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The apocolypse on 13/08/2012 ???!!!


The end of the world has been predicted to be soon several times a year since the stone age.....................

Cookie monster

^once you start breeding your hooked forever

Yep breeding is not only very addictive but it's a gateway drug, i started off crossing strains, everybody was doing it back then but breeding weed wasn't enough and i got mixed up with a bad crowd who were into breeding strawberries.

I got really hooked on tulips then i lost everything the wife the house and the kids and ended up homeless and living with a grouch called oscar in an old trash can.


Yeah it could be a shift if consciousness or the end of all life on planet earth, whats interesting is the exact time is 11:11am. I have been seeing this number everywhere way too often to be coincidence for the past year or so. Anyone else been seeing 11:11 or 12:34 or 1:11 like it was trying to tell them something?


Yes i keep seeing those, also 4:20 and 13:37 which is quite funny,

h^2 O

this thread is shameful!..........in that it twists Mesoamerican religion/calendars into some sort of macabre premonition of what your grandparents took from the "four horseman" in King James' bible.
With death there is rebirth. Without death there can be no life. It's a cycle, man. Go out and buy "Dark Side of the Moon" and listen to it alone in the dark with a bong and some good nugz.
Dec X 2012 is th point at which Earth gets to/crosses a certain plane/meridian in the galaxy. Mesoamerican astronomy is directly tied to religion (that's my focking thesis right there nice), and all it means is that this current "age" is going to go from the 5th to 6th suns. That's it. People need to start getting their sources from JSTOR not "the onion"


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
I find these ideas kind of fun.

I was playing around with the local radio guy. Everything from Super-Commitments, Mega-Punishment, and Ultra-Confinement, to 2012, 9/11 and biorhythms. The two charts, 9/11/2001 and 12/21/2012 are very similar. For me anyway. I didn't go after other other than my own to see if all are similar. I am guessing they are. not similar to my chart, but the second set of charts would be similar on their own. I will also be 17,495 days old on 12/21/2012 and am 16,399 days old today.

here are my charts..


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  • bio2012.gif
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Active member
Yep breeding is not only very addictive but it's a gateway drug, i started off crossing strains, everybody was doing it back then but breeding weed wasn't enough and i got mixed up with a bad crowd who were into breeding strawberries.

I got really hooked on tulips then i lost everything the wife the house and the kids and ended up homeless and living with a grouch called oscar in an old trash can.

LOL thats great

well I hate to say this...... but thats my moms birthday....I alwasy new she was the anti christ! :joint:

haha wordd!!!! except I dont even know my mom's birthday :fsu:

Yes i keep seeing those, also 4:20 and 13:37 which is quite funny,

13:37 huh? what kind of clock are you looking at? lol

I find these ideas kind of fun.

I was playing around with the local radio guy. Everything from Super-Commitments, Mega-Punishment, and Ultra-Confinement, to 2012, 9/11 and biorhythms. The two charts, 9/11/2001 and 12/21/2012 are very similar. For me anyway. I didn't go after other other than my own to see if all are similar. I am guessing they are. not similar to my chart, but the second set of charts would be similar on their own. I will also be 17,495 days old on 12/21/2012 and am 16,399 days old today.

here are my charts..


whatever happens, lets keep overgrowing the world, maybe we can save it by proliferating the use of the tree of life aka cannabis.

did you guys know you have a better chance of getting lung cancer if you DON'T smoke weed, than if you do? I found that really interesting. you also are more likely to get alzheimers and osteoperosis if you don't smoke. great stuff, how ironic..


weed fiend
Interesting thread. On one hand, we have those that ponder. On the other, we have baseless declarations, lol.

Which sounds more plausible?

A. - A cosmic phenomenon so infrequent that nobody actually knows what will happen.

B. - Nothing will happen when the cosmic phenomenon occurs.

Those that choose option B (and declare in this thread) need reflection. Your proof doesn't exist, therefore your fact is only opinion.


id say A, noone would know that a cosmic phenomenon that noone knows what is going to happen then we just dont know...

although i still believe one of two theories: that an alien specie will make first contact.Or that a massive asteroid the size of america will hit earth, and force us to live underground for hundreds of years untill variouse gases and debris clear, thus beggining the age of the mole people.:)
They're not talking about THE END OF THE WORLD. And they're not talking about the beginning of a new world. NO

What they are talking about is the end of YOUR world, to make place for the beginning of The New World



The world won't end in 2012. But given that so many people believe stupid shit like this, I don't have much hope for the human race lasting to 2112.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I'm glad to hear that as 2012 is going to be a busy year for me
and there was no way I could wait until December for the end.



Lol these threads never cease to amaze me!

Keep on hoping you guys... Noone knows for sure either way, But I would put my money on the world being just fine in 2013, maybe some war or whatever but hey it happens.


Wrong cueball,not August but Dec 21 the winter solstice is supposed to signal the end,if you believe that fairy tale.Mayans Schmayans


Well-known member
I find the whole 2012 apocolypse theory REALLY worrying

If you want something legitimate to worry about other than crack-pot theories such as 2012. Go out and get married, buy a new home and a couple new cars, have a couple kid's to feed, cloth, insure, and educate, and you want you have time to worry about anything else.

And before you know it you'll be a grandfather and your only worry in life will be your annual prostate exam, and erectile disfunction.


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