.

what exactly am I ignorant of?

As a whole population: People need to be governed...they need to be manipulated...they need to be herded and told just what to do. It would be ignorant to think of the population any other way. Point it all out to them (your perspective)...this crisis you speak of...prove it to them (but you...limited to just general knowledge..can not)...and see what happens. Nothing will happen...because it's not important to them. Even if the proverbial "shit hits the fan"...the moment somebody is able to provide for them again...they'll go right back to agreeing with whatever makes it easy for them. Why worry about it? Why worry about them?

Am I dumb for enjoying the benefits of being born into a plump fat country? You let me know when you are starving...and I'll feed you. You let me know when you feel so repressed you can't go on...and I'll come visit your situation. I bet you are well fed..and I bet you have more liberties than you take advantage of. I also bet...that next year...10 yrs from now...or 20 yrs from now...for your whole life....you will not wont for the basics.

My point is: there is no way you or any other joker on here can see the big picture...but what you have...is the luxury of time and technology to gather up whatever seems to support giving life/your country (from your perspective) such a piss poor brush stroke.

Certainly...you must see that there is a lot of positive and beautiful things happening. I will go further...and say...if you don't...then it's on you...and it's this waiting for impending doom...that is really the problem.

...still time ticks by....and still it's possible to enjoy life and have a really good time. Call me nonchalant..call me apathetic..call me ignorant...but I'm going to keep on rolling and still not worry about things that really don't much...concern me. You think I'll end up any worse off than you?????????...or wait..

Am I to blame?


Active member
Your not to blame....totally, you and I were born into this. being passive does not solve anything though.

why ignorance .........ignorance of the general public
nope, I don't think I intentionally insulted you

People need to be governed...they need to be manipulated...they need to be herded and told just what to do.

I have to disagree ,do you need to be told what to do ? do you need to be extorted out of your money ? should you be conscripted into wars that exist for no other reason than to continue a Ponzi scheme that the same MF'ers causing the wars profit off of ? How about the war on some drugs ? have you ever been a victim threatened to be thrown in a cage for ingesting some stuff they disapprove of ? hey how a bout a state sanctioned kidnapping ? any type of BS benefit they pretended to give everyone is now gone ,no trial ,no crime ,you cant say shit and they make a check for keeping you locked away for simply acting different and they cant charge you with a crime ?

its all human trafficking anyway I read the preface of William blackstones commentary on the English law (common law),he goes on to comment (paraphrasing)"man is a social creature therefore he needs man made laws and rulers"
BS! even on that island, no one ,if they are born equal has the right to rule anyone else period there is no superior man or inferior and everyone has the right and freedom of free association my existence is not consent in some stupid glitter bomb of fictional tacit consent or social contract. If they were born different as a law giver or master of the universe please I want them to tell us how that is.

sperm + egg = baby

that's how we all got here

there is no way around it we are all equals.

As you can see we are fundamentally f**ked as a species if we think coercion, slavery or governance is freedom and cheer for more and spread it as do gooders around the globe.

rationality and logic has left the building, for most of the country.

Is taxation theft?

Jericho Mile

Your not to blame....totally, you and I were born into this. being passive does not solve anything though.

nope, I don't think I intentionally insulted you

I have to disagree ,do you need to be told what to do ? do you need to be extorted out of your money ? should you be conscripted into wars that exist for no other reason than to continue a Ponzi scheme that the same MF'ers causing the wars profit off of ? How about the war on some drugs ? have you ever been a victim threatened to be thrown in a cage for ingesting some stuff they disapprove of ? hey how a bout a state sanctioned kidnapping ? any type of BS benefit they pretended to give everyone is now gone ,no trial ,no crime ,you cant say shit and they make a check for keeping you locked away for simply acting different and they cant charge you with a crime ?

its all human trafficking anyway I read the preface of William blackstones commentary on the English law (common law),he goes on to comment (paraphrasing)"man is a social creature therefore he needs man made laws and rulers"
BS! even on that island, no one ,if they are born equal has the right to rule anyone else period there is no superior man or inferior and everyone has the right and freedom of free association my existence is not consent in some stupid glitter bomb of fictional tacit consent or social contract. If they were born different as a law giver or master of the universe please I want them to tell us how that is.

sperm + egg = baby

that's how we all got here

there is no way around it we are all equals.

