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The Ashes


How we going guys and gals?

Are we all watching the ashes? How was peter siddle? Gotta love that, a hat trick on your birthday. Go SIDS!



I'm jealous HC.

Make sure you really get behind the boys. To me the Ashes are the quintessential Aussie experience. I often take time off over the ashes period to sit on my arse for 5 days at a time. There is nothing like it. Love it.

The most exciting part of Christmas is going to mum and dads place to watch the boxing day test with mum, dad, and 84year old grandmother. And dont worry, she knows more about aussie cricket than anyone there. She knows the players ages and where they started out from. Its most impressive. She usually calls the game down to a tee too. "oh no, he cant bowl that short on this wicket. He should be putting the ball right up there"

man, I just love it.


Im sick of ashes, wheres my vriptech i ordered a week ago?

But hopefully we will slog those poms up hill and down dale.


yeah was watching today, a great aussie tradition. :gday:
good playing by us.


Well-known member
Fuck i hate to say it boys, but I think the poms have got our measure this time around, too many monkeys in the leadership position..


Granted, its been a good fight back from the pom's but there is still plenty of days left.

They kept the ball right up there which I think is a good tactic because we dont have as many players that like to play straight anymore. Got some good hookers and pullers but not as many straight players. I think Haddin might do well if they keep it up and full. He likes to drive and that might be our last chance of posting a decent score but even if we go into the next innings 50 under... I think we could still pull off some magic.
Sorry guys i can watch a one day game, and a 20/20, but test matches suck balls.

Now before you cut sic on my ass, i am an Aussie and i support Australia to the end, but can't watch a week of cricket, got better things to do... 'Thinking we will 'bring back Bill'..




Just kidding, its not for everyone. On the other end of the spectrum I am not really a big fan of 20/20. It seems like a bit of a bastardization of cricket if you ask me. Sure it has its entertainment value but I prefer the long term tactical side of cricket. One day cricket is pretty good. I'll be sad to see that go when 20/20's drive that wooden stake into the ODI heart

Just kidding, its not for everyone. On the other end of the spectrum I am not really a big fan of 20/20. It seems like a bit of a bastardization of cricket if you ask me. Sure it has its entertainment value but I prefer the long term tactical side of cricket. One day cricket is pretty good. I'll be sad to see that go when 20/20's drive that wooden stake into the ODI heart

"WHERES BUNDY"...........muhahahahaha


We need a new team!
This one cant compete at this level.
Sack ponting, clarke and doherty and we might have a chance instead of trying to scrape in a draw to save face.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
About time we won a game, I'm off to the MCG next Sunday, that's about a 5 hour drive so looks like it will be an early start. Hoorah.


Wow HC that would have been a disapointment on Sunday. Most of the crowd had left with a couple of hours to play left by the look of it. I bet many wished theyd stayed home and mowed the lawn instead of watching a humiliating thrashing. Today we have the weasel clarke defending the equally useless ponting. They both should be punted imo and so too the moron selectors who keep putting those two clowns in even though they have absolutely no form. Peter Siddle is batting better than ponting and clarke put together.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Wow HC that would have been a disapointment on Sunday. Most of the crowd had left with a couple of hours to play left by the look of it. I bet many wished theyd stayed home and mowed the lawn instead of watching a humiliating thrashing. Today we have the weasel clarke defending the equally useless ponting. They both should be punted imo and so too the moron selectors who keep putting those two clowns in even though they have absolutely no form. Peter Siddle is batting better than ponting and clarke put together.

Just got back from 2 days at the MCG, the Oz batsmen lost the plot on Sunday, it seemed like every time I went to get a beer someone went out. Never mind we'll bounce back, always have, always will.


Now it goes from bad to worse. We now have a fucking muslim wearing the baggy green! Well thats just fucked cricket for me, i wont be watching this shit anymore after decades of enjoying every test. Surely the fucked up sellectors have more to choose from than brainwashed goat fuckers.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Now it goes from bad to worse. We now have a fucking muslim wearing the baggy green! Well thats just fucked cricket for me, i wont be watching this shit anymore after decades of enjoying every test. Surely the fucked up sellectors have more to choose from than brainwashed goat fuckers.

As long as he can bat I don't give a fuck, I respect his views, he is an aussie. He might have Muslim beliefs but he is on our side. One must not go down the path of religious hatred.

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