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The apocolypse on 13/08/2012 ???!!!


there's an unknown "Planet X" somewhere far out beyond the solar system that's disturbing the comets in the distant region called the Oort Cloud -- where they exist by the millions -- to the point that they shower the Earth and cause extinctions in regular cycles. Daniel Whitmire and John Matese of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette proposed that idea as a cause of major comet showers in 1985

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2005/03/10/MNGFIBN6PO1.DTL#ixzz0SKQd2fTP

the theory of mass extinction every 65million years and comet showers caused by planet X???


Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
it could be possible... i saw the nostadomas effect. he predicts the rise of a 3rd anti christ. the first 2 being neopleon and hitler. he said he should be coming from around asia and will bring on a 27 yr war.
world war 3 would probably happen soon. if the world ends 2012, it will be during the war. if not, we will be doomed to chemical and nuclear war. the dollar may come back after the war, given the 2012 apocolypse doesnt happen. after the great depression the dollar came back... it might take a world war to get the dollar back to where it used to be again.

im not wasting time worrying about it. i do what i do, and try to appreciate life while i have it, regardless if i die in a week, or i live my full life


the date should be one for a conciocusness shift within people.

its not about seeking enlightenment, its about removing the barriers that are keeping enlightenment out.

the world would be a better place if this happened, i say bring on 2012!


Active member
Yeah it could be a shift if consciousness or the end of all life on planet earth, whats interesting is the exact time is 11:11am. I have been seeing this number everywhere way too often to be coincidence for the past year or so. Anyone else been seeing 11:11 or 12:34 or 1:11 like it was trying to tell them something?



New member
Just because the Mayan calendar ends on 2012 doesnt mean the world is going to end.
But the planets lining up with the center of our Galaxy could bring some catastrophic results. No doubt.
Right now there is enough change in our earths magnetic field that even the military is concerned with it.
Nostradamis did infact have some very accurate predictions concerning our times, but one person in particular that got my attention is Edgar Cayse.
He was born in the late 1800's and lived untill the early 1900's. He had the ability to have visions and OBE's. (Out of Body Experience)
During one notable OBE that fascinates me is when he had one of his own future and was a boy growing up on the coast of Nebraska in the 2100's! There was now a sea where many of the midwestern states used to be.
He realized that he was the reincarnation of Edgar Cayse and scientists of this future time were very interested. He said he saw the ruins of New York City that was destroyed by war or natural catastrophe but wasnt sure, and that they were in the process of rebuilding it.

I dont think the world will just end, not just yet anyway, but I do think that we might possibly be in for some major man made and natural catastrophes that will thin the worlds population very drastically. ... just my $0.02


weed fiend
I wouldn't be surprised if nothing is actually supposed to happen but some moron decides to let off a nuclear bomb. Out of 6+ billion people there is gotta be some guy who is gonna do some harm just because its 2012. :mad:

I think the ones you may need to keep an eye on are apocalyptic evangelicals. Their faith dictates the end of the world and according to them, apocalypse equals rapture. The end of our civilization will probably come down to the differences between the Koran and the King James Bible.


exactly! it might not all end on 2012, something drastic could happen to the earth though.the only way we can tell is to just wait and see, wait and see... i myself think it could be alien related:abduct:


Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
Yeah it could be a shift if consciousness or the end of all life on planet earth, whats interesting is the exact time is 11:11am. I have been seeing this number everywhere way too often to be coincidence for the past year or so. Anyone else been seeing 11:11 or 12:34 or 1:11 like it was trying to tell them something?


wow. thats tooo weird... i see 11:11 twice a day every day.. i always look up at those same times you said. i was just thinking how weird it was i see them everyday, twice.. then i read on. wow i guess im not the only one.. kinda makes me believe more.


The center of the galaxy, the earth, and the sun come into alignment every year on the 21st December. Contrary to what many doomsdayers say, this will not cause the apocalypse.

We have far more serious matters to worry about at the moment anyway. I just looked at my calender, and it ends on the 31st of December 2009! We're all screwed!


The center of the galaxy, the earth, and the sun come into alignment every year on the 21st December. Contrary to what many doomsdayers say, this will not cause the apocalypse.

We have far more serious matters to worry about at the moment anyway. I just looked at my calender, and it ends on the 31st of December 2009! We're all screwed!

HOLY SHIT HE'S RIGHT! The calander printers MUST be trying to warn us!!!


weed fiend
I wouldn't consider myself a doomsdayer, unless I start reading about more realistic ends to the big show, lol. Just the fact the unusually advanced mathematics of the Mayans enabling them to build advanced calendars and measure the stars is what's fascinating to me.

Not so sure about that alignment thing though. At least once a month you can catch a documentary on the tube where astrophysicists detail the event that happens once every 28,000 years. I've read several interpretations on IC and I think I'll bank on the astro phys heads, no offense.
I went to The Wisdom Festival in San Francisco a few years ago, met Richard C Hoagland and Mike Bara. It was such a great time! During the festival I met many people who believe in the apocalypse, but this is what I think - "Its the end of the world as we know it" meaning maybe something big will happen, but I doubt the entire world will be coming to an end. CHANGE maybe, but I'll remain positive and stick w/ the REM song. = )


you wanted opiions eh:

Well im reading so much bullsh!t in this thread im having psychological convulsions..

I too have looked into this 2012 thing, I had a friend totally psyched out over this topic explaining to me how much scientific data there is. Turns out he spent hours watching videos on google and youtube, sadly he doesnt know how to find real information yet ;)

As it turns out you will not be able to find hard scientific evidence of ANY catastrophic astral event in 2012. There are so many theories as to "why the world could end in 2012", you will basically have to pic one of them and go with that.. The biggest idiots will try to prepare for them all :D

Now I could go writing paragraphs about how smart the mayans were. But as a man of science, I ask myself, with all the Technology, and hundreds if not thousands of years of our own astrological records, would we not be able to pinpoint exactly what will happen in our solar system on a given day in 3 years? Then using physics would we not be able to determine the effects?

So besides the Mayans there was the I-Ching, Nostradamus, some indian theories and so on.. Then there is Plant x, bringing either a meteor storm and/or increased sun radiation as it passes past the earth and sun.. possibly frying us all!

And then there is me, scheming to smoke extremely large bowls of Kief and weed in public areas causing mayhem and confusion :D


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