As you can see we are fundamentally f**ked as a species if we think coercion, slavery or governance is freedom and cheer for more and spread it as do gooders around the globe.

rationality and logic has left the building, for most of the country.

Is taxation theft?

Same as we usually finish up. Good luck bro....you are absolutely up to a wall...that you'll never climb nor break down. All the logic and all the desire to build a utopia...wishful visions...will never be had in this society or any other. You can bash your head all you want...and just get a headache for your efforts. If that is your pleasure...I'm not one to give out aspirin...by all means keep at it

Happy New Year brother


Active member
Everyone has the mentality that the debt crisis mean nothing to them.. But if the government has to dip into social security fund now ,,, Will there be any left for you when the time comes ...
Better have a good chunk of Gold , silver Cause them bonds and all other paper investments will disappear
Yet another stunt the government has pulled is to "borrow" from the various trust funds under its control. Some $2 billion has vanished from the trust accounts of Native Americans (presently suing the Departments of the Interior and Treasury), and nearly of a TRILLION dollars has been removed from your Social Security retirement trust fund and spent in the last 8 years.

If the government has to borrow your retirement money when things are supposed to be so good, under what conditions can it repay the money? Or is that government IOU in your retirement account merely a promise to either tax you a second time or stiff you on the benefits you thought you were paying for?


Active member
Ill just stick to the basics here,there is no obligation because there is no contract.

By by Edwin Vieira, Jr.

(2) The Social Security Act provides a striking modern parallel for such an application of a statutory "reserved-power" clause.

Although that act provides for payment of benefits, Fleming v. Nestor denied that such benefits constitute "accrued property rights"222 "The Social Security system", the Supreme Court explained,

may be accurately described as a form of social insurance * * * whereby persons gainfully employed, and those who employ them, are taxed to permit the payment of benefits to the retired and disabled, and their dependents. Plainly the expectation is that many members of the present productive work force will in turn become beneficiaries rather than supporters of the program. But each worker's benefits, though flowing from the contributions he made to the [610] national economy while actively employed, are not dependent on the degree to which he was called upon to support the system by taxation. * * * [T]he noncontractual interest of an employee covered by the Act cannot be soundly analogized to that of a holder of an annuity, whose right to benefits is bottomed on his contractual premium payments.

* * * [The Social-Security] program was designed to function into the indefinite future, and its specific provisions rest on predictions as to expected economic conditions which must inevitably prove less than wholly accurate, and on judgments and preferences as to the proper allocation of the Nation's resources which evolving economic and social conditions will of necessity in some degree modify.

To engraft upon the Social Security system a concept of "accrued property rights" would deprive it of the flexibility and boldness in adjusting to ever-changing conditions which it demands.***

It was doubtless out of an awareness of the need for such flexibility that Congress included in the original Act, and [611] has since retained, a clause expressly reserving to it "[t]he right to alter, amend, or repeal any provision" of the Act.

* * * That provision makes explicit what is implicit in the institutional needs of the program. * * *

We must conclude that a person covered by the Act has not such a right in benefit payments as would make every defeasance of accrued" interests violative of the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment.

The Constitution, the court held, does not preclude Congress from withdrawing "noncontractual" Social-Security benefits unless its action is "utterly lacking in rational justification"224 Dissenting, Justice Black correctly observed that the court had told "the contributors to this insurance fund that despite their and their employers' payments the Government, in paying the beneficiaries out of the fund, is merely giving them something for nothing and can stop doing so when it pleases.
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Fly by Night

Like a Wing
The Average American's day
